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Everything posted by velvetgoldmire

  1. ...and someone else too ;p
  2. some poets do, some poets don't.
  3. Who's in charge! That is the most annoying thing! As previously stated, they could at least have the decency for allowing us to close it. 311 sucks, btw... if for no other reason then I'm sick and tired of that damn ad popping up all the time!
  4. Shazam came to realize during his:constipa: that it was maybe he who was uptight the entire time. So, he hopped into a cab and headed over to glow... when suddenly, he found himself caught in the middle of a gang war
  5. Sounds like you need to be with someone who knows what' their doing when they're going down on you. An intense female orgasm seems to be 100 times more intense than any of my orgasms
  6. I know what you're saying, linabina. I don't go out on "dates" per say either. Classifying something as a date puts a lot of pressure on the situation as far as how to act and what to do, where as if you're just hanging out with someone you're interested in, there are no guidelines for hanging out. It can become a date after-the-fact, but not while you're hanging out with the person. Was that an ok interpretation?
  7. Shazam finally met his Ms Shazam at the bar over:beer: , but she was into freakier stuff like:peeright: , which made Shazam:jawdrop: . How could such a perfect lady be so over his head?
  8. He is Vic-Man. A champion of justice and defender of the truth who can post 10,000 posts in a single moment!
  9. Rah! Sorry Plur! You could always play around with the smileys this board so wonderfully supplies: :spin:
  10. Tick tock.... just a few more hours to get off work, and then a whole night of Buzzing! Usually in these situations, time usually drags on by, as you watch each second on the clock seem to take forever to make that pass. What do you guys usually do to make the time pass faster on those days?
  11. no I haven't, but I like your avatar and sig.
  12. A buildup... bringing you to the point when your about to come, then cooling it off, repeating, and making it last longer. The orgasm is much more intense. Always using her best techniques and being creative.
  13. Um, yeah, it would probably be a good idea to get there somewhat early. I can't wait for tomorrow!
  14. Thanks guys! I'm glad you both enjoyed it! pgiddy- you have the soul of Depeche Mode. Regulate, my brotha.
  15. From someone who has critiqued a lot of poetry: I like what you are trying to say... about how you are trying to describe yourself and express your own uniquness. A few pointers though: - avoid aa bb cc dd etc rhyme schemes (by this I mean lines 1 & 2 rhyme with each other, and on all the way down) -use poetic devices, such as assonance, consonance, metaphors, similes, etc to describe what you are trying to say and feel. Remember, you are trying to paint a picture with words. -Wordsworth's definition of poetry (the most commonly sited definition) is "An overflow of emotion recollected in tranquility." What this means is that what you are feeling when writing the poem is so energized with emotion that common language does not do it justice. You take that emotion, find a peaceful place, inside or outside, and release that feeling on the world. Basically, in this poem, don't just state how you are. Make us feel how you are. Poetry is extremely hard to write though. I've studied a lot of it, and have learned how to critique and judge it, but basically have only one poem which I feel comfortable showing people. Check it out if you want to: Moon Unit Quake Keep up the writing, Pluryou! It's important to find a way to express how you feel, and poetry is a great way to do just that! Hope I have been of some help to you! See you tomorrow at Sasha!
  16. I 100% agree with you on this, since this is my ideal date too. Especially that last part, believe it or not. If a girl lets me sleep with her on the first date, I get turned off. There is no build up, no ripening. The moment of anticiapation is way to short. I flirt heavily and look to build up that anticipation until the right moment (different with different people though), and when that moment hits, the sex is soooooooooooooo good.
  17. I honestly don't know if they would be better split up. At this point, I would say no. They've been together for so long (almost 32 years) that they've learned to rely on each other for the day-to-day activities. They do go on vacations. Right now, they are on a cruise to Alaska. But, if they're in a rut, then they've been in a rut for as long as I can remember. Either that or they are really good at hiding it. My mom does her thing, my dad does his thing, and they do things together, but with more of a going-through-the-motions feel to it. Basically, my parents are good people who taught me some very valuable lessons and instilled some important morals, but as I've gotten older, I've learned a great deal more about what I want through what they don't do as oppossed to what they do.
  18. Same here. My parents are still together, although sometimes I wonder why. They seem to be just going through the motions, and have been for a while. There's no passion left in their relationship, which is one hole I don't want to fall into. I believe they still love each other, and they do things, interact with each other, and look out for one another, but I don't see that passion. Example: This past weekend at my cousin's wedding, the band leader called for a dnace for all couples in love. I saw the dance floor quickly fill up, but I don't see my parents. I turn around and see my dad sitting at the table, looking around. This was indeed saddening, but after a few minutes, I saw him walk onto the dance floor with my mom. Just going through the motions...
  19. I usually have dinner with my parents about once a week. We have a good relationship, but are not as close as my sister is with them. They don't understand everything I do or am interested in, but see that I am happy, and that makes them happy. I tell them generally what's going on with me, but don't go into too much detail.
  20. She lives in Chevy Chase, if I'm not mistaken. The plan right now is to go to the preparyt. I'm meeting up w/ Kuro early so we can make t down there and preparty, which I haven't done with you guys for a few months. What kind of freak am I?
  21. Ah, no, she lives just outside DC, unless the plan is to meet her either at her house or she's going to meet us in Baltimore. Widskies? Kuro? Any plans of such events?
  22. Where in Baltimore? Kuro and I are driving down together. Perhaps we can meet up before headin down to DC.
  23. I can just imagine Vic now... What a haul, what a haul!!! Myself and Kuro will be there I believe. That's the plan, anyways.
  24. Lessee.... Hmmm 1) I wrestled for seven years, and come out with all my brain cells in tact. 2) I have participated in several sweat lodges when I was a member of the Native American Student Association. 3) I can read Hebrew with ease, although I can't translate what I'm reading. 4) I fled to this country from Hong Kong after killing a man.
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