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Everything posted by djresident

  1. shoot me an email, i can give you my boy's contact info when i get home... djwagz@sent.com
  2. i got a strwaberries gift card, so i walked into the store...who the fvck buys a crap cd with two good songs for $18.95? what market are the trying to hit here?
  3. don't listen to him, i'm the only one online without an avalon guestlist:tongue: with that said, anyone need guestlist?
  4. you might have to do some talking/posing/name droping if you show up with just a college i.d...
  5. i'm there if i ever get my arrangement and $$ in order...congrats!
  6. i dunno, but it's free for you! dres opening:smoke: da hood best trance dj in boston imo
  7. headphones are to listen to the next record (adjust levels, beatmatch..) and then during the mix to monitor the next tune. new manolo class: dj'ing for groupies, 2 credits
  8. two words: fund accounting...lol then i come home and nobody's home:( i'm lonely:hat:
  9. ...jonah:tongue:..i've run into that guy just about every time i go to avalon it seems. the funniest was when i was showing giving a few out of towners the club tour of boston, they where hating every minute of it, and suddenly jonah walks by, she's a huge wrestling fan i guess, she's so star struck she can't even talk for ten minutes much less go up and say hello...wack
  10. -goes home -sets up brand new tivo -sets to record south park -
  11. allston street to gov't center, average travel time 40 minutes i work at a private bank downtown, you can't spell fund accounting without 'fun'!
  12. sweet, i can start promoting again, hopefully make some money, woo-hoo
  13. strange, i had a really long t ride this morning but no drama, just a lot of people. this worst is the train gets full before harvard ave, but the conducter feels the need to still stop at every single stop even though nobody gets on or off.
  14. djresident

    TV last night

    first the guy falls of the horse...then 'what's your middle name?' 'ugh, ugh, ugh...elder"...then he started stuttering when talknig about the money i know these bitches WANT to believe it, but they gotta be on to it already
  15. i live in allston w/ 2 other people, under $800/month pp w/ utilities...and a 40 minute commute to gov't center:hat:
  16. i heard a while ago that pravda was going to 're-tool' fridays...which is why i was pleasently surprised to see you guys keep going...whatever times is tough and it'll turn around for the quality dj's... andrew is one of the most consistent dj's i've ever seen...guaranteed quality stuff
  17. you might want to check out sommerville...it's across the river but you might even be able to walk, the advantage being it's cheap, cheap, cheap. if you look for a roomate it's quite possible you could score a small place in boston proper, but there's no supermarkets around... there's a billion recources out there to look for places and quote prices...i usually use a realtor cause they're good and i'm lazy...check out www.boston.com for a start
  18. if you get there before 10:55 you shouldn't have a problem...if you do; bitch bitch bitch:idea:
  19. djresident


    ya, i just woke up, i'm a bum
  20. sorry about that snatch...we've had a few door complaints from people cause the mgmt have closed the guestlist too early...we have a meeting tonight to take care of those concerns. i'm looking forward to this night, a one night stand of proper house music in the main room! we like the system in the back, but for the fashion show on stage and the crowd we expect, main room will be bumping. lata wiggidy
  21. anyone coming? this thursday it's me, scott and guest dan spurling in the main room. there's also an industria fashion show...yaaaah! nuvo thursday @ venu...the room looks awesome, the music will be ace, overall i'd say a quality night. and it's thursday so you can still keep those friday plans just say your on the deklab list at the door and recieve reduced admin. peace! davey wagz
  22. i feel you...my grandfather just had a heart attack...hang in there babe
  23. djresident


    lyzard, my boy is a big fan of michael moore and saw that flick, he said it was pretty long and very serious, good nonetheless...
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