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Everything posted by upjumpdaboogie

  1. schizophrenina is your friend... sorry to any schizophrenics reading this. My other personality made me do it.
  2. 2:25 - can't say that I do.. but I sure would like to find out
  3. 2:22 - deja vu all over again
  4. oh. then all I can say is ask her, and hope you get the truth... don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff. you're taking years off your life worrying about it. don't worry, be happy... have a coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up
  5. I'm all about the box. but otherwise... yea.
  6. could go either way.. but I suspect it'd probably be praise... otherwise she might be ashamed.. and not parade you around in public either... don't stress it, until there is something to stress about
  7. first part: fair enough second part: the more to it, had more to do with, a male with a female is generally {not always, but} more well kempt and presentable. and sans girlfriend, confidence. Also... physcologically, I think if an "object" is desired, it's more appealling... what do you think "fads" are.
  8. alls i meant was, i meant what i said, and i said what i meant... and elephant faithful 100% -- Horton the Elephant. Yea... contrary to popular belief, I don't ask questions because I want/need answers.. I'm just throwing the conversation/discussion out there. I agree... we're all the same base degenerates, with potential for greatness if we so choose.
  9. It's been done... on Seinfeld
  10. cuz I didn't care about the other side. if it was going to explode, as it has on its own, that's fine, too. a) we know men are going to look. in their weak genetic dna species cock driven pellet heads... but there I was curious about the "grass is greener on the other side" girls...
  11. I think it's.. ummm.. the guy from Groundhog Day and Scarlett Johansson in Japan.. looking for escape from a life less ordinary.. I could get the official tagline if that doesn't suffice... it's just that something by Sophia Coppola {re: Virgin Suicides) seems more date-worthy.. IMHO
  12. can't kill 'em.... Granted... 150% of my day is spent lusting after women... it's a little annoying to hear them gripe about how much men suck.... their unattractive bodies... their unattractive features... they suck this, and they suck that... AS IF they get off scott free... what$%#@*#ever Have a nice day.
  13. As a proud dick-carrying member, I don't find this the least bit offensive {on the receiving end}. dick sucking all-around!!!
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