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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. yea relax before I call the PETA on you...having sex with your girl is cruelty to animals
  2. weren't you the one stating you would start doing normal things after factory & exit closed like reading a book, going to the movies;etc.?? or did you forget? I think the warden aka mrs. avalondon3 forces you to go out clubbing. grow some nerves you pushover!
  3. your girl didn't think I was an asshole after I was pummeling her from behind
  4. you dancing for 3 hours? lmao you dance like Poindexter from Revenge of the Nerds
  5. yea I attacked you personally by calling you a "hippie" relax...maybe you need to grow up and stop being a baby...and how can you say I am close-minded and I don't listen to people's opinions when I have been going back and forth with you, responding to your arguements. My responses are all logical. No one is taking away your opinion, just argueing against it. If you are going to get so defensive then why bother debating?
  6. Maybe you should take that same faith you have in foreign leadership, and apply it to YOUR country. I am not saying that Bush is an extaordinary president, but give the man credit. He never started this war, it fell into his lap just like those towers fell. I think Powell showed us more than enough....and we have a lot more intelligence...but why forfeit our sources to satisy hippies like yourself? And I agree France & Germany do not have idiots ruling their country. Why would the rulers of France & Germany want us to go to war with a country that gives them special "rates" on oil. There is a lot of illegal dealings going on that people do not realize. If we invade Iraq, France & Germany will suffer financially. And I never said disarming Iraq would stop terrorist cells, but just MAYBE it will hinder the chance of a nuke going off in downtown Manhattan killing people by the millions.
  7. thanks for letting me know you going...i would have bought you a Zima..you two-beer queer
  8. no....Russia ISN'T sympathetic to Al Quada .....and you wonder why you haven't found a job yet
  9. not my fault you took it in a nasty way....but in regards to Iraq, bottom line is once we disarm Iraq, we are minimizing the chances of ANY terrorist cell getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction. Iraq has weapons that could kill people by the millions. They will not hesitate in "donating" those weapons. I fail to see your argument. The reason we are going to war with Iraq is that they are refusing to disarm.
  10. ummmmmmmm, sure there is..whats your point? The reason we are in Iraq is to prevent terrorists from getting their hands on nuclear weapons.
  11. it is a proven FACT that there is an AL QUADA cell situated in Iraq's capitol
  12. no but there is a link between Baghdad & Al Queda..fuckface
  13. but i believe someone has relieved the original rizzo from his duties
  14. come down to centro this thursday..Ill buy you a few
  15. A lot of good looking girls but the music is severely lacking.
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