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Everything posted by klohe

  1. Yes he did...odd for him to drop old tracks consequetive weeks...I'm starting to dislike the crowd as more ppl hear of "VINYL" and they head on out and spoil our time with no space, rudeness..."Who is spinnin?", "WTF, no alcohol!!!" PUH-LEZ...leave yourself @ home... BTW: DT made a lil turn around from last week...tech-house to Danny's Classics?? All tracks could be easiely identified but non the less enjoyable
  2. nah, nothing is going on dont go tomorrow friday...
  3. montauk is only worth the trip a few times a year... the rockaways are yiour best bit if your city folk
  4. AIDS, warts, herpes, gonnorhea, chylmidia... u name it, I have it
  5. Centro Fly for Erik Morillo and Seb Fontaine
  6. hmmm....it's diff then what ur describing...I usually go around 7 and it's packed! Starts clearin @ like 11, and then only the tru crackheadz and musik lovers stay. JP should be there every Sat, but u can check the websit to make sure....crowd is the same as usual...LOTS of meatheads walkin round half neked and they're corny bitches that can't even walk in their shoes...occasionally u will find ppl that can actually dance and not do the "guido dancin"...progressive house, but sometimes JP drops the corny vocal shit.... www.soundfactorynyc.com
  7. aww Baby...was that 4 me?
  8. WORD!!! Had such an awesome time the 1st one, An even better time the 2nd, took my acid just a lil too early the 3rd and never actually made it there, and this one also happens to be on my boy's bday who is leavin the 22nd for Spain till god knows when...so I'm gonna make sure to have a great time
  9. klohe

    it's official!!!!

    yo qouth...u don't even know how good that shit is...Body Shop, Mandarin lip balm...try it and see if u call Justin a fag again!!!
  10. wtf?!?!?!? I don't remember him even droppin that track....
  11. klohe

    I apologize

    Carl babes...I can't believe I missed the witch doktor track...but even more pissed I didn't see u shakin ur fine ass up there U did nuthin but good things to my knowledge..and like Regina said....very good company btw...Matt says "sup kid!!!!"
  12. klohe

    it's official!!!!

    I am now officially off the market...and in the arms of Neptune 1. Siceone: many thanx for eveything...ur truely an amazing sweetie Neptune: so sry for the drama babes...and only good times to cum and to all u other freaks out there: sry, but I luv ya all!
  13. K...I know everyone is ravin bout Danny, but I was a lil dissapointed....I got there late night around 5:30 and the music was dull...my girlie who was there since 1 said that he was spinnin trancey shit...which is so unlike Danny who is a house dj. So then he gets on the mike and announces he's gonna drop some tech-house...which is cool to a degree...so then he drops a bomb which was amazing...but tru to his word...tech-house he did play....too much though...only about 3 "danny tacks" were spun, including a lil tease of "I feel loved"...eh, wasn't impressed @ all....whenever he goes away...he comes back a lil shaky...next week will def be better.
  14. klohe

    Its mah Birthday

    hey hunny...HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!!!! Had a great time with u last night...and thanx for all ur words of wisdom
  15. klohe


    ever been so fuct up on whateva ur drug of choice....that without thinking, you hook up with someone...only to suffer major consequences???
  16. klohe


    once again...I am not speakin for myself on this one...I'm not seriously dating anyone...and the ass I get is more than satisfying
  17. I'm with ya on that one girlie....ur cheeks start hurting...and ur like "WTF?!?!?!?!"
  19. klohe


    actually...not speaking personally right now...just askin....and for the 1st time in A WHILE I'm not in a serious relationship...and even that one neva got played yes plz!!!!
  20. klohe


    ever get tired of the person ur receivin ass from??? So ur basically like havin sex out of a basic need rather than pleasure??? It's not that you like them any less, it's just that the same shit gets played!
  21. 1~ Scarface 2~ Dazed & Confused 3~ Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
  22. dusted~ always remember to respect & honour your mother that track is soooo sweet....makes me feel all mushy inside
  23. Hey kiddies!!!! Starting January 26, 2002, Danny Howells will have a monthly residency @ Vinyl...WOOOOHOOOO!!!!
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