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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. This CD is all vibe. It's all about the mix & the programming. Basically it's a clubbing experience & an every day listening type of format blended well together.

    The style & programming is what you get from Roland on a weekly basis on the Terrace during Lunar Sessions. That's where it sounds like a club experience. You also have some added vibeful tracks that give it the everyday listening format feel. Alot of these tracks are familiar to the Space dance floor, so you'll recognize a few & they'll take you back to what we do Saturdays on the terrace. Hell, they might even make you smile.

    A few unreleased jems, some new stuff & a previous track or two. Starts off with a tricky intro filled with effects & an acapella that make for some ear candy. Kicks off with funky-percussive prog, builds into a deep prog sound with tech influenced elements, peaks with a few masterful synths & ends with a breath of fresh air.

    perfect on the vocals- not to many, just enuff & at the right time. Listen to the whole thing in full & let the entire mix hit you. Great stuff!!

    Enjoy... ;)

  2. Nick,

    you have a valid point. The record label & I thought that over before planning this event. However, as someone stated earlier, if you're intention is to rip the cd from the internet then chances are you will regardless of when its released.

    The forth of July w/end is a big weekend to make a big deal out of his release. Miami will have plenty of out-of-towners visiting & along with Sander K, it would of made for a night of great hype and an opportunity to try & reach out to a broader public which includes more than just our locals & Roland fans.

    You see we're targeting the out-of-towners along with the small percentage that actually attends for Sander, along with our regulars. That's 3 different groups in one night, 2 events @ Space & a whole lot more hype. As opposed to planning Roland's release on a regular weekend & having it be the only event of the night. Multiple events attract multiple crowds!! In reality, Roland's release might attract about 100+ heads that will attend just for that event. Obviously, that's not enuff. That in combination with Sander & the 4th of July multiplies the difference.

    As for the label.. They'll be targeting the in-store client @ the record stores. They've set up listening stations across the country & reserved window slots. They are goin' after the average person who's already stepped into the record store. As we're goin' for those who step foot into Space that night. Chances are it's a larger public who are there b-cuz Space34 on that particular night is their destination & what better way to hook them.

    Out-of-towners love to take home stuff & they go out of town with $$ to spend. Especially clubbers... When I go to NY, I love bringin' back an Arc t-shirt or something of that matter. It's like braggin' rights statin' you've been there, much like when you go to Ibiza & purchase a Ministry of Sound tee. That's where a part of this idea came into play. We're not gonna sit here & worry about who's gonna rip it off the net. It's bound to happen anyway. We're here to find the best opportunity to generate a larger buzz & bigger sales at the release party & this Saturday made more sense than any other July Saturday if you are thinkin' on our wavelength. Chances are, if Roland is on that night to a packed house, peepz will get impulsed into pickin' up the cd right then & there. The record sales business relies on impulse. It's all about that split second that impulses us to buy that CD on the rack. Hearing a dj live for the 1st time while having the CD well in reach changes the odds in your favor. So we planned it on a Saturday where we figured we can reach a public which is normally out of reach or harder to reach.

    So to sumarize this whole story, forth of July w/end, out-of-towners & Sander K are the difference. We might just have a difference of 1,000 plus peepz as opposed to a regular Saturday @ Space. Remember, who we're targeting here. Unfortunately the electronic music masses are very internet inclined & they know how to snagg stuff off the net & there's nothing we can do about it. People in NY, CA, NV, etc. aren't too familiar with Roland, so it's not like they'll be waiting behind their monitors for the 1st catch on Kazaa. The record label targets theirs, we target ours & yes, maybe some of you might catch the album on-line, becuz you know what you are lookin' for, but the rest of the US isn't. As long as each party does their job in nailing their targets we'll do as fine as we're meant to do...

    Aside from that, we're planning release parties in NY, DC, Florida & CA. As well as the label plans on setting up in-store Roland sets at our local shops.

    Thanks for your concerns, all this truly shows you all seem to care & that makes us really happy. Roland is extremely proud of this release as am I. No politics on this CD, it was done in the best way we wished for. Str8 from the heart, no selling out!!

    We hope you guys go out & support us & some of our other local guys. I'm even buyin' a copy. Hell, I was offered a free copy of Murk's "Bangin'" when it was released, but I turned it down & purchased one that night in support of our guys. While I might burn a John Digweed set online, I still have the respect to go out & pick up his CD at the record store. In the case of a local, I find it more of an insult to the artist if someone from their hometown takes the easy way out (the online freebee). I'm a dinosaur, I still buy cds at the store. Go out & do the same, after all Roland & I have saved you plenty of $$ @ Space & have given you plenty of attention. Look at these $10 as a return favor. That's a small price to pay...;)


  3. Originally posted by spacious


    :laugh: sorry eddy, I just had to laugh.. no offense buddy...

    see u tonite.

  4. According to Harlequin, the National release is officially set for Tuesday, July 22nd. Pick up an exclusive pre-sale copy @ the release party for braggin' rights.. $10 bucks a cd only on the terrace that night. ;)

    Heard the whole thing in full more times than I can remember. the more I hear it the more I like it. It's one of those timeless cds, it grows on you...

    makes for great sex music too... :D

  5. Here are some interesting facts about Cuban-Americans. This

    information was obtained from the US Census Bureau:

    Cuban Americans have acquired an enormous amount of wealth and prosperity in an extremely short period of time. No other immigrant group has achieved this as quickly as the Cubans. Many immigrants have never achieved it at all, despite being in this country far longer than Cubans. Second-generation Cuban-Americans were more educated than even Anglo-Americans. More than 26.1% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had a bachelor's degree or better versus 20.6% of Anglos. Thus Cuban-Americans in 1997 were approximately 25% more likely to have a college degree than Anglos.

