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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. In that case I'm moving the open TT's to my house on 1/3...time to dust of the old JBLs
  2. "There will be no stomping in sweaters!!" :laugh: DUDE that BETTER be part of your sig from this day on For myself, there will no longer be stomping in a button down shirt and shoes. Goddammit my fucking feet are KILLING me today! I'm not gonna go into a whole roll call, so I had a great time with all you CP peeps last night. You all made the party, as usual.
  3. add to the list: 1. The rotating sprinkler head 2. The lawn mower pull-start
  4. 2 books currently: 1. "Gig" - people from all over the US talk about their jobs, from the mundane (Grade B beef slaughterhouse employee) to the powerful (hollywood producer). Good read...short chapters...very digestable. 2. "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" - gotta read the second book after reading the first and seeing the movie
  5. my guess is that huge rack of processors it had to go through before finally getting to the speakers. I've seen it before but never that bad...
  6. come to Vinyl for Danny Howells. you won't be alone there...there's going to be tons of us CP heads present
  7. ...not to mention there was like a 1/4 second delay between the mixer and the speakers...OUCH! I had to mix totally in the headphones...
  8. cant...stop...playing...the frog game!!!
  9. c'mon bogb...just try it once. There's no harm in that, right? You never have to play again if you don't want to.....
  10. wait till you try saving the falling chickens!
  11. EXCELLENT flash games...great graphics and music, fast loading too: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/ Just though I'd share
  12. i believe it was Romy20... damn i haven't seen that girl around. where has she been?
  13. i haven't seen it yet, so I'm trying to guage how weird it is... would you say it was weirder than ummm Memento?
  14. see, as you get older you might just get to see some cool stuff like that in real life. and NO ONE should want to be any age under 21 ever again. Sure, you may feel better and maybe party a little harder when you're younger, but there's nothing like being able to go out and party once you're done with school and have an established career, your own pad, etc. I'm starting to convince myself that 30 might not be so bad after all...
  15. you hit the nail on the head, pal! I just turned 27 and I'm having more fun now than ever
  16. actually joe i think you're just a regular whore who happens to hang out on the board a lot
  17. I'll be there. I was thinking maybe I can whet everyone's appetite for Danny Howells by throwing down some of his hard proggy styles... mmmm BPMs *drool*
  18. yeahhh Danny FAWKIN Howells. I'll be there. How many roll calls is this now?
  19. *snicker* i knew astoria was full of wise guys...
  20. no dizzniggetyDOUBT, yo! As usual, I'll be throwing down new tracks for all to savor.
  21. hmmm...i guess now no one wants to come to my house and play with my measly standalone efx unit LOL must...get..more...toys!
  22. i agree there Justin...i may invite some peeps over my place first and then head to Vinyl afterwards.
  23. Soooo, living in this shithole known as north brooklyn I can't get DSL or cable modem, and there's no sight of either one in the near future. I'm stuck in dialup hell. Does anyone have experience with any of the new 2-way satellite modems? I'm not quite ready to shell out the $$$ for my own T1 and I'm getting desperate! :mad:
  24. let's be clear about which snow sucks. brooklyn snow sucks. NJ turnpike snow sucks. Mountain snowboarding snow rocks
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