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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    How many inches?

    what? u'r eyesight improves?
  2. u know...that doesn't sound half bad! getting hard doesn't feel nearly that good
  3. barvybe

    How many inches?

    is too much....for a difference in height with your partner? 10 is my limit, but 4 or 5 is really nice....
  4. yeah, its the shit! all smooth and silky without lookin' underaged... funny thing is, most women in brazil don't have one
  5. barvybe

    Sex or Oral?

    honestly, while oral always feels really really good, there haven't been a lot of chica's that could get me off that way.... i think its cause fucking is more interactive maybe. but, when i do cum from oral its crazy intense
  6. I didn't realize we were talking about malformed girlies! crobra - girl with no tits? transcend - girl with no legs? lol i'll take the girl with the legs and ass and small, normal breasts instead of the rack with the stumpy legs and flat shapeless ass
  7. is that related to me? or to CCD? i'm confuscious
  8. hey man, nearly identical situation when i was 22 1.. girl was 24 2. 190 miles apart 3. her friends were all single girls who partied really hard but, it never once crossed my mind not to trust her. sure, i'd get pissed when she did stupid shit, but i knew our relationship was gold. having issues with non relationship stuff that she does is cool - no one's perfect and u gotta deal with those. but if u are questioning trusting u'r relationship u gotta either get out or confront her with how u feel and see what happens. long distance is tough enough, and u sacrifice a lot to make it work out. too much so to have it be a crappy deal. good luck!
  9. yep yep! usually sits on top of those nice legs thou.... don't think i've ever seen a bangin butt on nasty stilts
  10. shaved or brazilian....
  11. barvybe

    Porn Star Hands?

    LMAO! u just made my sides hurt damnit!!!
  12. legs! nice legs almost allways = nice body over all. nice titties just means nice titties....they ain't bad but thats just one (or two) little pieces....
  13. Yankees in 4 please! then i don't have to choose between Seb and the Stadium!
  14. Z - i'll be there. will be good to see u and everyone else who posted here!!!!!
  15. no hooking up, but... definitely interested! met a total babe *MUAAAAH*
  16. ahhhhh good descriptions here... i'd add that a difference between a blowjob is that a pussy presses in on you all around, even if your not moving, and seems to pull ya in. and there's pressure against the head on the way in each time. and a girl with skills (u know, doing u'r exercises and all) can massage u and if she knows how ta move....well, then u'r combining the feeling of the best handjob / blowjob with everything else these guys are talking about....and the look she gets in her eye when she knows she's got ya right on the edge and she's in control...gotta love that! and for me there's a big thrill with being all pressed up along side and wrapped around someone too, with the smell of them and their warmth surrounding ya....ok, i gotta stop! and yeah, there's such a huge difference between raw and not that it not even worth going into....
  17. OUCH!!! that shit hurts and its no joke. a playful nip every now and again is OK, and lets u know who's in charge though.... ummmm...if its a chronic promlem i say get her a couple mouthpieces and cover up those sharpies OH, and btw, raking would be like fucking ya with a sandpaper sock....not fun, and no reason to do it!
  18. remember mr. potato head? (picture me on the couch) lol. hoping for some giant camel wrestling later 2nite.....
  19. hehe! yeah, i couldn't resist. that mofo was HUGE!!!! got tossed in the finals by i guy who's butt only weighed 380 or so.
  20. ESPN - sumo wrestling, right now.
  21. ...i hope it runs down to city hall and near the scene of the WTC. I'll go and cheer my ass off. How great would it be for the city and to show the whole world how indomitable New Yorkers are! I'll be there cause its Friday, I ain't got no job, and i ain't got shit to do!! lol maybe we can have a CP section for it....anyone for a meetup? btw - if i end up with a spare bleacher seat ticket for any of the games, who's interested? could be last minute.....
  22. Alas! I cannot attend but the pinky is way cool and this should be a hot session on the cheap! damn damn damn damn damn!
  23. probably coming late late late. got a huge bday party thing i gotta go wreck first
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