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Everything posted by vision

  1. i work at any club and it was great..it seemed to me that he was playing some of his tracks not as long as he normally would..prolly cuz of the early closing of abyss..they used way to much fog and i think it took time for the light guy to really get it going..maybe its usual for that place..the sound guy was on point too.. i went to vinyl last week n i'll be there again tonite
  2. dt is always bangin..mixing was on point as always..def had a good time n i'd go see him there again..can't wait to see him again at vynil tonite abyss was good..sound was good, really good..it was different to see dt in a club painted in white
  3. thats one hot fucking story!! you should send it in to penthouse forum!! i knew as soon as i saw the title of the post n it was written tasty it was gonna be hot!!! hurry up n write a sequel!!
  4. question for mr bp or anyone else that has info on david morales where does he spin??i have a renaissance cd of his that is sooooo fuckining good that i've been dying to see his name pop up on any board..this is the first so if anyone has any info on the dj please let me know..gracias
  5. i've never read miguel migs in any post before on cp before this one..does he spin in the city??i wanna know more about this guy..just bought his cd and i've gotta say its some of the grooviest house i've heard in a long time
  6. she's on tghe cover of club magazine this month..she's got pigtails goin..porno queen or not i fell in love
  7. fuck..thats this weekend..alright, since you twisted my arm i guess i gotta go wonder if they'll give some free cds
  8. you're right tasty..the question was about a vibrator and not a dildo or a strap on..i guess that its not guy..if it was a dildo then i would think its gay
  9. first time cummin?? it's not as good as heroin
  10. does this mean he is spinning twice in one nite??
  11. the comp is okay the mixing is eh..more like blending records after i bought it i found out the bt didn't mix it
  12. and mike was back too!! mike is the dood with the glow sticks n he spells out dt with them..awesome nite/morning!! dt, as much as i love him, hasn't been doin it for me like he used to last year..last nite - today actually that all changed..he was blowin shit up!!came on before 3 and by 4:30 he took it to another level completly..had a fab u lous time n ta think that i was gonna stay home last nite
  13. WOW!!! lets call guiness(sp?) i honestly spank it on average one to two times a day..what the hell..i get bored sometimes
  14. if i take some black friends in there with me are you and your friends gonna leave?? maybe it wont be so packed then
  15. all i gotta say that i've been amped about s&d comin to the city since the news broke out but s&d at world??i'm passin on it..hope you guys have a good time
  16. since when does doing drugs make someone a bad person??since when does wanting to become a stripper make you a bad person?? why not n try to get to know someone before you judge them..i guess many of you are angels and lead picture perfect lives and don't associate with anyone that does drugs
  17. i think i read some job openings at blue cross blue shield..i don't remember thier site but you might wanna surf for it..it had all thier requirements and what they expected from you..if i find it i'll send it your way
  18. i'll be makin my first appearance in a jersy club in a million years when dt spins at vinyl
  19. fags/gay whatever you wanna call it can party they know how to have a great time i personaaly would like to see a bigger turnout of gay people at vinyl(its really the only club i go to) cuz when they are more there i think dt really blows shit up..well thats not the only reason..i like to see a mixed crowd..its a much better representation of what the city is all about and it seems more like a real party where all are invited for the peeps that are gay bashers don't bother with them..they're just ignorant folk that just can't accept people for who they are or what they want in life
  20. fuckin great..the one place in the city i wont go and thats where they end up..hope you have fun
  21. you shoulda gotten the bouncers to bounce thire asses outta there
  22. Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.
  23. wow..some crazy shit in this thread..anyone ever see that movie 8mm with nick cage??i hope cp hedz that get off on the idea with people getting raped never take it that far..i know i know you are sayin that i'm not that twisted but just look at your post..hey but you never know..a guy can get raped too..hope you never go to jail or you might find out what its really all being completly helpless and violated
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