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Everything posted by hoke

  1. Great question. I think they'd have a better chance of raising the $150,000 they're looking for if they replaced one of their more popular nights.
  2. Airplane, sheet of paper, sheet of paper: pretty standard clipart. Someone had too much time on their hands.
  3. Or it's just a sign that you're sweating on a crowded dance floor and felt like rehydrating. I drink water every time I go to a club, whether or not I'm rolling....
  4. Anybody know if Vinyl will be open?
  5. Huh? I'm not *trying* to be anything at all. I'm expressing my opinion as somebody who was raised with Buddhist and Quaker influences. I've been fairly successful in my life at avoiding and defusing conflicts by doing my best to consider all sides of a situation. I think these circumstances especially call for that sort of introspection and analysis. But if you want to think that being sad and contemplative rather than angry and confrontational makes me a superficial PC-droid, that's up to you. By posting inflammatory messages in a public forum, you expose yourself to potential criticism. What did you expect?
  6. Sorry, but having friends of different nationalities doesn't make you liberal. It only means that you're not a racist prick which should be NORMAL. If you were truly liberal, you would at least try to take the time to consider what factors might cause somebody to act so cruelly. Then, once you'd come to a reasonable answer, you would be able to find in your heart the proper response -- which, I guarantee, would not be to "kick the shit out of him without question." My 2 cents.
  7. I have mixed feelings. I moved to New York just recently, because I felt at home here when I visited last summer. Now the entire city has been turned upside-down. For me, it's not so much that I don't feel safe as that New York just doesn't feel the same anymore (duh). Of course, it hasn't even been a week since the attacks. But my lease runs out in November, and if things aren't starting to feel more normal by then, I may consider moving to Chicago. We'll see...
  8. I guarantee you that if the U.S. were to drop a nuclear bomb on the Palestinians tomorrow, there would be thousands of Americans celebrating. I hope that puts things in perspective for you. Please look beyond your anger to consider the complexity of the situation -- and the fact that, contrary to what some of us were raised to believe, Americans are not better human beings than the rest of the world.
  9. HOLD IT ONE SECOND. Surely you're all aware that it's not clear the celebration footage seen on television is even from this *year*? Some people are fairly adamant that the footage is of Israelis celebrating after Scud missiles were launched against Iraq at the beginning of the Gulf War. There *are* reports that a *few* Palestinians have celebrated the attack, but nothing on the scale that the media have (possibly falsely) portrayed. Just some food for thought, before too many people get up in arms. BTW, I know some Palestinians who lost family members in the attack. Have a little heart, people.
  10. I'll be there. I think it's good to get out and be around supportive people and good vibes. I actually live in Park Slope, right next to the park. Anybody interested in getting together for lunch somewhere in the neighborhood before heading over?
  11. In fact, this Saturday will be your last chance to experience Club Shelter at Vinyl, as the party is being kicked out of the space. It's great house music and a fantastic crowd. Highly recommended!
  12. Club Shelter is being evicted from Vinyl. The 15th is their last night and they're making it free to all who attend.
  13. Sorry -- I thought you were promoting the guest list for both nights.
  14. Boo. Hoo. I work four p.m. to midnight. Not that bad really -- allows me to go out more without ruining the next day.
  15. My friends like the atmosphere but most aren't really into the music at all -- they're into harder stuff. I feel your pain.
  16. "Groove" was a decent movie. I showed it to my parents just so they could have a visual image of what raves are like. I felt it was pretty cheesy though -- very glossy, unoffending and Hollywood-esque. I much preferred "Human Traffic" with its spectacularly flawed characters, strong ensemble acting, and willingness to leave questions unanswered. The way my dad put it, in vague paraphrase, "That movie at least makes an honest attempt at tackling some problems."
  17. That's funny -- I'm listening to something I made w/ FruityLoops right now! It's just a few beats, but I hope to develop it into something complete....
  18. Regulation. Alcohol and cigarettes are only *legally* regulated -- i.e., there are laws that say how old you have to be to purchase them, but not much to actually restrict access to them. I'm in favor of legalizing ecstasy, with more effective means of regulation to help prevent abuse. Imagine a personalized card that allows you access to a certain amount of E per week/month/whatever. Every time you purchase E, the amount will be deducted from your card (think Metrocard, folks). You might even have to see a doctor to get one of these cards, to ensure that you don't have any preexisting conditions or medications that would make ecstasy unusually risky for you. Obviously, there will always be people who find ways to beat the system, just as there are currently. But under this sort of system, it would be far easier to assign responsibility when things get out of hand -- unlike alcohol or cigarettes, which can be obtained easily and with relative anonymity. (You enter a minimart, purchase alcohol/cigarettes, get wasted. As long as you don't rat out the minimart and all the clerks in the area deny ever seeing you, there's no way of assigning blame.) I'm with the folks who say that pure MDMA in moderation is relatively harmless. Keep in mind that much of the memory loss associated with ecstasy users has been scientifically linked to concurrent marijuana use, and that the findings of brain damage, while statistically significant, are not *practically* significant. Again, the key word is moderation -- and that's one of the motivations for the card idea I mentioned. Of course, it will never happen, but what do you all think of the idea?
  19. Anything that won't damage me (much)?
  20. That looks pretty good I'd like it even better if you fixed some of the grammar and spelling mistakes at the bottom: "The United States of America, which takes pride in tolerating any religion, race, and political faction, is now making laws concerning what kinds of music people are allowed to listen to." Not a dis, mind you -- I'm just picky about these things. Good work. I wish you'd never had a reason to make it.
  21. Ditto here. I've been sick so I'm forcing myself to stay in and hopefully get better quick. I had to turn down a friend who called and invited me out.
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