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Everything posted by velvetgoldmire

  1. See, that's so unfair! Just because a guy mentions that he doesn't like jellybeans that are black, he's labeled a racist. What is up with this world when a man can't express his distaste for certain jellybeans?! ... Besides, he probably hates more than just blacks. You know how racists are.... they can't hate just one. Damn racists!
  2. Good morning! Yes, it is amazing outside, and has been for the past couple of days. Why is it that when it's suddenly the best string of days in August, it's gotta be during the weekdays. Oh well! Good morning!!!
  3. um... when you feel like talking to her.
  4. HELL YES I figured Grizz might know someone for the role of a tranny, but now, you've twisted my arm. *throws on costume* back to Otakon!!!!
  5. For the movie? Hmmm... not, I can't see Shanw playing that role. We would have to get a girl who is too h0t for her oen good... Why do I have a feeling that DrunkenBear is going to have the answer to this one. *rolls eyes*
  6. They do! When I went to school at Hofstra (Long Island, NY) I remember that there was a Jack in the Box... at least I think I remember. Those days are kind of hazy.
  7. 3-dementional I don't really limit myself, but have more of a broad range that I like: 5'0-5'8 105-140 nice ass, doesn't have to be perfect (although that's a plus:D ) tits aren't that big of an issue with me. I like 'em all sizes Nice curves Pretty eyes.... yeah nice lips, somewhat to fully full There are so many damn beautiful women out there of all shapes and sizes, that I find it hard to pinpoint what exactly I like. Good looking, smart, and a personality that I click with. That's what's generally important for me.
  8. Hey! Don't spoil our fun! It's making my day move faster!!
  9. Well, this is where you and I come to an agreement. I am the same way. I analyze, but I also know myself, and this situation would be such a disturbance, I could imagine, that I would need to go away, and see if this new fact would seriously change the way I feel about the person. For myself, I cannot answer yes or no, because it would really depend on the person. I would be freaked out, but I would also understand why the person would wish to hold this information back. The way I see it (may be differnet from you, hoke) distance would definitely from the person would definitely be needed to think the situation through clearly, during which time you would speak with those who you trust and hold their opinions in high regard and do a lot of soul searching. For the compassionate person, it is easy to say "Yes, I would be there, because I care for the person," but you've got to factor in how this could alter the relationship and even yourself. If you are straight, and you say you will be there, would you think to yourself that you are having sex with a guy? Would it make you wonder if you were wrong about your sexuality? These are examples of questions that should be confronted and answered before you say "yes, I am with you" to the person, because if you don't, the future won;t be fair to you or them. I think you are right that some people may be reacting to their first instinct for various reasons, but everyone has their own motivations and personalities. For some people, it changes everything, while for others it may change nothing. For the situation that wideskies painted, I think it did bring out how compassionate some people can and can't be, and for others, how much even a small lie, for whatever reason, can be detrimental in a relationship, and still for others, how the concept of a same-sex relationship can be sickening. Welcome to the world! I hope you brought your towel. I still say we make a movie about this subject.
  10. It's a question of both. I'm surprised that you can realistically say that, with no reaction whatsoever, you would be able to immediately comfort the person without taking into consideration IF it could change things for your relationship. I mean, I admire your empathy, but to say that it wouldn't shake you up, even a little...well you must not be human then. In an ideal world, I would probably have the same opinion as you. I strive to be empathic, especially with those I care about. And, I think I am pretty damn good at it. Plus, I wonder if it would bother the person who is telling you if they say "I'm actually a man who had a full-blown sex operation" and your response was "Oh, is that all? I understand," I wonder if THEY would think that you are the same person they thought you were. I know from experience that being too understanding can freak some people out and make them even more upset. Because to not get upset about something like that (not saying reject the person, but getting upset) would mean that it would probably be impossible to evoke any kind of emotion out of you.
