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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. awww yeah...i think i'll be coming out of hiding to check it out
  2. Almost forgot ME.... Living right off the BQE McGuiness/Humboldt exit...
  3. jeez, joe....are you sure the weather is the biggest cocktease you've ever seen?
  4. curious...since you've been spelling it with an 'i' and he says it is spelled with a 'y'...hasn't he already answered your question? and ummm...where *are* the newbies, anyway?
  5. Most TV does suck. I mean, cable TV is pretty decent (think HBO and Discovery Channel) but nework TV blows (think WB and UPN), with the exception of FOX, which tends to break more ground than the rest. But yeah, couch potatoes do exist (my roommate is one). TV is a multi-billion dollar business, and it's not disappearing any time soon. Not everyone is as into computers as we are, so as long as there's "Wild on E!" there will be people watching that junk (mmmm...Brooke Burke *drool*)...
  6. Guess you're just the hardest core, baddest muthafucka out there:D
  7. first of all, it's BOSS and not CHIEF... and if I remember correctly, you were the one *volunteering* to get teabagged....
  8. There absolutely are photos of joe g getting teabagged. We picked the lock. He was sound asleep. The fun ensued... The pics will surface eventually...
  9. Lights off, speakers up... http://www.jaybill.com/~jaybill/article.php?articleID=49 The pleasure was all mine
  10. close, but it was more like... Me: I can't see...Joe, get the lamp Joe picks up the lamp and looks at it... Me: I didn't mean get the lamp. I meant turn it on! Joe: Oh, ok... :laugh:
  11. all i got to say is....where are the pics of Joe getting teabagged in his sleep?:laugh:
  12. awww yeah! great job Mikey!! Can't wait for the next one...
  13. I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.
  14. gotta agree w/ roha and LM on this one...it's basically the same set every time. So I think I'll pass unless a comp comes my way. Think i'll check out a house party tomorrow night...
  15. sorry, peeps...gonna have to take a rain check this week. Guess I kinda sorta need a bit of a break, know what I'm sayin? I'll be back soon with more sick tracks Have fun!
  16. i'll be there, kid! and don't forget, i'll be the guest DJ at Phaze One on Wednesday 3/6 from 12:30-2am. Represent!
  17. Unfortunately you'll have to keep the bass turned way down. Neighbours complain, remember?
  18. Let's not forget the girls who would come by and gyrate while standing on the sub and hanging on the pipe in front of the stage Hope you got a few of them... So yeah, GREAT road trip, guys. You're all truly awesome. To sum up, in chronological order... 3:30pm: We pack up mike c's Fast n Furious whip. Car is approximately 1 cm of the ground (bye bye ground effects) 5pm: Takes about 1.5 hours to go 30 miles to Phunk's house...GRRRR...and we proceed to get lost in white plains 5:30pm: Finally on the road again...good lord there's nothing but trees in CT, MA, and VT 9pm: "Pizza" in smalltown Vermont 10pm: finally in Dartmouth, NH, at the Tri-Kappa house, achy and cranky from the long ride. The party is starting with two pledges as DJs. 12:15am: I go on. Set was FUN, starting tribal, progressing to hard tech house, and finishing up with some dark breaks. People dance, glowstick, and have good time! 3:45am: Wrap it up...so this is what time parties end up here... 10am: Wake up to a wicked snowstorm and start the 6 hour drive home. VT roads are treacherous! 11am: Biscuits and gravy in VT! 4pm: back in Brooklyn... Mike Phunk & Joe: thanks for tagging along! you guys were rocking the support! totally mike: dude you rock! thanks for the hookup, crowd control, and all the other help! And yeah, JPEGs will do just fine for the pics...
  19. guess i'll pop my Baktun cherry finally tonight,,,see you there
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