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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. we can watch it together with phatman and feed each other white raspberry truffle cheesecake
  2. yea ill stop at the cheesecake factory on my way home
  3. you dont love me anymore
  4. i have owned it for like 1 year already but never watched it yet
  5. 1950's: The Maltese Falcon
  6. 1 movie per decade?????????? I have too many favorite but ill try.... 1960's: The Graduate or Thunderball 1970's: Star Wars or The French Connection 1980's: Beverly Hills Cop or The Breakfast Club or Revenge of the Nerds or The Goonies or many more 1990's: Terminator 2 or Tombstone 2000's: American Beauty or LOTR cant do just one movie!
  7. limp wrist events..........bwahahahahahahhahaha
  8. i smother mine with cheesecake
  9. Felix_Leiter


    yes....i sincerely apologize to you...no more spam posts
  10. wow...you hit the nail right on the coffin
  11. Bravo..well said...you forgot to add desparate..too
  12. were you guys debating on how to pronounce "choclate" vs "chocolate"??
  13. 11:59 thinkin bout lunch
  14. - organizing a one time deal softball game (id like to see you find a way to organize 20 people to play a sport with all the conflicting schedules..instead you choose to post on how you get fat...maybe you should go out and play some sports) vs organizing weekly meetups? hmmmmmm...now you are starting to sound stupider than the way that ass on your chin looks... - dude you mentioned the thumb ring thing already...thats getting old---and you saw me with the cammo bandana like 2 years ago..dont talk bout style with those bang bang shirts you rock herb?? i guess they still use that word in Rhode Island -- maybe you should go back and tell your hick boys on how you are a cool, trendy, popular New Yorker with many friends ---- at least maybe they will believe you...you can even show off your new thumb ring...i dont think that has caught on in Rhode Island yet
  15. a picture speaks a thousand words!
  16. thats the funniest thing i heard man.....you really know nothing about me....i post here to entertain myself..get some laughs..which i do get..much more frequently than you i might add...nobody responds to you anymore; maybe thats why you are always hateful now or try to be funny.....seriously all joking aside..look at yourself...... CP is your world........you revolved the last few years of your life around it....all the friends you made...girls you kissed...even your roommate..all stemmed from CP...CP is your life..not mine...i dont request meetups like you...I dont ask CP fashion advice on thumbrings and how gay they are.....i dont PM every single girl that posts on here to try and get a date..... you're the hateful one...the funniest thing is you claim i am a whiny internet geek....yet your original post is a giant whine.... and joeg can get all of your respect.. but honestly who wants respect from an asschined whiny internet gĀ®eek?
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