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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. you calling me a pseudo-DJ??? LOL j/k yeah man rookies are certainly welcome. come down, spin for a while, meet other DJs, make connections. Maybe learn a thing or two... see you there...
  2. ummm...let's just say Romina and I got ummmm....a rather up close and personal view of Mr. X's pits, which did not, and i repeat DID NOT smell. I'm not saying it was powdery fresh, but it wasn't offensive. as for the nipples...you'll have to ask romy about that one
  3. What i want to know is why every time after a long night out like that I can only sleep for 3-4 hours max. I feel....not too good...
  4. can u bring the sparkly blue one next time? i was kinda diggin that last time
  5. Just wanted to say I had a great time with all you CP peeps at Vinyl last night Satoshi and Pappas were on! lavendermenace: yay! a new neighbor! you're maaaaaad cool: barvybe: yay! another neighbor! rekanize 11222! xpander: you dancing maniac, your pits did *not* smell! romy20: fun as always...it's about time we actually *found* each other this time.. joeG: congrats, bro! you sure had a good time last night saigray: do you *ever* take a rest??? mysterynyc: nice seeing you and your friends again...sorry we didn't get to chill longer! Catch you at pseudo... Did I miss anyone? Sorry about that...it was a long night... LOL...you guys remember that one dude who was talking to us at the 5am meetup (his name sounded like "Rollin'"!) how F'ed up was that guy?? And remember what he taught us, kids..."you can hide your drugs in your shoes...and they won't find them!!" see you for Deep Dish next Sat...
  6. I'll be there most def... ...and yeah the drama should definitely be left out on Broadway before you come hang out in Pseudo. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran DJ or a freshman, all egos should be checked at the door. This is all about meeting new people and learning from others who have more experience (and teaching those who have less)... see ya there
  7. hmmm tough choice. I might have to say Danny Howells 9/2 at Vinyl... *or*....mekka at club space in Miami 8/18 just my $.02
  8. hrmmm...I didn't really want to do this (i'm very self-conscious) but if you look for this guy you'll find me tonight. See ya there!
  9. interesting way of putting it. Yet it makes perfect sense...
  10. ahhhh the joys of the wide-angle lens..makes everything look like a slick rap video did someone mention wanting more stills from that night?
  11. yeah YOU'RE the one in trouble...what's it take to get YOU to come and hang out on a saturday night?? BTW i think i managed to get a shot of lavendermenace in a photo of xpander...
  12. hey isn't that lavendermenace sitting to the right of xpander?
  13. hmmm i was going for an "action" shot...you should see yourself in motion...you were goin off! all i have left is some footage of saigray, loch, and a few others dancing. i can post those if you all want...
  14. i just posted a photo of you tearing it up
  15. ok here's the first few photos from last night at Pseudo, in the small room. They are stills from video (a few of you asked me about the camera...it's a Sony TRV900 Mini DV w/ a wide angle lense). It was pretty dark in there so I had to play with the levels a lot. If you see yourself in a photo please let me know what your name is so I can edit the post and add it in. I'm going to try to get a few more photos out of the video so stay tuned... thehacker droppin the dnb greg (what's your screen name again?) droppin the quality hooj track
  16. Don't remember the exact order, but here goes (from 10:15 - 11:00pm in the small room)... 1. the dj, the music, and me - lula 2. slave driver - paranoid jack 3. chemical shift - sleepfreaks 4. electrify - problematic 5. turned - ben pound 6. kong - kong 7. charged - halogen 8. IV - slynus 9. dicke dinger - andreas kauffelt 10. prime time - fabb'x vs. spinner damn that was a lot to pack into 45 mins... see ya next time
  17. mysterynyc you went on after me right? yeah you and then bennett definitely kept it going. Sorry to have to make you drop from 140 bpm to 125 good stuff!
  18. I know this is somewhat off topic, but is there anything decent on the new XM radio stations? I'm curious as to how those are set up and run...
  19. very tough question for a city like NYC. Too many options and genres.... lately i've been into the addictive soup dumplings at Joe's Shanghai in Chinatown
  20. pseudoden, you guys rock. was great finally meeting you all, and what you're doing is great. I'll be back with more tribally goodness on 12/20 (a special birthday set for me?)
  21. tony! wow there's a name from the past...I remember you from back in '95 when KTU was in the planning stages, We corresponded for a while. Can't believe you're still in the scene! Good luck...
  22. I had a great time also Mugz, xpander, and all the rest, you guys are mad cool. I'll be back next time....
  23. well said sleepiswaste....was great meeting you and everyone else last night!
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