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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. 93.1 as they aired the event, would set up a poll for throughout the time of their broadcast where you can call in & vote or vote online for your choice as you listen in.

    Sure we'll have the Space judges makin' the call in the end, but it would be nice to see who the crowd fave would be. Maybe this could even serve as the deciding factor if the judges can't make up their minds as in last year's comp. It even gives the junkies added exposure...

    Sounds cool & simple, but it's a whole lot more complicated than it sounds. wishful thinking.. Maybe next year... ;)

  2. It's no secret that I'll be there... gonna be a fun nite. The junkies get to show off their stuff & if it's anything close to last year's final then were in for a real treat. ;)

    Anyone remember last year's cooljunkie spin off final @ Spin?? If you were there, then you know what an incredible night it was...

    See u this Saturday @ Space34!!


    ps. good luck to Oscar, Diaga & Hydra...


  3. Originally posted by saleen351

    my hype gets people to read, denny's bio and his ktu set will be the factor if they choose to go, not what i wrote..

    errr, actually it's the other way around Nick. You're hype is getting me to go, not Denny's Bio or his KTU set... :rolleyes:

    you've hung on Denny's rod for soo long, that I need to see what you're idea of "quality music" really is...

    be that as it may. We @ Space 34 are very scared.. I hear Saleen has joined the swat team in order to plan his return the night of Tsettos. Looks like Marcus & security staff will have a hard time tryin' to counter Saleen's fiber optics, nightvision & smoke bombs... :grenade:

    this should make for some great entertainment. should be even better than the movie... http://www.apple.com/trailers/columbia/swat/teaser/trailer_med.html

  4. Originally posted by andrewthomas

    gotta give props to that cause there IS NOT ONE DJ in miami who has a following like that

    Sure, it’s easy to say that Denny will have a huge following @ space on a Labor Day w/end. The obvious is, that Labor Day w/end is a big weekend for NJ/NYers in Miami. That’s part of the reason why Space usually books DT every year on that particular weekend & a part of the reason why space went after a NY/NJ deejay again this year. No matter what, NJ/NY will be in the house. I mean if I had a trip planned to NY & OG or Roland just so happened to be playin’ somewhere that week I would make it a point to go see them. It’s Space!! It’s a given for out of towners, just as is Crobar & some of the other Miami clubs. It’s like goin’ to NY & makin’ Sound Factory a destination.

    Not to take anything away from Denny, but all those people jumpin’ on a plane to Miami on Labor Day weekend comin’ from NY/NJ aren’t just comin’ to see Denny @ Space. For the most part, I’m sure Miami has been their destination this Labor Day weekend as it might have been on other holiday weekends in the previous years. It’s kinda like how a cruise to the Caribbean planned by a local promotion group is what a percentage of the Miami locals talk about doin’ every labor day weekend. Now if that’s something that Miami locals have been doin’ for years & Roland happens to be the dj spinning on the boat this year, would it be fair to say that a big percentage of those peepz hopped on that boat to the Caribbean just to see Roland play. Give Denny, JP or for that matter, any other NY local dj a gig outside of a holiday weekend here in Miami & see how things turn out.

    Andrew’s above statement might be interpreted as “Hype†ladies & gentlemen… Never-the-less, I'll be @ Space that night (on my night off) payin' a visit to see what the "Hype" is all about. ;)

    As for flying down to see Denny......I'll just say that if he was playing in Podunk, Idaho instead of beautiful Miami, those peeps would stay in NJ.

    Dade inspired me.. Good point... :)

  5. Spam rocked it out there. They set an incredible vibe out on the terrace. Even the peepz who had no clue who Spam was got into it. Really cool stuff as always & I was really really pleased. The huge dance circle in the middle of the Terrace said it all. Kick ass show...

    If you missed them, you just might have another opportunity to catch them again @ Space 34... ;)

    Thanks to all who made it out & Big Thanks to Melanie, Andrew & the Spam Allstars.

  6. Originally posted by djdekan

    why hate, i run around in the rain for you and you get there at 12. With Josh wink as a dj, i think its amazing they can give you comped admission from 10-12 and 2 drinks.

    wow.. this story sounds familiar... I feel your pain pete. :itsok:

  7. Originally posted by phrankadelic

    i ended up going last night w/some friends and had a good time. the spam allstars ALWAYS put on a good show.

    lets just say I was in the neighborhood.. lookin' forward to Saturday's Spam show on the terrace @ Space34. It's cool to see them play a guest slot at other venues. they convert alot of peepz into spammers.. Good stuff... :aright:


  8. Can't actually remember who informed me about CP, I think it was Emi Guerra. But I do remember gettin' shredded everytime I would come on to defend Space in the fall/winter of 2001 when I first started workin' for them.

    Also, b4 the Saleen, there was beyondo!! This guy knew how to piss people off. He made saleen look like the tooth fairy...

    Before I became "accepted" (not sure if I ever was), I wasn't liked too much cuz I was a part of "the empire". but sooner or later, some people discovered it was Han Solo underneath the storm trooper outfit & not just another.. well, "stormtrooper"... :laugh::blah:

  9. Originally posted by blendprod

    btw BIZ...i know nelson has invited you to our events at LUNA and BED......try to make it one of this nights.....

    It's not that I don't wanna go blend. I've been to Nelson's events b4 @ bash & lime bar on Fridays (my nights off).

    Saturday's are hard nights for me to get out to go somewhere b4 Space. I get to Space @ 9pm every saturday & leave the place @ 11pm to go home, dress & shower to be back b4 1am. I'd love to make it to other events on Saturdays, but it's just simply impossible with the way I plan my Saturdays. Remember, I don't work the Space afterhours like Nelson does. My job is the regular hours (b4 6am)...

    I'll make it by soon. Might surprise you both...

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