    Other Hispanic groups lag far behind. Only 18.1% of South Americans had a bachelor's or better. Puerto Ricans, despite being U.S. citizens by birth, recorded a disappointing 11%; Mexicans only 7%. In 1997, 55.1% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had an income greater than $30,000 versus 44.1% of Anglo- Americans. Thus Cuban-Americans are approximately 20% more likely to earn more than $30,000 than their Anglo-American counterparts. All other Hispanic groups lag far behind in average income. In 1997, 36.9% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had an income greater than $50,000 versus 18.1% of Anglo- Americans. Cuban-Americans were twice as likely to earn more than $50,000. Also, approximately 11% of Cuban-Americans had incomes greater than $100,000 versus 9% of Anglo-Americans, and less than 2% of other Hispanics.

    Cubans comprise less than 4% of the U.S. Hispanic population, Mexicans 65%, Puerto Ricans 10%, Central and South Americans 11%, and "others" 10%. Yet of the top 100 richest Hispanics in the U.S., more than 50% are of Cuban descent (ten times what it should be on a population basis), and 38% of Mexican descent. The rest is scattered among all other Hispanic groups.

    Great economic envy, felt by other Hispanic and minority groups towards Cubans, exists. Also, Anglo Americans see Cubans as a group that "is unwilling to assimilate".

    How about that! ;)

  6. Originally posted by sobe2003

    Why not continue to grow the mullet out - looking pretty good.

    BTW - I heard that if you buy 11 truck driver hats at Urban Outfitters you get your 12th one free - you must be close.

    Im glad you like it. Thanks for takin' the time to notice me soo much. Since you are soo curious & can't seem to help yourself- I don't buy my hats @ Urban outfitters, I get them at "ñooo que barato"...

  7. Originally posted by sobe2003

    Will not have a better 3 day weekend than this!

    One suggestion - cancel the release of Lunar Sessions - than its a perfect weekend at Space.

    why not cancel your membership on clubplanet & try and make this a near perfect messageboard. Hey, it's just one step closer to perfecting the world. Together, we can overcome imperfection... :)

  8. Hey guys,

    If you can't make it to the release party to pick up a copy you can always pop into Virgin, Specs, Uncle Sams, etc. & any other record/music store in the country to purchase yours. The national release date is projected to be around July 20th (possibly sooner).

    See u @ll Space this Saturday...


  9. I don't frequent this forum as much as I do the Miami board, but since this is a music forum, I figured I'd fill you guys in on a lil' somethin' regardin' music...

    For those into a deep proggy sound, you might take a likin' to this CD. It's got some really nice tracks & the programming is soo on point from start to end. It's by long time Space34 resident deejay Roland. Hope u all get a chance to check it out, you might actually find some of his previous mixes floating around kazaa, soul seek, etc. & maybe a live pre-recorded set or 2. anyways...


    "The Lunar Sessions" Mixed Compilation CD


    below is a preview of what to expect on the CD:

    SAW recordings (satoshi's label)

    Austin Leeds

    Stryke (Ad finem)

    Sam UL

    Low Pressings

    Luke Chable

    Play Recordings

    Sound Ritual

    Steve Bug & Poker Flat Recordings

    Zero Tolerance

    Matthew Dekay & One Star Recordings


    Chris Cargo

    Cosmo & Darby (Nice work on the dark room dub version)

    JC Turek (vocals on "State of Mind")

    Ali from Deep Dish (the "missing link" track that ended up being replaced- thanks for your help though)

    Shawn Rudnick - engineering

    Dan Vidal (aka pod) photos

    Label - Harlequin

    Local & national release dates tba. In the meantime, if you happen to be in the Miami area, we'll have em on pre-sale the Saturday night of the 5th on the Space 34 Terrace also featuring Sander K in the Mainroom. ;)

    see the entire thread on the Miami board (click link b-low)



  10. I've noticed on the Global Underground site that alot of peepz are ravin' about this one track that Roland drops on the terrace &/or Mainroom that noone has been able to ID for months. Well, for you Global Undergrounders, it's on the Lunar Sessions compilation. It's also unreleased, but I can't give it away just yet... ;)

    Hint: it's dark with a thick bassline & a whisper of a vocal along with some ridiculous synths!! :eek:

  11. Originally posted by mrmovement33

    i know biz, wouldn't miss chris fortier for the world;) i said it before and i'll say it again. i love this little club:D see u on the mother-fuckin dancefloor

    Roland, Rocky & I will be there front & center!!

    See u there Abe... :)

  12. Originally posted by liquidx

    I think that between 7 - 5 for single CD. And 12 - 10 bucks for Double CD's.

    I dont knnow where the heck you paid that Biz, but Ive paid from 18 - 20 bucks all of my CD's. Some up to 25.

    Danny & Hernan @ best buy

    Chris @ uncle sams

    Cox, GU, Sublimal & Morillo @ Virgin

    Murk @ Space during the Murk release party

    If I want a cd reall bad I buy it the 1st week its out. Usually Virgin has them on sale during their 1st week on the shelves. Not the case with all of them, but with some you get lucky. Best Buy has good prices & sometimes I assume they screw up as in the Back to Basics cd ($14), which by the way I'm sure its still layin' around there at the same price. What can I say, I'm a bargain shopper... :)

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