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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. not to mention most guys don't even care if they piss on the seat, rim or floor
  2. With all due respect to the women out there (and I *do* leave the seat down anyway), I never really understood this concept of pissing or shitting in the dark.
  3. ...but is it worth checking out anyway? mikey, any thoughts?
  4. you mean THE citysearch.com? yeah, it has like all the info about NYC life you need. More accurately, http://newyork.citysearch.com unless of course you meant something else
  5. mmmmm i may be feelin LEE COOMBS and then DT for afterhours
  6. yep... tribal, dark, progressive, hard
  7. Are there any alternate spots where they have open TTs?
  8. awww...I love to see people pop their DT cherry
  9. of course but then again between Thursday night and Sunday evening it's all pretty much one long day. Only thing that matters is which DJ is spinning where at what time:D see you there!
  10. I'm definitely feelin DT for late night Vinyl this fri...awww yeah :D
  11. what's it say under my name? "Location: Vinyl"
  12. ...and to think I was thinking of showing *only* my tits. Guess I've been beaten to the punch
  13. I think for the "stompers" among us...if you can get a girl to face you (with enough stomping distance in between) and join you in smiling and stomping then you're all good. No need to be grinding all sleazy-like
  14. speaking of lawsuits... Prisoner Gets Cash for Bunking with Smoker TORONTO (Reuters) - The Canadian government has paid $1,600 in compensation to a nonsmoking prisoner forced to share a cell with a smoker, officials say. William Canning, 44, took the government to court in late 1999, complaining that he was exposed to second-hand smoke while serving part of his 22-year sentence at La Macaza, a federal prison in Quebec. He said his rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights were violated because he was exposed to ``cruel and unusual punishment.'' The government dismissed Canning's contention, stating that ''the plaintiff suffered no damages from having been bunked with a smoker without his consent for a total period of 17 days.'' But the government later abandoned the court case and granted Canning compensation. A spokeswoman for the Correctional Service of Canada said Monday the federal prison system allows inmates to smoke in their prison cells and this policy would not change. ``To take away smoking just like that when you are incarcerated is a bit tricky,'' said Michele Pilon-Santilli. Pilon-Santilli said Canning was ``double-bunked,'' a common practice when federal prisons are tight for space. In more normal circumstances, Canning would have had a cell of his own, she said.
  15. sooooo....I guess I'll see you at the entrance to the lounge at Vinyl this friday :laugh:
  16. might want to keep your eyes open for any class-action lawsuits that may be going on around the US. Just like how non-smoking flight attendants are suing airlines when they developed illnesses. You'll see more of this happening in the future. In the end, NYC is going to wind up like LA anyway, with smoking banned virtually everywhere (though LA has its own air quality problems). Remember when everyone thought the restaurant smoking ban would force NYC restaurants to shut down? They are still open 7 years later... just adding my €2...
  17. Rarely does a guy ever turn down the chance to dance with a girl, under any circumstances. Unless, of course, she's busted.
  18. See, it's tricky, cause i've seen her without you being there. And I've also seen her while sober...twice. So it's kind of spotty, this theory of ours. Looks like we'll just have to accept that she's some sort of an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in some kind of sweet candy shell And don't be raggin on me about my "job". The day is gonna come when I stroll into Vinyl with Meadow on my arm... Anyway you know I'd help you if i could cause you got the mad skillz...
  19. I'm a believer in "less is more". Say more important things less often. But clearly the amount of times we post reflects the way we are in real life as well. Not that there's anything wrong with being a blabbermouth And no, I don't consider this a frivolous post.
  20. there are definitely more anti-smoking messages now than when I was a kid. Honestly, tho, kids don't listen to what adults tell them. It's still and always will be all about what your friends tell you. I never smoked because a) my parents always did, and I strive to be unlike my parents my friends didn't smoke, and c) I'm not big on addictions. Heck, I barely even drink coffee. I also don't like when people claim they are non-smokers but smoke on the weekends, socially. Just like you can't have cocktails on the weekend and tell everyone on Monday that you don't drink. Unfortunately it seems that many more women smoke than men. Maybe 4 out of 5 women I know smokes, as opposed to maybe 1 out of 10 guys I know. So guys, if you're out there looking for non-smoking women, good luck, and maybe consider moving to California. But here in NY it seems like you'll just have to suck it up (pardon the pun)
  21. you're more like the cousin who I wasn't allowed to play with without supervision because he played with matches
  22. Notice how she was nowhere to be found last Friday (being drunk doesn't count) or Saturday (sober night!)...our theory is true I don't care what anyone says. I'm honoured to be considered the big brother of the group. Aside from the small issue of me being older than Mom, which might seem creepy to some but is quite understandable if you know us. The brooklynkid HQ is a safe haven for the miscreants of CP, complete with music, comfy couches, english muffins, and video games! And while I may not be without my own personal problems (that's why Mom and MY big bro Barvybe are around) I think i'm still a pretty good influence on the kids. I'm working on a family tree, based on this thread, and because I don't have a real job that would prevent me from wasting time like this. I'll post it later
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