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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. all i know is that last friday for DT I was getting bounced around like a pinball on the dancefloor by shirtless dudes and their hoochies, like literally stiff-arming their way through the crowd, no "i'm sorry"s or anything. Never used to happen back in the day, but I guess that's the price you pay for a club gaining in popularity Maybe they should shut that AC off again like last summer
  2. no, but it fits you well. It fit me well too way back when I was your age
  3. Danny Howells is starting his monthly residency at Vinyl on Saturday...
  4. ohhhhhhh... congratu-FAWKING-lations! Here's your medal...and here's your pat on the back for posting 37.6 times a day for 5 months straight!
  5. yeah...me and trancend were talking about that on the way home...looks really good:D
  6. better not let princesslolita hear that or else she'll blow it in your face just to spite you
  7. you should drop out and start working while you can. how else will you have money for going out four nights a week?
  8. JOO don't know me mannn...JOO don't know anything ABOUT me
  9. dayummmm!!! i look like i'm 17 years old!! oh wait...that means i wasn't the "old guy at the rave"!! :laugh:
  10. you loco, chica? I don't touch that shit... maybe joeg will take you up on the offer...
  11. that doesn't seem very nice. kind of obnoxious, actually. what if she took out her blade and cut joo?
  12. gotta admit, it's MAD tempting, especially since I have a few months off from work, a love for parties, and a photo-based web site....the possibilities!
  13. another bummer is when the bathroom and/or the surrounding area is just too damned quiet. It's all about aural redirection.... *courtesy flush*
  14. i also enjoyed poking your potatoes :laugh:
  15. that was a sick movie! unfortunately it starred Billy Baldwin my place is more like a lounge than an apartment. everyone has their favorite spot...some peeps like the couches, some the decks, or the vidgames, or the computers (complete with "couch cam"!)...oh and the toilet flushes, the TP is well stocked, and the bathroom lock works! :laugh:
  16. Don't forget my mastery of vegetable-chopping!
  17. i think trancend can verify that i'm a high tech boy, after seeing all the toys i have at my house... i don't have a hat cam but i *was* thinking of getting a pair of those glasses that send images out to your video cam...that's SWEET!
  18. Can we unanimously agree that one of the suckiest situations is the bathroom with the broken lock? Especially when you have no wingman to stand guard outside. I think my body goes into total lockdown mode at that point...*nothing leaves*
  19. it would be *really* bad if I dropped my $800 digital camera i have a wristwatch cam but it was too dark for it to work well. I really wish i would be able to bring my video cam...that would be HOTNESS...
  20. Sume Sigh Say - Masters at Work love that track... p.s. nice sig nathanleonard
  21. Thanks! I bring it everywhere I am allowed too...and some places I'm not wish i would have brought it to IHAD4 but it would have broke from my excessive bouncing around
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