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Everything posted by upjumpdaboogie

  1. but I doubt I'll ever be one of those indoor and night sunglasses wearers... even as accessories.
  2. six of one, half dozen of the other... tomato, tomato
  3. I'd give up bad sex for 40 days and 40 nights. (lent) I would say forever...but at he risk of not compensating with the good... the bad would have to do after that period of time.
  4. this goes for both boys and girls?
  5. why does this sound like an "owned" setup. {have not seen/opened pic}
  6. I must respectfully decline. When work gets busy again, I won't be able to give it the attentionn it will deserve. I'd gladly consult for 5x the $$$$. Or assume the position of acting CEO. The meglomaniac in me was built for this.. But I still can't do it. me thinx this is gonna How about gmc?
  7. One day I'm gunna be up at 5:30 and I'm gonna see this guy on channel bumblefuck peddling his used porn and knock-off juicy....
  8. 8:23 - she looks twice as young as yesterday... and half as hot as tomorrow!! Bon Anniversaire NY BEAUTY
  9. If they have the bump girls... should we get the "..." Boys... c'mon fellas... step up... I nominate DG as president.... i'm goin' a bed...
  10. 11:30 - I had a really good day! {minus a Yankee loss - dramaqueens}
  11. somebody get this guy the real estate section and a bullet proof vest
  12. showtime was pretty awful... but some people like it... so i didn't use that as my example.
  13. I know you don't want to hear it, but that's gonna help either. You need to own the room. Be the room. All eyes on you.
  14. tragic... my heart & condolances go out to their loved ones.
  15. hmm... I can't think of a thing... eternal world peace? hmm peace at the sake of injustice is no compromise either. Would you give up sex for anything?
  16. i haven't seen translation {yet}, but I suspect it'd be the better choice
  17. hope you're carrying an extra pair of asbestos jammies. ...but I can't necessarily disagree, either.
  18. Mindtrap is my favorite 'board'ish game.. but Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble, & Chess.. are a close second... err & third & forth
  19. if you know him... don't tell him i said anything... i'm a-scared... he's a gangsta!
  20. I was discussing this at the gym this morning... UNCANNY...but you have to admit they've been in some flops lately. C'mon...Rocky & Bullwinkle.... ...Simone... Can ya hear me now?
  21. have you seen his fiance Coco... that'll fuck with up your head... no ther other one... 2 feet lower... if ya like cheap looking escort hooker sluts...
  22. DVD or is it on USA again?? {can't change channel... must watch baseball overload} I bury dose coc'rochas...
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