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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. i think it closed once sexybabyd started promoting for it
  2. :laugh: something us star wars geeks can appreciate
  3. i said level of...suggesting low level or lack thereof and i didnt look for the definitions "for a dictionary"...I just looked for the definitions of the ideals you fail to understand resulting in your display of utter stupidity
  4. over developed cynicism :laugh: i like that
  5. and you my friend are still a newbie after 3 years.....show me where I knocked someone for being a newbie in this thread...that SATURN 2000 ULTRA BRONZE is really affecting you...maybe I'll drill my eggroll into you so you can get some sense
  6. = SARCASTIC = sarcasm \Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr. sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx, sa`rkos, flesh.] A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest. .....cause someone with your level of wit/charisma could never possibly make a lot of money...on his own ..and yes i did start with you....i tend to prey on easy targets
  7. yes cause i stated the odvious..... ....................... ..................... ................................. im·ply ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-pl) tr.v. im·plied, im·ply·ing, im·plies To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death. To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval. See Synonyms at suggest. See Usage Note at infer. Obsolete. To entangle. ..and i never "try"
  8. lets get off the topic of mothers cause i just got off yours ...and you claim to make a lot of money
  9. i quoted you already....and you commented how its a coincidence that he is a newbie here.....so you were implying hes a newbie just like the club newbies in B52...
  10. ok then i bet you I could steal your girl
  11. yea because posting on a messageboard accurately sums up how much you know about the scene as phunk would say......YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON
  12. but im willing to bet that i get more pussy than you
  13. you shouldnt give me that much credit
  14. as well as increasing your cup size and contributing to Wise Potato Chips 2nd quarter earnings. ..if your not gonna work, at least jog around your block a few times.
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GHOOOOST's CUM
  16. yea well i saw him first....you got my leftovers
  17. yea....hes a real stud....kisses like a champ too
  18. honestly no one laughs at your comments..stop hating..and go make love to your chucky doll
  19. its because u got a girl ..whooooooooooooopish
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