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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. chicks who are old enough to remember the 80's RULE :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Oh then maybe you'll finally get your chance to post something interesting on the Have you ever killed someone post...
  3. i hate when it's like 3pm and I STILL have a hard time getting out of bed. It's like almost every day now. But at least I only need to kill 3 hours before the Simpsons comes on
  4. @%#&*`!!! and that's all I have to say about that...
  5. CLEO totally looks like a slut in that bottom-center pic. And *sigh* I too wished I could be on Double Dare, when it was good, with just kids on the team hacker: would those be....SHIRT TAILS? And now to the more obscure...
  6. not sure if anyone was debating long sets vs. short sets...and I only suggested endurance as an interesting contest. But then again, if you reread your last sentence, isn't that really endurance?
  7. I'll see your Richie Rich and raise you...
  8. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: <!------ raises hands in victory!!!! you're a sick puppy...
  9. a marathon sounds fun! Orrrr...maybe a DJ endurance contest: how long can one stand up and spin while only taking bathroom breaks (so long as a track is still playing)?
  10. aww...well thanks, danielle! Glad you liked the semi-private 9am live tribal set here at the BK hq while those other two bums slept with all my blankets and pillows. and what are you doing posting at 3:30am? Aren't you one of those people with one of those "job" things in the morning?
  11. ...ALTHOUGH...a competition somewhere would be HOT. CP has some of the best DJs in NYC. Anyone else agree?
  12. Holy flashback to 2000! I forgot all about that guy! Yeah, he was part of the Buddy Lee ad campaign. If you like Supergreg you'll love this guy, also part of the same campaign: http://rubberburner.com/
  13. bzzzzzt....oh i'm sorry, that was the WRONG answer...but we have some nice parting gifts for you. Thanks for playing!
  14. Transformers RULED. Where are the Constructicons? And yeah, that's past tense. The new ones SUCK.
  15. And what's up with people having jobs that they have to, like, show up to? Didn't that go out with the '90s?
  16. Break definitely needed. Wondering if i'll ever have normal sleep patterns again...
  17. I'm one of the 116 Mikes here on CP. I think most people are calling me "Brooklyn Mike"...
  18. yar! new year. new tracks. dark and dirty, as usual, throwin down I'll be!
  19. Excellent set by Sander K. last night. I was feeling it more later on as he got harder and faster, on the techie-trance side.. As usual, the CP peeps represented in full (and mostly sober!) effect. I'm too exhausted to do shout outs, but you all know who you are. See you again soon
  20. Cool! All I need is the blue balls that Jack went to bed with every night and we'll have our own little sitcom! :laugh:
  21. OMG!! I can't believe I'm being publicly Jack Trippered!! :laugh:
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