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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. I don't know! I think I saw you sitting down while I was talking to peeps from across the room. And I remember thinking that you looked different from when I see you at Vinyl like every week. But then again everyone looks different outside of Vinyl Oh well next time then Trancend: I don't know what happened to that pic I took of you. It seems to have magically disappeared from my camera And yeah, hopefully my next (if I ever go back) LL experience will be better. It was definitely NOT cool for the door guy to try to shake me down for $$ at a f**king CHARITY benefit.
  2. Lucky for all of you I got booted out of LL because I lugged my camera from Pseudo with me. That's a whole story I won't even get into, but let's just say I wasn't very happy. On the other hand, I got home early enough to post these for you to enjoy. I'm tired and grumpy, so I didn't waste time removing red-eye. Whatever. Feel free to add captions.
  3. If you liked him on 10/15 you should have seen him on 7/3 and then 9/2. Labor Day party was insane. I'm like 90% there for NYE :square:
  4. Ahhh...what great memories that brings back, as well as its 956 remixes... I believe that song is still popular in Long Island. :horns:
  5. funny stuff! now maybe someone can answer these questions for me: 1. What's the deal with people drinking non-alcoholic beverages like OJ out of brown bodega bags? We won't think you're a loser for drinking Tropicana instead of a 40 in the morning. It kind of screams ghetto... 2. Is it an unwritten rule that states crackheads must sit in the end seats (the two-seaters) of any subway car? I wouldn't sit in an end seat if it was the last available one...
  6. awww...thanks, lav! I'm nothing if not a provider of fruity candy *and* quality at-work entertainment
  7. Indeed. For your pleasure, a snippet from the great film Swingers: TRENT: See, baby. It's not that hard. CHARLES: 818? MIKE: 310. MIKE: How long do I wait to call? TRENT: A day. MIKE: Tomorrow? TRENT: No... SUE: ... Tomorrow, then a day. TRENT: ... Yeah. MIKE: So, two days? TRENT: Yeah. I guess you could call it that. SUE: Definitely. Two days. That's the industry standard... TRENT (to Sue. shop talk): ... I used to wait two days. Now everyone waits two days. Three days is kinda money now, don't you think? SUE: ... Yeah. But two's enough not to look anxious... TRENT: Yeah, but three days is kinda the money... MIKE (interrupting sarcastically): Why don't I just wait three weeks and tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and found her number... CHARLES: ... then ask where you met her... MIKE: Yeah, I'll tell her I don't remember and then I'll ask what she looks like. (pause) Then I'll ask if we fucked. How's that, Tee? Is that "the money"? The guys laugh. TRENT: Laugh all you want, but if you call to soon you can scare off a nice baby who's ready to party. SUE: Don't listen to him. You call whenever it feels right to you. MIKE: How long are you guys gonna wait to call your honeys? TRENT & SUE: Six days.
  8. you peeps have been watching Swingers lately, haven't you?
  9. a) if it's relevant to CP if it's not relevant to CP c) see a) d) why discriminate?
  10. you forgot about the second spitter, from the grassy knoll...it was Roger McDowell!
  11. I got assorted Lifesaver canes as well as the good ole rainbow-striped cherry flavored.
  12. thanks PP...i know, right? yo...will i see you again on thurs at pseudo?
  13. OK...flu is gone! I'm back in action... I got some sick new tracks to throw down for Thursday...not to mention candy canes
  14. what up...welcome to the boards. Say goodbye to all your free time
  15. hell yeah i remember you! damn, this world is so small sometimes it's scary...i can't believe it's been almost four years already!
  16. good points made by all of you. Hey I *learned* to beat mix with freestyle back in '88 and '89. Varied BPMs, poor edits, you name it, it was there. Today we have it EASY with our progressive beats. anyway, if anyone is looking for a freestyle fix at work or home, I used to do an online freestyle mix show back in '98. We still have about 60 mix shows online, ranging from 45 minutes to 3 hours. If you want to check them out, visit http://wktu.com/archive.html. No, we weren't affiliated with the radio station
  17. I was thinking of checking this out (come midnight it's my birthday)... What kind of music can I expect to hear?
  18. damn! i'm sorry I missed it. This @^%$* flu I have has kept me down the entire weekend. Hope to see you peeps on Thursday at Pseudo! :worry2:
  19. Awww you guys really do love me! Thanks for all the suggestions...i'm trying everything possible. Unfortunately I think it's going to force me to stay home tonight as well. No Deep Dish for me
  20. The video is likely real, but if I might be devil's advocate for discussion's sake (i'm home sick, OK??)... *if* it were fake it would be a convenient time to make it public, giving some the proof they needed to see and at the same time boosting patriotism for Americans with the holidays here. faking it is certainly not beyond our technical ability. It could have been look-a-likes. It could have been Pixar! why would a man with so much money use such poor quality video? Get rid of the old VHS and go with MiniDV, man! Again, I believe the tape is real. I'm just adding my worthless $.02...
  21. *cough* i'm home tonight *sneeze* funny, being dizzy and lightheaded isn't so fun when you're home alone :worry2:
  22. Ack! I had big plans for the weekend...but i'm all ILL. Coughing, aching, sneezing, stuffy head kind of ill. I need to recuperate in time for Deep Dish tomorrow night..... Suggestions? Miracle remedies?
  23. You're making this an XBOX vs PC debate, which it is *not*. Doesn't anyone read previous posts before they start commenting? The 2 year old PC comment is bogus, as this is a machine targeted towards people who want to play games on a TV with friends on a couch and not at an uncomfortable computer desk. The Nvidia chip in the XBOX is customized especially for the system. Even the GeForce 3, while impressive, is still based on the original. Let's not forget that 90% of the world does not want to open up their PC and install a snazzy video card, not to mention that half of everything doesn't work on shitboxes like Compaq/HP (those $800 machines) with their dedicated hardware. re framerate, there's a big difference. It's not the way TV can display it, cause that maxes out at 30fps, but it's the way the gfx processor interpolates the frames. Play a 60fps fighting game vs. a 30fps fighting game and you'll notice a big difference. and tv out from my PC? they've been trying it for years. Who wants to run a cable from the PC down in the den or office all the way up to the 52" screen in the living room? And four-player simultaneous play? Ain't happening unless you have a LAN party with 4 computers. again...more hassles, and more wires coming out of my PC. Most people are satisfied with their beefy home theater setups. Notice the games you mentioned are all games well suited for the PC. FPS games rock on a PC cause you got the sweet mouse/keyboard setup, but even that is almost over cause all the consoles now support that. Show me Gran Turismo 3 or DOA3/Soul Caliber on a PC. Oh, and make sure I can have 3 other friends plug their controllers in and play a tag match. And yeah, games had BETTER look good on a $2000 box sitting on my desk. You can't compare the two. High res vs. low res. So you're into pirating. That says a lot for your credibility. Yes, I'll go right now and download a 3 GB game that will run crappy on an emulator. The only emulator worth shit is MAME. or how about not choosing one over the other and get both over time (don't forget Cube!). They all have great games coming out for them. Don't be swayed by fanboys. No one "wins" in that case. That's why the excellent Dreamcast sunk, because there were too many Sony fanboys out there. Case in point, Gamespot being Sony lovers. The best site i've seen is http://www.ign.com And please...NO MORE console vs. pc debate. it's rediculous...
  24. ack! I never realized I looked so SERIOUS when I am spinning... ANYWAY....great pics LM and as usual it was fun hanging out with all of you
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