  11. My question about this: Relates to this: It is not a matter of what they once were, but the fact that they held something important back, for fear of rejection. I do agree with you that it is important to understand why the person held back the information, which would be, of course, fear of rejection. But, in reality, for most people, it would stir up so many emotions and questions, including "Is this the person I actually knew" Wouldn;t you be curious what other major secrets the person would have. "Oh my family is a major crime syndicate, and because you are with me, you are connected and your life may be in danger" How about if this same person tells you that they were once convicted of murder? Your life would be in no serious threat... or would it? They were not a murderer before, but now they are. What if they tell you they are a cannibal? Or, if you want a lesser extent, that she had been sleeping with your father before she even met you. Would this change your opinion? All of these are serious issues that would prevoke fear of rejection. Secrecy and trust are the question here. Some people, like yourself, say that they would not want to lose that connection. But, there's a balance to everything, and different people have different scales. The question is, when do you start questioning if this is the same person you know? I agree that more people should have compassion and understand why the person was uneasy about telling you. But, for some, this would be too big of an issue... something that would change the relationship entirely.
  12. I think we should get together, write a script on this subject, make a REALLY bad independent movie, and premiere it at Cannes or Sundance. We could make a fortune!!!
  13. So you are implying that sex really isn't that big of a deal in a relationship. And that there is no difference between a friendship and a commited relationship. Sorry, the hoke, but there are differences. I feel that my response (check the first post after wideskies began the topic) was fair and realsitic. You are sickened because people are being honest? While to you, it may not be that big of a deal, for others it is. You are an idealist, and I wish to god the world were as tollerant as you say you would be if this situation came up, but the fact of the matter is it does bother some people. I'll pose another similar question to you: You met someone, formed this deep bond, connect with the person on every single plane possible, and feel like a hundred bucks. It's the best sex of your life. Then, one day, she comes up to you and admits that she is, in fact, your sister, knew about it the entire time, but did not tell you for fear of how you would react. You get a blood test, and it is conformed... she is your sister, who you didn't even know you had. Would the relationship still be the same?
  14. OK, I'm not a Vin Diesel buff at all. I don't think he's a good actor, and his movies do nothing for me. But, never underestimate muscles or charisma... especially charisma. I'm actually not sure how charsmatic he is either. I think he may have that "tall dark stranger" thing going for him. But, I think a lot of it has to do with his name. Vin Diesel is, by far, one of the luckiest names you can be given (he says it is in fact his real name). For all those Vin Diesel buffs.. would he be nearly as sexy to you if his name were... Phil Jacobson? Think of the guy, how he looks, what you like about him, what really turns you on about him, and think "Vin Diesel." Now, think of that same image that you just had, and think "Phil Jacobson." Is he still as appealing?
  15. velvetgoldmire


    Skirts are great! I love girls in skirts! I recently went on a date with this girl, and before the date, she asked me "Short skirt or long skirt?" Wow... I could not decide. I had so many "on one hand - on the other hand" thoughts, and I finally said, "Wear one this time, and the other next time." Yummmmm.....
  16. The whole issue is mute anyway. If it were a guy changed into a girl... fully changed into a girl, and I had "the best sex of my life", that would not be true at all. For one, the only thing doctors can do is skin molding, to make it look like a pus. There is no natural wetness, no stimulation of the clit, since there is no clit, and that would be a HUGE factor for me, since I LOVE going down on girls. Plus, great sex to me is pleasuring the opther person, not just being pleasured, so I couldn't possibly have the best sex of my life with someone who... just ain't right down there. They wouldn't have the proper sensation, so how could they get off when I'm eating them out? That would be a huge problem for me, so I would probably have moved on before this huge breakthrough was even announced, leaving me none-the-wiser, with no life-altering issues to deal with.
