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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. Hmmm....I think everyone does. But if you think about it, it's really best to break up with someone right before gift-giving holidays. This way, you can save some $$$, party really hard guilt-free, and get back together in February, like right after Valentine's Day. Not meaning to sound like a jerk...just spreading some comedic light on the situation have an excellent holiday!
  2. Now you know if I would have taken my shirt off the whole place would have turned its attention to me and away from Calderone! Either that or the place would have emptied out. OMG were you the one who asked me if I just turned 19??? Cause one of you girls did and that was the most flattering thing anyone had said to me all day. YAY!
  3. If you could believe it, the first live act I ever saw in a club was Alyus performing "Follow Me" in a club called Wave Street in Staten Island back in '93. I'd say we left around 6:30 or so...I usually stay longer but I was crashing really hard... Have a Merry Christmas!
  4. Oh yeah! Happy birthday! I forgot that a while back you said you were going to be there. I don't know what you look like, but I'm surprised you didn't bump into the whole bunch of us. We were right near the speakers where the main stage meets the little 6" platform. It seemed like that was the "straight" section I'm glad you had a great time last night and it was one of my best birthdays ever. How cool was that when he played "Follow Me"??
  5. yes. yes that would explain much of my stupidity today. errr....i'll just be at the bar in the lounge when you need me for any more misinformation.
  6. Hudson & Hubert 3 blocks below Canal. Take the A/C/E or 1/9 to Canal. Walk south and west. See you there
  7. awww...you guys...almost make me feel like I don't sit here on the computer all day...thanks!
  8. awww...those are the nicest smilies anyone has ever given me! i'm touched...
  9. Thanks guys! I was trying to keep the whole birthday thing on the DL....i'm an old fucking man now, you know???? xpander wish you could have made it to vinyl last night...we had a blast! Probably continuing the celebration tonight at Peace on Earth...
  10. yes. yes that's it. everyone always tells me i'm generous. Hope you enjoy it! I forgot which place on Canal i got it. The thing I like about Canal St. is the instant gratification of walking out with new gear, always in stock, as well as free goodies they throw in cause you paid in cash
  11. sometimes i'm all about the ghetto style plugs: little rolled up pieces of napkin...does the trick!
  12. Isn't it Danny T friday night?
  13. yeah yeah like it took you so much arm pulling to get me out again tonight
  14. *yawnnnnn* Victor Calderone was blowin it up last night! I'm so glad all you CP peeps came out to represent for my birthday. It was one of my best over :D where do i begin... joeg: you rock...you're like the little brother I never had justin: sorry about the incidents last night...but you found your phone in the end, so that makes it a little better, right? fierydesire: great seeing you again. I'm wondering how many time we need to meet before you remember who i am djjonsteven: my new neighbor! thanks for coming down! we'll be sure to throw down some tracks one day... lavendermenace: as usual, next time i want to see you dancing for 3 hours minimum... blondymu: my favorite fucking person from hoboken! You made me a happy boy by coming last night saigray: wherever the party is, that's where you are! Is it possible that this girl can be at 4 clubs simultaneously? Did I miss anyone? Sorry if I did but you know I love you all! I'll see you all at Pseudo again on Thursday
  15. yo you should come down...trying to get a few people together for a little last minute birthday celebration for myself
  16. Was that around 1:30am? Cause YOU might have been at the counter when that guy was telling the girl behind the counter to leave MY camera near his record bag. And she was yelling "THIS AIN'T NO COAT CHECK!!!" She was REALLY pissed... sooo...maybe I was indirectly responsible for you not having a good time last night?
  17. Last night was the best so far...too many CP heads to count. And yeah I too sometimes feel like a CP-in-law but that changes the more often you hang out. See you next time
  18. hey I would have been in that group of friendly people if I didn't also have a similar camera situation. After coming straight from Pseudo with my records and camera the door bouncer wanted to shake me down in order to let me in with my camera. Then some promoter kid bailed me out and told me leave my camera behind the cash register. No one back there wanted to watch it, so I was told to "find" this guy at the end of the night so he can get my camera back (like that was gonna happen). When it was my turn to pay I was like FUCK THAT to the bitchy girl behind the counter and demanded my camera back. She gave it back along with my discount ticket. So no, I never got to go in. I should have demanded that I get back my <i>specific</i> 3 cans of white beans that I brought.
  19. just got it on Canal Street for $450.00 can't wait to hook it up!
  20. Screw the holiday shopping season! I owe myself a nice birthday/xmas gift anyway
  21. uhhhhh yeah...that's the one I mentioned in my first post.
  22. :laugh: Sorry bro...i'm rarely helpful during daylight hours...good luck with that shopping!
  23. I'm thinking of picking up the PIONEER EFX-500 EFFECTOR box. What do you think? Worth it? A waste? I played with it at a friend's house and was surprised with how many non-cheesey things you can do with it...
  24. Dumb question, but do you mean something different from the huge holiday market they have set up?
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