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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. sounds like my relationship "holy grail"...I just can't seem to find it...but i'm looking
  2. hmmm...i was looking for the Magic discussion board, but I didn't see it...feel free to move it if anyone really cares
  3. ok now i'm gonna have to ask you to pardon my unbelievable denseness and tell me who BK and MJ are...
  4. 5htp 1/2 hour before bed produces amazingly lucid and/or realistic dreams. My summation of last night's, from my site... I woke up this morning from an intense nightmare: I had been documenting some activities with my video camera at a very large high school. As I was walking through a crowded hallway I hear gunshots, this followed by people running and screaming in every direction. In the distance I can see a blonde-haired boy carrying an Uzi, walking towards me, shooting people dead on both sides of him. I try to run backwards so I didn't have to stop taping, and I found a halted escalator which I ran down. Upon reaching the bottom I crashed into someone. It was a second, dark-haired, gunman. He too had an Uzi. He ordered me to face him and keep the camera focused on him. He pointed the gun at me and shot me in the right shoulder. I didn't feel much pain, but I fell backwards to the ground. I was able to sit up, still keeping the camera pointed towards him. He then came up to me, took the camera from me, focused it on me, and told me to plead my case as to why he should let me live. I told him that I wasn't a student there and that I was only documenting some stuff for the news. He then gave the camera back to me and ordered me to follow him and his partner around and record them as they continued to shoot people. It was the only way they would let me live. In the end, we were in a large lobby-type area. There were maybe 175-200 dead people on the ground. The three of us sat down on the ground and one of them told me they wanted to leave a final message for me to deliver to the news, and also that I was an OK guy. I told them I needed to rest first because my wound was hurting, so I layed my head down on the hard floor and closed my eyes.
  5. awwww yeah... must find sneakers that look like shoes...
  6. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20020103/od/potter_dc_1.html Harry Potter rolls...nice! :laugh: :laugh:
  7. They work great to fix up your swiss cheesed brain after a crazy weekend. Here's a good place to get them, as well as info about it: http://www.health-pages.com/ht/index.html Buy the 100mg capsules, take it once a day before bed. Great sleeping! Also, I might add that if you order before midnight tommorow it's 40% off...can't beat that!
  8. forget it...i'm pinning it up to the wall in my room... ...then again, it did get me into the VIP room (and subsequently kicked out of the dj booth).... nope. forget it. i just won't do it
  9. so like, if you walked into Roxy alone on friday night, saw all of us inside, you would hate that? i think with many of us it's more about *arriving* alone...and does that really mean anything?
  10. i couldn't have said it better myself. chaperoning is junk
  11. the only thing that makes you weird is that you're from jersey! seriously though...some of my best club nights ever involved me hitting it alone. Friends can be flakey, ya know? Besides, not like I can go alone anymore even if I wanted to. Wherever I go there's always my CP peeps
  12. I'll need to take precautions so I can actually dance next time...I was a puddle monday night... ...and no i don't think i'll wear the shirt again...i don't wanna be "that guy who always wears that shirt".. FYI 1/26 is the first night of DH's last-saturday-of-the-month residency at Vinyl
  13. it sure does...but i sleep for sooo damn long on the stuff. And it made me have a nightmare last night...read about it on my web site...
  14. weird...my f'ed up sleep patterns are whacked too. getting to bed at almost 6am and waking up around 3 or 4pm. But yeah, you took the words right out of my mouth about saving energy for JV and SK...
  15. gotta love software pirates... TTT on PS2 is decent... DOA3 on XBOX blows the doors off it though (right joeg?). Soul Caliber 2 is going to be AMAZING on the Cube. Even Soul Caliber and DOA2 on the Dreamcast blow away TTT...Curious to see Tekken 4 when it comes out on PS2 though... Speaking of Dreamcast, if you don't have one yet (they don't make em anymore) run don't walk to buy one for $50. Shit, buy two: one to play and one to keep sealed in the box for a collector's item.
  16. phuturephunk: nice goin Cassanova...your poetry made her puke! :laugh: :laugh: j/k
  17. hmmmm....may have to have another pre-vinyl thing at the BK headquarters... live tribal beats (for snoozi8), DOA3 (for joeg), bacardi O, stohli O, Corona, candy canes, creamsavers...yum!
  18. if only i had a little more room and velvet couches it would be quite lounge-like...I wonder if Joe was mad that you were laying on his "bed" in that last photo and yeah, when hanging out at my house, people must sign a disclaimer that states I am allowed to take photos of them, no questions asked, no matter what state they are in...
  19. come on...we just went through a thread like this a month ago. Could we please give the whole "System X kills Systems Y and Z" thing a rest once and for all?? *On paper* X-Box does look better than Cube and PS2. PS2 is older...of course it won't be as good (but it has tons of quality games). Having played a lot of Xbox and Cube lately, I've found that the X-box IN NO OBVIOUS WAY outperforms Cube, period. Aside from XBox's extra features like hard drive, etc, it really doesn't outdo the Cube graphics-wise. I've said it before and I'll say it again: don't be fanboys/fangirls. Love all systems equally.
  20. dude, you purposely scared the fuck out of me in Crackhead Cornerâ„¢ more than once Monday night! ****argh!!! memories...slowly....returning!!!*** You were twisting and contorting your face in the creepiest ways just to freak my out
  21. ...and to add to that, no company in their right mind would release a game system in the beginning of the year. I believe the last who did that was Sega with the Saturn back in '95 (to be the PS1 to the punch). They released it in May. The failed (though for many other reasons). I wouldn't expect to see anything before Fall '04, hell, maybe even Fall '05...
  22. yes, SSBM might be a bit confusing at first...soooo many colors and things moving on the screen...but that's why they call it a "Melee"!! I love the Yoshi level and the old school Super Mario level, using PI-KA-CHUUUUU
  23. don't know if i'll hit that or something else...should be a good upcoming weekend at least...vicious fri/sander k sat?
  24. no open decks...not sure about the party deal though...
  25. you certainly are... as a system whore who buys 'em all, my current favorite games are: PS2: Grand Theft Auto 3, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, NHL 2002 XBOX: DOA3, Halo Cube: Super Smash Brothers Melee, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2 Don't favor one system over another. They all kick ass. The gamers win in the end.
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