  17. Or, in this case, she was actually a guy at one point, but the manufacturer changed her. So, I guess that would make the blow up doll gay... or would it. Rah! It's too early in the morning! *sips coffee*
  18. Ah, I see. Well, you know Matt "Nasty, " Christina, and velvetgoldmire is no Matt "Nasty"
  19. This was written by Ted Nugent, the rock singer and hunter/naturalists, upon hearing that California Senators B. Boxer and D. Feinstein denounced him for being a "gun owner" and a "Rock Star". This was his response after telling the senators about his past contributions to children's charities and scholarship foundations which have totaled more than $13.7 million in the last 5 years!! Whether you agree with what Ted Nugent has to say or not, he has every right too. Read his response. It speaks volumes: I'm a Bad American_ - this pretty much sums it up for me._ I like big trucks, big boats, big houses, and naturally, pretty women. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies. I don't care about appearing compassionate. I think playing with toy guns doesn't make you a killer._ I believe ignoring your kids and giving them Prozac might. I think I'm doing better than the homeless. I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized._ I have the right not to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird or make me mad. This is my life to live, and not necessarily up to others expectations._ I know what SEX is and there are not varying degrees of it._ I don't celebrate Kwanzaa._ But if you want to that's fine; I just don't feel like everyone else should have to. I believe that if you are selling me a Dairy Queen shake, a pack of cigarettes, or hotel room you do it in English._ As of matter of fact, if you are an American citizen you should speak English._ My uncles and forefathers shouldn't have had to die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come disrespect ours, and make us bend to your will._ Get over it!!!!!!!!!!! I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry butt if you're running from them after they tell you to stop._ If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the previous line._ I don't use the excuse "it's for the children" as a shield for unpopular opinions or actions. I know how to count votes and I feel much safer letting a machine with no political affiliation do a recount when needed._ I know what the definition of lying is, and it isn't based on the word "is"-ever. I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you qualify for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans, etc., so you can open a hotel, 7-Eleven, trinket shop, or any thing else, while the indigenous peoples can't get past a high school education because they can't afford it. I didn't take the initiative in inventing the Internet._ I thought the Taco Bell dog was funny. I want them to bring back safe and sane fireworks. I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osbourne, Ice-T or Marilyn Manson sang, but that doesn't mean I want to listen to that crap from someone else's car when I'm stopped at a red light._ But I respect your right to. I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster or Jack In The Box. I don't want to eat or drink anything with the words light, lite or fat-free on the package. Our soldiers did not go to some foreign country and risk their lives in vain and defend our Constitution so that decades later you can tell me it's a living document ever changing and is open to interpretation._ The guys who wrote it were light years ahead of anyone today, and they meant what they said - now leave the document alone, or there's going to be trouble. I don't hate the rich._ I help the poor._ I know wrestling is fake. I've never owned, or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either._ Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots - and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too - it was wrong for every one of them. Get over it I believe a self-righteous liberal Democrat with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. I want to know exactly which church is it where the "Reverend" Jessie Jackson preaches; and, what exactly is his job function. I own a gun, you can own a gun, and any red blooded American should be allowed to own a gun, but if you use it in a crime, then you will serve the time. I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more._ If it makes you mad, then invent the next operating system that's better and put your name on the building._ Ask your buddy that invented the Internet to help you. I don't believe in hate crime legislation._ Even suggesting it makes me mad. You're telling me that someone who is a minority, gay, disabled, another nationality, or otherwise different from the mainstream of this country has more value as a human being that I do as a white male._ If someone kills anyone, I'd say that it's a hate crime._ We don't need more laws!_ Let's enforce the ones we already have. I think turkey bacon, turkey beef, turkey fake anything sucks._ I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child-it takes a parent with the guts to stand up to the kid and spank his butt and say "NO!" when it's necessary to do so. I'll admit that the only movie that ever made me cry was Ole Yeller._ I didn't realize Dr. Seuss was a genius until I had a kid. I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions._ I thought this country allowed me that right._ I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings._ I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise. Yes, I guess by some people's definition, I may be a bad American. But that's tough. Ted Nugent
  20. Honestly, I can imagine getting really freaked out... upset to say the least, and would need time away to think about it and reevaluate everything. I would be upset for not knowing about that, but I could understand how someone would not share that about themselves. I would need time away from the person, and test the depths of the relationship with this newfound information. I'd probably do a lot os self-evaluation. I can't say that I would get rid of the person from my life... time would tell the tale on that one. The noble answer is "Oh, it doesn;t matter what the person is like, I had this phenominal connection, and this individual makes me feel whole," but realistically, that is huge news, and I would have to ask myself if this is the person I really knew before. Time would tell the true tale. The reason why I am straight is because I am sexually charged by women and not by guys... I find everything inticing about the female form and ways. I cannot say for sure, but I do not think I would automatically eject the person from my life, but I would definitaly need time away from them.
