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Everything posted by upjumpdaboogie

  1. on a scale of 1 to unsanintary.. that's disgusting! there's no place on your body more germ infested, crotch rot, inclusive. and no as-exposed entry... susceptible to disease.. don't touch a knob and touch your eye, go straight to the source.. more power to ya... unless I'm missing something?
  2. the reason you're adverse to downloading and burning a DVD/CD is.... ?
  3. I once wrote a science report that was a page and a half, triple spaced.. in 14-point font. It's a wonder I ever got out of there alive.
  4. ...it's pretty fucked up that the two-toothed Barney from Arkansas.. would win $15-20,000 on Wheel of Fortune and people with actual brain cells could barely break $10,000.
  5. Isn't it apples and oranges? cant we live in a world with two kinds of coffee? When I want hazelnut, it's all about the DD. When I want white chololate mocha.. oh yea.. it's the bux.
  6. not enough... if I do... I'm whizzing like a racehorse... every 10 minutes... once you break the seal
  7. Oy vey... that was a I was expecting Dukes of Hazard... look at them girls with the Daisy Dukes on.
  8. me thinx - they aren't peoples.. they be two of the "5 web robots" listed... what they do specifically.. I think only Dave might know fer sher... Web robots usually do things like poll for bad links, or index for search engines, and things of that sort.
  9. I think your old admin assistant worksfor my compay now... She's the aforementioned alcoholic, too.
  10. ...Waiting at my lover's apt.... with a bubble bath drawn. ...bathing mon petit, and washing her hair....towel drying her....complete with full body massage. Then self-made din din with a kick ass dessert to follow....wine, candles, the whole deal. ....then some quality time in the sack, and out of sack. ....friday nights aren't really for going out. They're for staying in and I don't believe in lost nookie during the week. :wistful:
  11. I work with pretty cool folks for the most part, but I'm always the youngest of any place I work, So there's always a bit of a culture/generation gap. Right now; it's the guy who will ogle any piece of ass that falls off the truck. The guy with such bad halitoosis he can peel paint. The guy who is dumber than a bag of day old doughnuts. The rest are just old and unfunny. The chicks are cool, though... There's one who drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney. The one that tells the same stories about 4 times a day. But the rest are pretty cool.
  12. I'm told I'm impossible to get to know. Secretive, difficult, sensitive and private and aloof, and confusing and stubburn and complicated and impossble. However, those that do know me, either say it was worth it. Or understand my idiosyncracies, because I could always rationalize them, if they'd just take the time to listen and inquire. Seems that whenever my astrological sign is revealed, I get a... "Oh... that explains it" Coincedence? Perhaps. Dunno. I don't really make it more difficult than it needs to be, but the journey two people share [to intamacy] is as important as the destination [of intimacy]. Do you believe your guarded state is chronic, or the right timing, individual, and situation just hasn't made itself evident? Would probably need to know you better to make a more substantial assessment, but since that's not what you asked for, I guess it doesn't matter. Most people who are happy, funny, romantic and such.. intimacy is just a matter of time, and should come rather easily, once you meet your complement. In the mean time, you can keep yourself entertained.
  13. Wondering if this is possible /online/: you know the $25,000 pyramid... The Sky, The Ocean, The Smurfs *ding* *ding* *ding* Things that are blue? Whoever wants to start cango first, the person who guesses said persons... answer from given clues... chooses the next "answer" Game? Someone should think of a sutable prize, too. play, don't play.. what the fuck do I care...
  14. Bronxville isn't exactly 'upstate', maybe moreso that SLC was full of hippychicks..
  15. i've got one.... You'd be surprised how many household uses it has.
  16. so far i'm the only one on my vote
  17. Look where her arms are encircling. You may see a big head tilted to our left, receding hair line... droopy chubby cheeks... hell.. if people can nsee the devil in 9/11 smoke plumage... is it SO bizarre to see Nixon on a jug?
  18. It's just a walk in the park Kazanski.
  19. I saw the couple first, then the dolphins... but then I saw Richard Nixon....what does that mean?
  20. upjumpdaboogie


    Courage! What makes a King out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk, in the misty mist or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got? Courage and Confiidence is a tricky thing... {really it isn't, but... for the sake of argumet; let's say it is} Most people respect individuals who are confident and secure and self-assured, self-aware, and all that.. ...but there are those poor misguided souls who confuse confidence with arrogance, and worse yet, those who laud such a disposition due to their inability to distinguish between the two {confidence & arrogance} themselves. ...add to the mix, the fact that there are people who need to be beaten with ther own limbs who have no business living, much less being confident. <insert me losing my train of thought here> 'to be continued'
  21. Now in my younger days I used to sport as shag When I went to school I carried lunch in a bag With an apple for my teacher 'cause I knew I'd get a kiss Always got mad when the class was dismissed But when it was in session, I always had a question I would raise my hand to make her stagger to my desk and help me with my problem, it was never much Just a trick, to smell her scent and try to sneak a touch Oh, how I wish I could hold her hand and give her a hug She was married to the man, he was a thug, His name was Lee, he drove a Z, he'd pick her up from school promptly at three o'clock I was on her jock, yes indeedy I wrote graffiti on the bus First I'd write her name then carve a plus, with my name last, on the looking glass, I seen her yesterday but still I had to let her pass She keeps on passin me by... When I dream of fairytales I think of me and Shelly See she's my type of hype and I can't stand when brothers tell me That I should quit chasin' and look for something better But the smile that she shows makes me a go-getter I haven't gone as far as asking if I could get with her I just play it by ear and hope she gets the picture I'm shootin for her heart, got my finger on the trigger She could be my broad, and I could be her (nigga) But, all I can do is stare... Back as kids we used to kiss when we played truth or dare Now she's more sophisticated, highly edu-ma-cated not at all over-rated, I think I need a prayer to get in her boots and it looks rather dry I guess a twinkle in her eye is just a twinkle in her eye Although she's crazy steppin, I'll try to stop her stride Cause I won't have no more of this passin me by And I must voice my opinion of not even pretending she didn't have me Strung like a chicken, chase my tail like a doggie She was kind of like a star, thinking I was like a fan Dude, she looked good, down side: she had a man He was a rooty-toot, a nincompoop She told me soon your little birdie's gonna fly the coop She was a flake like corn, and I was born not to understand By lettin her pass I had proved to be a better man She keeps on passin me by... Now there she goes again, the dopest Ethiopian And now the world around me be gets movin in slow motion when-ever she happens to walk by - why does the apple of my eye overlook and disregard my feelings no matter how much I try? Wait, no, i did not really pursue my little princess with persistance; And I was so low-key that she was unaware of my existance From a distance I desired, secretly admired her; Wired her a letter to get her, and it went: My dear, my dear, my dear, you do not know me but I know you very well Now let me tell you about the feelings I have for you When I try, or make some sort of attempt, I symp Damn I wish I wasn't such a wimp! 'Cause then I would let you know that I love you so And if I was your man then I would be true The only lying I would do is in the bed with you Then I signed sincerely the one who loves you dearly, PS love me tender The letter came back three days later: Return to Sender Damn! She keeps on passin me by... I'm a G :tongue: D student except when I'm NOT
  22. Somebody LOVES this movie... ...for more than the "bookshelf" scene.
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