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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by hoke

  1. Last night was definitely a good time. Mugz said it would be like a house party, and it was, complete with drinks spilled on me and weird people walking around that looked like they'd slept in the corner for the last week and just woke up when they heard the music. It was all worth it though... Terry Casey TORE SHIT UP. That's the last time I wear long sleeves out; I was drenched! And I finally got to meet some CP'ers. Thank God for your goatee, Mugz, or I never would have recognized you, and wouldn't have known who to talk to... Mugz, of course -- it was a great party and I'm so glad you invited us out. And I got to meet the notorious gogoamy, too, very briefly. Hi! Tilly, joeg, phuturephunk, it was good to meet you guys, but you left shortly after I showed up. Did I smell that bad? (I know the truth -- joeg made you all leave so he could get home and work on his post count.) Kristie (sp?) -- I had a lot of fun talking to you. Also Andrew and Bog (?). And two girls named Meagan and Laura (I think), but I'm not sure if they were from CP. I think that covers it. Great meeting you all! Looking back at those question marks next to people's names... I'm bad enough with names as it is, but now every time I meet someone I have to remember TWO names (board name and real name)? WTF?
  2. Um... what is a DJ supposed to look like? I'm asking 'cause I got my decks a couple of months ago, and I need to know if I've been wasting my time...
  3. I know! But I'm not interested in giving autographs!
  4. Autograph? I think you misunderstood me again!
  5. http://audio.satelliterecords.com/ram/62423.RAM
  6. Anyone -- I haven't met any of you yet. Tonight's tha night, though...
  7. Oh, I'll drink! But my tolerance isn't what it once was (there was a time there in college -- phew!) And being sick and all... Then again, like you say, maybe if I get drunk enough, the alcohol will sterilize me... or I'll just puke out the germs, LOL The more I think about it, the more I'm looking forward to tonight!
  8. I'll definitely try to make it. I probably shouldn't drink either... much.
  9. Point being that if mommies are always right, then I look like Tom Cruise, so... Anyway. <sigh> I hate being misunderstood.
  10. My mom told me that I look like Tom Cruise... unfortunately, that doesn't make it so...
  11. God, I hope I make it... I've had a cold the last couple of days and it's going to be a long day...
  12. Now there's an idea... anybody here actually do this?
  13. If it stays open after the other clubs close, I consider it afterhours. Since a lot of clubs close at 4:30, I definitely consider Vinyl afterhours. Of course, that doesn't hold a candle to SF's two-day marathons, but really, what does?
  14. Oh, I'm talking about doing it sober... I wouldn't bother complaining about a comedown from a since that's just to be expected. It's just that I get thrown completely out of whack when I get home 3 hours after the time I normally wake up... this Friday, for example, I couldn't even get myself to go to sleep. I didn't finally go to bed until 1am Saturday night! Light lifting sounds like a good idea, and I'll definitely have to up my vitamin dosage... and try to force myself to sleep at least a little when I get home.
  15. Okay, I love going to Vinyl afterhours. The music just plain rocks and I dance like a madman. But getting home at 10am takes its toll on me... I can't get a decent sleep, and for the next few days I'm a tired, cranky wreck. I won't say it's not worth it, it's just hard... Do you all just have more energy than me? What's the secret?
  16. Oh shit... this thread might as well be locked down right now, 'cause it just doesn't get any better than that!!! For the record, I voted DT, and it really is a personal choice. When I moved to New York last summer, I first had no job, and then I had a shitty job, and life was miserable. DT and feeling the love at Vinyl (for Body & Soul, too) kept me going when I felt things were getting worse every day. I never got that feeling at Exit. So THAT's why DT is my first choice. My guess is most of you have really good reasons for picking the DJs you did, and there's no way I'm going to argue with that. Peace :rainbow:
  17. Going to Mugz' loft party. Gonna finally meet some of you crazy CP heads!
  18. Hey where is Pseudo? I can't find it in the club search or on CitySearch...
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