  21. This was written by Ted Nugent, the rock singer and hunter/naturalists, upon hearing that California Senators B. Boxer and D. Feinstein denounced him for being a "gun owner" and a "Rock Star". This was his response after telling the senators about his past contributions to children's charities and scholarship foundations which have totaled more than $13.7 million in the last 5 years!! Whether you agree with what Ted Nugent has to say or not, he has every right too. Read his response. It speaks volumes: I'm a Bad American_ - this pretty much sums it up for me._ I like big trucks, big boats, big houses, and naturally, pretty women. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies. I don't care about appearing compassionate. I think playing with toy guns doesn't make you a killer._ I believe ignoring your kids and giving them Prozac might. I think I'm doing better than the homeless. I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized._ I have the right not to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird or make me mad. This is my life to live, and not necessarily up to others expectations._ I know what SEX is and there are not varying degrees of it._ I don't celebrate Kwanzaa._ But if you want to that's fine; I just don't feel like everyone else should have to. I believe that if you are selling me a Dairy Queen shake, a pack of cigarettes, or hotel room you do it in English._ As of matter of fact, if you are an American citizen you should speak English._ My uncles and forefathers shouldn't have had to die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come disrespect ours, and make us bend to your will._ Get over it!!!!!!!!!!! I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry butt if you're running from them after they tell you to stop._ If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the previous line._ I don't use the excuse "it's for the children" as a shield for unpopular opinions or actions. I know how to count votes and I feel much safer letting a machine with no political affiliation do a recount when needed._ I know what the definition of lying is, and it isn't based on the word "is"-ever. I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you qualify for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans, etc., so you can open a hotel, 7-Eleven, trinket shop, or any thing else, while the indigenous peoples can't get past a high school education because they can't afford it. I didn't take the initiative in inventing the Internet._ I thought the Taco Bell dog was funny. I want them to bring back safe and sane fireworks. I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osbourne, Ice-T or Marilyn Manson sang, but that doesn't mean I want to listen to that crap from someone else's car when I'm stopped at a red light._ But I respect your right to. I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster or Jack In The Box. I don't want to eat or drink anything with the words light, lite or fat-free on the package. Our soldiers did not go to some foreign country and risk their lives in vain and defend our Constitution so that decades later you can tell me it's a living document ever changing and is open to interpretation._ The guys who wrote it were light years ahead of anyone today, and they meant what they said - now leave the document alone, or there's going to be trouble. I don't hate the rich._ I help the poor._ I know wrestling is fake. I've never owned, or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either._ Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots - and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too - it was wrong for every one of them. Get over it I believe a self-righteous liberal Democrat with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. I want to know exactly which church is it where the "Reverend" Jessie Jackson preaches; and, what exactly is his job function. I own a gun, you can own a gun, and any red blooded American should be allowed to own a gun, but if you use it in a crime, then you will serve the time. I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more._ If it makes you mad, then invent the next operating system that's better and put your name on the building._ Ask your buddy that invented the Internet to help you. I don't believe in hate crime legislation._ Even suggesting it makes me mad. You're telling me that someone who is a minority, gay, disabled, another nationality, or otherwise different from the mainstream of this country has more value as a human being that I do as a white male._ If someone kills anyone, I'd say that it's a hate crime._ We don't need more laws!_ Let's enforce the ones we already have. I think turkey bacon, turkey beef, turkey fake anything sucks._ I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child-it takes a parent with the guts to stand up to the kid and spank his butt and say "NO!" when it's necessary to do so. I'll admit that the only movie that ever made me cry was Ole Yeller._ I didn't realize Dr. Seuss was a genius until I had a kid. I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions._ I thought this country allowed me that right._ I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings._ I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise. Yes, I guess by some people's definition, I may be a bad American. But that's tough. Ted Nugent
  22. SILLY:bounce: + playful:D = fun, Fun, FUN:D :D
  23. Kleinberg at Spundae it is! If you guys have any meetup, it would be awesome to meet some WC CP peeps while I'm out there!
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