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Everything posted by velvetgoldmire

  1. It's a club! Have fun, watch others have fun... Club's aren't about upholding the political and social ideals (unless of course the event is specifically geared towards so "All proceeds go to..."). Plus, when I go to a club, the majority of the people aren't focusing on peace, love, unity, and respect. Realistically, most people are there to dance, have a good time, hang out with friends, do drugs, try to get laid, and the occassional asshole who can't do any of that, so he just looks for a fight to pick with someone. So, I don't think it's any worse to do it at a club than anyplace else. If you feel like going into the booth to grab some $20s, go ahead. Or you can watch others bouce around in a glass cage. Or you don't have to. Just as long as you have fun doing whatever you do. Cause it's all about fun. And, of course, everyone knows, FUN RULES!
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking. I like relationships, and falling in love is a great feeling. Plus, like phillydive said, being in relationships does definitely have its perks. But, you really do have to enjoy being single, but keep yourself open-minded to the possibility of a relationship. That way, you can enjoy your time by yourself and with your friends, go out, do whatever you want, but when someone comes around, and is so damn special that they are worth giving up the single life that you enjoy so much, you know that it is the right situation, and not something you are doing just to be with someone. *tosses 2 cents towards the sex board*
  3. Actually, I don;t think I've met her either... or maybe I have. I don't think I did on Sat, but if I did I didn't know she was on the boards.
  4. No no no... thank you for spinning some amazing music for us, ya ignorant fuck!
  5. Kuro won for the house/trance/techno djs and placed third overall! Congradulations man! I had so much damn fun, the music was great, and I danced my ass off! Can't wait to see you at the next gig!
  6. I see no problem with it whatsoever. I'm thoroughly straight, and don;t check out guys, but if one of my friends, say, gets a haicut or looks sharp while trying to go out for the evening, I'll give him my opinion on how he looks. If a girl asks me if I think a guy is good looking, I can give the best opinion I can as someone who isn;t attracted to guys. Plus, there' also a general sense of what makes a person look good, regardless of sexuality, so if you're comfortable with yourself, you should be able to judge whether or not a person is good looking. But, since I don;t go out looking at guys, I never think to myself "That's a sharp looking guy... etc etc." But, the question is if it sounds gay for a guy to give another guy a compliment. How many guys have been in a club dancing, and saw someone who's a really good dancer? I've had people of both sexes tell me I'm a good dancer. It's a compliment, and when guys say it, it doesn't sound gay. What about if you're wearing a cool or amusing shirt, and someone compliments you on it? It doesn;t sound like you're being hit on. So my answer is, if you're comfortable with yourself, you should be able to give and take compliments with ease. A compliment is a compliment, and if you're that worried about sounding gay, then maybe you should take the time to sit down and reevaluate how comfortable you actually are with your sexuality.
  7. The first one is Predator:D the second one does sound like a mb movie, but it totally is not one!
  8. How about "Hey Billy! I went up to my girlfriend the other day and I said 'I want a little pussy!' And she said 'Me too! Mine's as big as a house!'" or how about "John Dillinger was shot right outside of that theater. You know who ratted him out? His fuckin girlfriend!"
  9. It was great meeting ya Joey! Until next time!
  10. Happy birthday Krish! Huzzah! And yes, I'll be there to celebrate with you tonight!
  11. Everything will be alright, jroo. And if not... I'll go to ny with you with a trunk full of loaded shotguns. It's almost the end of the summer, and I haven't gone on a psychotic ramage yet. Man, I AM getting old.
  12. Any and all gamers or just anyone in general who just wants a laugh (and to waste some more time online) should check out that strip at www.pvponline.com You will be highly amused, I guarentee
  13. Doesn't Warcraft 3 have dwarves with guns? That's so cool!
  14. Go for it. At worse, she'll ignore you and won't answer, but if you feel bad about it, send an email. It could mean a lot to her, but it would also be cleansing for you. Making amends is a good thing.
  15. I don't have much of an accent, but at times my Baltimore accent will come out. It's not a heavy one (thank god), but sometimes when I say things like water (wu-ter), it'll come out. For the most part, though, I don't have an accent. I've been told before my accent is like that of Edward Norton, which is a great complinment, and makes sense since he is from Columbia, MD.
  16. Man, this kitten has claws! meow!
  17. nope... The character said it during an unexpected party. The movie is part of a trilogy. but I'm guessing yours is The Doors.
  18. Uh-uh Not even close. Think recent.
  19. Ok, well I'll be more leanient with my clues. How about: "I know half of you half as much as I;d like, and I like half of you half as much as you deserve."
  20. Selma Hayak said this line. Also in this movie was Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Rock, Jason Lee, George Carlin, and Alanis Morrisette.
  21. Swingers How about: "So you were an artist. Big deal. Elvis was an artist. But that still didn;t stop him from serving his country during a time of war. That is why he is the king, and you are a schmuck!"
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