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Everything posted by senorfern

  1. I was in london last month and had a good time at fabric. I heard ministry of sound was pretty good too. Hope this helps and have a safe trip.
  2. 100% Colombian...no world cup for us this summer
  3. you're gonna be doing a whole bunch of peeing. Just kidding bro, what's up with meadow soprano?
  4. I make a great paella. Complete with lobster, shrimp, mussels, scallops, and clams. Just thought you'd like to know.
  5. senorfern

    Shave Me!

    hey chula, to answer your question, yeah I do have experience. I remember trying to talk my ex into doing it and seeing this look of skepticism on her face. When I finally shaved her, she had a can of bud light in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Needless to say, we were all pleased with the results...nice and smooth. The best part is diving in, face first, afterwards. Like I said, chula, anytime you're game.
  6. senorfern

    Shave Me!

    Anytime chula, anytime.
  7. white castle = shady something just doesn't seem kosher about that place.
  8. get off at west 4th subway stop. walk one or two blocks north on 6th ave. It'll be on the right hand side...sorry dude, I don't have the exact address, but I remember it being on the second floor. It has a great selection of hip hop vinyl. Ask around the area...it's a pretty popular store.
  9. They're painkillers. I take them when I need to go on a heavy drinking night, it makes me drink like a mad man without "loosing control". Hahahaha. I go out drinking with my buddies and I'm usually the last one standing at the end of the night. Not exactly the safest thing to do though.
  10. It's gotta be "Wildflower" by Ghostface.
  11. What was up with the host, Ali G? Is that guy for real...I saw a few ads for him whille I was in London last month and was like WTF? He introduced Dido as the greatest mechanical invention since the wheel...Dildo.
  12. I get introduced to a really cute girl at a bar. My friend leaves and its just me and the cutie...so i decided to make small talk. I think Janis Joplin was playing on the jukebox. "This is a really great song!", I said. "I can't hear, I'm deaf." Apparently she can read lips, but I still felt like the biggest asshole in the world.
  13. So I rolled on Saturday night and had a great time. I wake up sunday afternoon to find my tongue totally shredded. I sometimes bite my cheek/tongue when I roll due to the jaw clenching, but this weekend was the worst case so far. Uuuugh, it hurts like a mo-fo too. How does everyone deal with the jaw clenching, tongue/cheek biting?
  14. Nice to meet ya, welcome to the weirdest planet on the net.
  15. senorfern

    Gabo :)

    you lucky bastard...mad props to you.
  16. Of course, what are friends for? Besides, at least somebody is getting some action on my bed. It goes without saying that I do expect my sheets laundered in the morning.
  17. Assistant junk bond trader. I don't go out usually during the week b/c I'm a dork.
  18. DON'T GO TO LAW SCHOOL JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO! Here's my little story... Graduated college and started working for a couple of law firms. It got to a point where I was doing most of the work in regards to writing briefs, motions, so forth, and the attorneys would just sign my work and submit the papers to court. I was like fuck that, I'm doing your job, maybe I should go to law school and get paid their salary. So off to law school I went. And let me tell you what a miserable time. Tons and tons of reading, schoolwork that would kick my ass, competitive class settings, the list goes on and on. You only get one grade for a class based on your final exam, so you can imagine how much stress goes while studying fo finals. Did a year 1/2 of law school before I came to the realization that I hated what I was studying and I didn't picture myself becoming an attorney. So I dropped out (leave of absence. officially) and went snowboarding for several months to chill out. THE best move I've made in my short life. So to all you people who are saying, "I'm unhappy where I'm at, I wanna do something else, I want to travel..." GO DO IT! Life is too short to be stuck in a rut. After snowboarding season was over, I came back to NYC and found a job in an investment bank on the bond trading desk. Now I enjoy going to work and love the fast paced action of the market. Oh yeah, I love the $$$. A total 360 from hating myself and my life while I was in law school. So, only go to law/grad school if you are sure that you want it. It's a big commitment, both mentally and financially (trust, my loans for law school were huge). And don't be nervous if you feel lost or are unsure of your career...only time and experience will lead you (hopefully) in the right direction. Of course, I could be wrong....it's just my opinion.
  19. I picked up this t-shirt when I was in Holland... "They say I was in Amsterdam but I can't remember"
  20. KUBRICK, KUBRICK, KUBRICK, KUBRICK, KUBRICK!!! I'm also a fan of Oliver Stone, Hitchcock, and Tom Hanks, although Hanks gets too cheesy/sentimental at times.
  21. Born and raised in Queens. Now I'm holding down Middletown, NJ for the past year and 1/2.
  22. hey lovescorpio, a couple of friends of mine will be hanging out in veruka tonight. We'll have access to the vip area and the drinks will be flowing. Just letting ya know because it's a pretty chill lounge. Hope to see you there. -senorfern
  23. I would do two girls at the same time. But seriously, after taking care of my family and friends...I would invest, invest and invest.
  24. The last time I did them I put the fungus in between two salted tortillas...that was my favorite so far. On top of pizza or a burger also works. have fun!
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