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Everything posted by hoke

  1. I don't see what the big deal is. $20 a month for a card that gives me free cover to all the clubs? I'd take that over free posting ANY DAY. Sadly, it is not to be... Definitely too good to be true
  2. Have you tried lately? They upgraded their site to real-time inventory. Probably still not 100% accurate, but surely much better than before.
  3. 259 Bowery. If you want to buy records, though, buy from them online. Their warehouse has a much bigger inventory than their walk-in store. You need to spell it correctly, though <ahem joeg >: http://www.satelliterecords.com/
  4. Damn that shit hurts. I had one a couple of years ago on the other eye, too. You'll be fine for a while, then a speck of dust gets in there and you get this really sharp pain that makes your eyes clamp shut and your forehead throb. The upshot is that the nurse in the E.R. gave me a prescription for 15 500mg tabs of hydrocodone, a.k.a. Vicodin. Never had this stuff before... verrrrry mellllowww EDIT: Made the subject more "interesting" EDIT: Looks like the subject doesn't change on the forum front page?
  5. Cute exercise, but these questions have nothing to do with intelligence.
  6. Was that cartoon originally in French? I got the same one in French a few months ago, and it looked like an original. This one looks like someone replaced the text..
  7. Nothing really bad happened to me today, but I'm tired. That makes me crabby about everything. And weak-willed (eating a giant bag of Skittles and a SoBe Adrenaline Rush as I type this).
  8. Okay, I feel stupid next to everybody who went to Tunnel, Twilo, etc. Cheetah, 2000. Then Limelight and Exit a couple of times. I was so new to clubbing and New York, I really didn't know better. When I think back on those misspent weekends.
  9. So if I speak out against something that I think is wrong, it means that I'm really jealous of the person doing it? Damn, in that case I must secretly want to be a slave-owning rapist pedophile thieving crack addict.
  10. So true. My philosophy is, take care of yourself and the rest takes care of itself. In college I was in a really long, committed relationship with a simply *gorgeous* woman, and my friends would ask me my "secret". The secret is that there is no secret. Do what you love and stop trying to MAKE things happen. If you do that, you'll be a better, happier person when that special someone does come around. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, NO MAIL ORDER BRIDES!!!!
  11. What you're saying is that you're "old" (yeah, right) and desperate (definitely), and are willing to throw out concepts of human liberty and decency in order to massage your damaged ego. That's fine -- nobody here is going to judge you for how you FEEL (we're a little more mature than you give us credit for, you know). But we WILL judge you for how you act. All that's been said is just food for thought -- well-intentioned advice. I don't expect you to come around today. But hopefully some of our advice will cause you to think twice, and over time, maybe even change your mind. That's the most anybody can hope for when giving advice. Take care, entrepreneur. I really hope you find what you're looking for, and that you don't hurt too many people along the way.
  12. Okay, this is disturbing. You want to bring a woman over to be your WIFE, and you want her to be completely dependent on you, and have no concept of life without you? I was trying to be diplomatic earlier, but this is NOT OKAY, my friend. It's time to seek counseling, and I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying it because you really need it. Trust me, as someone who once dealt with that kind of insecurity on a MUCH smaller scale: you will never find a woman who will make you feel the kind of security you're looking for. You cannot fully control another human being. At the extreme, you would need to physically chain her, but even then you would be afraid of the chain breaking. You're especially setting yourself up for disappointment (not to mention ruining another person's life) by entering into this kind of marriage. There is no foundation of love, only the expectation that you get what you want in return for giving her what she wants. What she wants is freedom. Trust me on this -- once she realizes you won't give it to her, she'll be out your door faster than a hooker who just got your money. Which won't be far from the truth.
  13. Well, you're right in a sense. Adults are fully capable of learning the vocabulary and semantics of a language. However, children are able to learn to speak the language without accent, which is very very difficult for adults to achieve. My main sticking point on this whole thing, though, is the feeling I get that entrepreneur wants to control his new wife's life, including who she interacts with. If she wants to interact with fellow Russians, why not? I mean, if you choose to marry a Russian, shouldn't you accept her culture, too, not just try to force yours onto her? EDIT: I'm not saying that it won't be beneficial for her to get as much exposure to American culture as possible, but I also think it would be really good for her to have easy access to people of her own culture.
  14. That's exactly what I meant. And quite honestly, I think she should be given that opportunity. I mean, she'd be living with him, right? And she'd be living in the states, right? So she'd learn at least *some* English. She'll never speak the language perfectly anyway, because after a certain age, that's pretty much impossible (our language patterns become imprinted in our brains). When I lived in Switzerland for three years, my mom did not have a chance to interact with Americans. She found Swiss culture alien and generally unwelcoming to her. She was very unhappy, and her life would have been a lot easier if she'd had access to an American community. I would hate to see that done to somebody *intentionally*. entrepreneur's wife will have plenty of interaction with American culture -- much more than the people of Chinatown -- by virtue of the fact that he is American himself. Anything more than that should be up to her.
  15. So basically, you're saying that you'd like to keep her away from people of her own culture, who she might be able to relate to? Looks like a touching beginning to a truly beautiful marriage! In case I didn't already say this:
  16. You're joking, right? Take a listen to the Northern Exposure series.
  17. From the global village, in the age of communication... NEW YORK CITY! I just wanna hear a good beat, I just wanna, I just wanna, I just wanna hear a good bee-e-eet!
  18. How late do you think this will run? It's my responsibility to find somewhere to take my friend tonight, but she won't be able to meet me until about 9.
  19. Good! You're one of few (I'll admit, I rarely have, but based on this thread I may begin to do so.) Do they get paid otherwise?
  20. What about the "bartenders" at Vinyl? Surely they don't get paid only on tips? I've never seen anybody leave even a measly quarter for them.
  21. Sorry... my fault... my ex-girlfriend is flying into town today, and the rain follows her. Whenever she travels, whenever she's upset, whenever something really eventful is happening in her life -- it rains. Sounds stupid, I know, but it's true.
  22. My feeling exactly. They just have to hand me the drink and take my money, and then they can quickly move on to the next person. If I'm buying alchohol, though, my tips reflect the quality of service. Always the $1 minimum, but if I feel like I'm getting quality drinks, or they've hooked me up a couple of times, I leave more. I have a friend who's a waitress, and she charged my friends and I $40 for $100 worth of drinks. We left her a $40 tip.
  23. Can't stand dress codes. Why would I want to dance for hours on end in shoes that make my feet hurt? One time when I was getting ready to go out, my sister asked me, "Why are you getting dressed up to go dance?" She was fifteen at the time. Kids these days are so smart...
  24. Weren't you saying something last night about quality posts?
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