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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. or tunnel "i think i know underground rap music cause I listen to Non-Phixion and have a Rawkus poster on my wall" bandit for that matter
  2. Meet me at Arc this friday so I can beat the shit out of you
  3. why do that when we can abuse newbie Exit folk like youself
  4. yea but you FORGOT to mention BuMp made way for "..." BUMP FOREVER:tongue:
  5. mmm u smell yummy.....can i have an ingrid cookie
  6. so you'd pay $6.67 an hour instead of $10 an hour
  7. :raises his hand while staring at bigpoppanils in disgust:
  8. I was thinking about this the other day. Seriously though you JNCO jean wearing pasty white thinks he can DJ mick, why not stop typing complaints, and put those PS skills to work. What da fuck did I train you for?? I know your sister gave me head in exchange for teaching you but..come on! And you Joeg, stop sitting around doing internet searches on Radiohead songs, and make yourself worthwhile. If its that hard for you to conjure up something by yourself, then take that piece of shit fisher price car of yours and drive it to Merry ol Harrison and brainstorm with that washed up, thinks hes smart, ugly avatar cocksucker Phunk and brainstorm together. ughhhh wheres Highmay when you need him
  9. yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
  10. Flies are buzzing around my head Vultures circling the dead Picking up every last crumb The big fish eat the little ones The big fish eat the little ones Not my problem give me some You can try the best you can If you try the best you can The best you can is good enough (x2) This one's optimistic This one went to market This one just came out of the swamp This one dropped a payload Fodder for the animals Living on an animal farm If you try the best you can If you try the best you can The best you can is good enough (x2) I'd really like to help you man I'd really like to help you man..... Nervous messed up marionette Floating around on a prison ship If you try the best you can If you try the best you can The best you can is good enough If you try the best you can If you try the best you can Dinosaurs roaming the earth (x3)
  11. Don't get me wrong, I was biorn here but consider the way I was brought up as European. I love Europe and hope to move there one day. But do not overlook the fact that France has a hidden agenda in regards to Iraq.
  12. to their own benefit?? so you mean a sense of false security will be good for them and what is sad is how you put words in my mouth and assume I would wish harm on someone else. ..and this world may not revolve around the usa but we are the sole remaining superpower...and if it makes you that sad go back to Europe
  13. in the beginning your responses were making me laugh, but now they just make me yawn.......... NEXT
  14. The extent of my vocabulary? Please Im just trying to not waste any more time with you. But, it's just so easy to make you look stupid. Now you are forced to put words in my mouth....your beat. I never said the rest of the world is so sheltered only that America is in a new era. Well, we are in a new era. The destruction of those towers made us realized that we werent as safe as we thought we were. We now have to get rid of this evil before it strikes again. Funny you mentioned Israel and N. Ireland, why you chose those two countries I don't know? I don't hear that much anti-war propaganda coming from those countries.They are actually quite suppostive of us invading Iraq. If you didn't understand my point, then why continue responding just for the sake of responding? Bottom line, if a 747 flew into the Eiffel Tower or any other European landmark and thousands died, Europe would be significantly more supportive of America. They still have that comfortability that we lost.
  15. oh stop being such a baby...at least whenever you're hungry you can always make a few snowballs and eat them
  16. 9/11 put America into a new era...while the rest of the world is still in the pre-9/11 mentality, but wait till some landmark gets hit in Europe and thousands die..we will see how their viewpoint changes. Like I mentioned earlier, France is against America due to their "discount" on oil from Iraq.
  17. if you cant take the heat stay out of the kitchen
  18. i guess you stay away from places you cant hook up in guess thats prolly the reason why you always take sand to the beach anyway
  19. if you consider goin to a club with Chucky a good time so be it, but don't question me on going out...I go to places you'll be going 3 months from now;)
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