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Everything posted by rackham

  1. LMAO. You know why they call them "power rods"? So every time you use it, you'll think, "I have a huge penis!" That's why.
  2. Sure he got that way from Bowflex. He probably uses those flimsy cables to floss his teeth between deadlifts.
  3. You will see some modest improvement in your physique if you create a good program, stick with it, and control your diet. Definitely not as good as you can get with free weights, though. The Bowflex has no equivalent for squats, for example.
  4. Yes. P.S. "Tone" = muscle mass with low bodyfat. The best way to get "toned"? Lift free weights and eat fewer calories than you burn. Funny how it also happens to be the least expensive way, huh? LOL @ Elites.
  5. Please explain to me how the Bowflex will "tone" your muscles... ... and how its magical "toning" ability makes it worth the exhorbitant price, compared to a modest free weights setup.
  6. Worst. Advice. Ever.
  7. http://tinyurl.com/2n74y Buy free weights.
  8. If you keep smoking, you have a good chance of dying of lung cancer and rotting away in a coffin! Amazing! Just think of all the weight you'll lose!
  9. Go here and read: http://www.trygve.com/mfw_faq.html Things to focus on: - Diet - Training frequency - Training duration - Exercise selection - Correct form (esp. squat and deadlift) Don't worry about supplements right now, other than protein powders. Just put together a reasonable program and stick with it for a while. Keep a log and track your improvements. Good luck!
  10. rackham


    Absolutely! But I'm not comparing aesthetics, just the ability to get that huge. Arnold was obsessed with size. He would have gotten as big as Dorian if he'd known how. But a lot of his training techniques actually held him back. Training for 2-3 hours at a time, for instance.
  11. Amazingly enough, there are people who do this regularly. Read up on super-slow heavy duty training sometime.
  12. Also true -- low reps is good for raw strength but not as much for size (though some size will come from it, not as much as the 8-12 range). If all you want is size, you might want to check out Hypertrophy-Specific Training. You train through a variety of rep ranges, never to failure, and supposedly make some great size gains.
  13. rackham


    That's what I figured. I tend to take physicians' nutrition advice with a grain of salt, though. Most doctors still advise a diet of 70% carbs, 20% protein and 10% fat. It's weird. In some areas the medical community embraces new studies and knowledge wholeheartedly, while in other areas change is very very slow. I would like to see some references as to WHY the elderly shouldn't drink milk -- if anything, I would think that the protein and calcium in dairy would be very beneficial to them. BTW, Arnold doesn't want to be associated with that quote anymore. He claims it was just part of the movie. See here. Also, he's not exactly known for having the most scientifically sound bodybuilding advice. He got away with a lot because he was taking steroids, and our knowledge has advanced a lot since then. Just compare him to Dorian and you can see how far we've come...
  14. rackham


    Who's "they"?
  15. Damn, that last link didn't work for some reason. Try this one. http://tinyurl.com/28dcm
  16. rackham


    The old one. The one you said went on forever.
  17. rackham


    Bullshit. I gave you an answer. I even provided studies to support it. Elites was very adamant that I was wrong, but couldn't provide any information to substantiate his claim. What you mean to say is, Elites never gave you an answer. That's not my problem.
  18. rackham


    Of course, being healthy and having good healthcare are completely different things. If a person's healthy, they don't need healthcare as much (I haven't had a cold in about 2 years now). If a person has good healthcare, they can still be unhealthy. It just means that they don't have to pay as much for all those doctor's visits... and physical therapy when their body starts aching... and antibiotics when their smoking gives them chronic bronchitis... and treatments for kidney stones... etc etc etc. I'm so glad I'm healthy.
  19. rackham


    I would hope that anybody drinking milk for its protein and/or weight loss benefits would also be taking stock of the rest of their lifestyle. Maybe that's too much to ask though.
  20. rackham


    Yeah, I was a little quick on the draw there. From the link I provided, hypercalciuria accounts for about half of the cases. Stones can also be caused by a number of other health conditions, inherited or otherwise. The bottom line is, if you're an otherwise healthy person (active, eat healthy, not taking diuretics, etc), you're not likely to get stones. So you should feel free to drink milk.
  21. rackham


    You're right, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying that not everybody who consumes excess calcium ends up with stones. You need to be either genetically predisposed (hypercalciuria, which I mentioned before), or have other health factors. The link that you provided lists the following factors: - a family history of kidney stones, - being aged between 20 and 40, - taking certain medicines such as diuretics (water tablets), antacids and thyroid medications, - having only one kidney, - eating a diet high in protein but very low in fibre, - becoming dehydrated by not drinking enough fluids or living or working in a hot place, - having poor mobility (eg, being confined to bed), - having an ileostomy, eg, for Crohn’s disease. So basically, if you're active, get enough fiber and drink plenty of water, you are at very low risk for stones. You should be doing these things anyway -- insufficient fiber and dehydration are linked to MANY health issues.
  22. rackham


    Only if you have hypercalciuria, which is an INHERITED condition. http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/stonesadults/index.htm#what Most people can drink milk daily with absolutely no problem whatsoever. I used to drink a half gallon of milk a day and didn't pass a single stone. And calcium is good for you... unless you have hypercalciuria. That's why the FDA specifies an RDA for calcium.
  23. rackham


    Do you think it's the milk that caused the stones?
  24. rackham


    Don't worry, I'm not back. I just have this alert in my head so that whenever I see something about milk, I think "elitesnautica!" By the way, did you ever find that study about milk protein?
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