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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    Waking Up Horny

    shall i hand deliver it? every morning? round 8?
  2. barvybe

    Waking Up Horny

    every morning doesn't matter if i went 3 rounds the night before either every morning neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night....lol
  3. damn girl! i think we're on the same cycle.
  4. I can't make it Unfortunately its my gal pal Paula's bday this weekend. The good news is that her and her partner are flying me down to Miami to with them!!! Yippee!!! but i am gonna miss all u guys...sniffle. and the nipple game of course
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! (yes, news travels fast) and u couldn't get closer personality-wise to me in drag...lol. in fact, this same lady turned me down for a wedding a few months ago. of course, then she moved in with me and fathered my baby
  6. I think email and IM are great for discussing most things. U know, things get more personal in this order: email IM phone in person so, depending on what it is, go up the line. i'd never break up with someone by IM or email. maybe on the phone if it was only after a couple dates. and IM is really fun for flirting with u'r honey - gives u that extra second to come up with u'r reply....
  7. ahhhh....Aqua di Gio - that's my favorite. also like Chrome - it just sorta smells like earth and ocean.
  8. barvybe

    Down and Dirty

    My pleasure sweetie Better on summer days, Standing of course, Someplace not too muddy!
  9. barvybe

    Down and Dirty

    i prefer the shower. unless u got a big ass tub, it just don't work so great. problem is, i kinda lose my balance when i cum, so need handles and a girl with a good grip for the shower to work well. but its nice being all wet and stuff. kinda like doing it in the rain, but nice and warm....
  10. Grrrrr...sorry. Barmenace is also me. Forgot to login as the usual me! U been in US for a long time?
  11. barvybe

    What's Hottie???

    oops! that was me. damn roomate using my computer again! (i love lavendermenace though. she is the father of BarMenace after all)
  12. i see my rep proceeds me. i do know how to bail hay, fly fish, heel a mutt, and pad the bed of the pick up for a little hey-hey-now!!! (btw - i found the skirt and sweater i wore for a Thelma - scooby doo fame - costume, so u just reduced u'r cost ) _____ seriously, there isn't a single female u know that would like to get drunk at no charge?
  13. Yes honey, i'm right here with u'r bottle... That's a good little Menace Well, Shuga - what did u have in mind? If we water the little sucker i'm afraid he may grow to quick. And it seems like he's already got a crush on u girl!
  14. barvybe


    hey, how big is your company? there's something to be said for what Apples said: be careful about relationships w/ work folks.... hooking up with them is one thing, getting serious is another...specially if it goes sour and its a small place....
  15. OK, u'r invited too - just to make sure i don't get too critical, k? Seriously: everyone is more critical about themselves then u'r booty partner is gonna be. Women's bodies are so damn hot! I mean, i like small and slender and curvy if i had my choice, but all different body types are hot. Thank god for making girly girls!!
  16. barvybe

    What's Hottie???

    yeah, u caught me before my edit babe! evidently i'm drunk now ok, no more compliments for u - don't want to give ya the wrong idea...
  17. barvybe

    What's Hottie???

    I only speak the truth.... And when i saw u at America, i hadn't been yet! *MUAAAH*
  18. BarMenace was born with the knowledge. This is an amazing kid. Just taught me a new drinking game. Check u'r pm's buddy - i'll send u the link
  19. LOL! Hey, come on over...i won't pay too much attention either
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