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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. lets begin with the hat thing.. I get told to take my hat off @ crobar @ times & guess what. I don't bitch. I take it off!!

    2ndly, yes you can label me the space rep & I don't mind receiving complaints. I try to get to them all, even if it means my night goes to shit tryin'. But I'm sorry kiddo, I've grown weary over 2 years attempting to continue to plant seeds & feeling like its in vain at times.

    I know alot of cpers who never complain about anything, even if the dj is not their cup of tea. I'm not gonna call anyone out here, they all know who they are & I know who they are. I still keep a relationship with them & many here on the board. However, there are a certain handful that think they are well deserving of too many things & all they do is bitch & moan. Do they give us in return what we or I give them?? not sure, only god knows I guess.

    Chip on my shoulder, maybe.. I guess it's cuz some of us are spoiled & take some of our local clubs & djs for granted. but hey, the grass is green, the sky is blue & a part of clubplanet will always consider themselves special cuz they found this jem of a messageboard & use it to their advantage...

  2. Grateful eh-

    yeah, you're right dude, i'm the bad one. The ungrateful one... I've taken care of this board like a baby @ Space for the past 2 years. I never expect anything in return either.

    Whenever you have a prob at Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever you have a question regarding Space, who do you turn to?? Whenever Management decides to close Roly or Oscar's list too early who do you call?? Whenever you have any prob or would simply like to enter the booth to say hello, who do you speak to??

    Lets not talk bout being comped at a club. I get taken care of at alot of places & I'm thankful for that. One thing you won't catch me doin' is bitchin' about any club. I'm just happy to be there period. I walk in with a smile & leave with one too...

    P.S. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but I don't get paid for my comp list per person. However, it is a way of tracking my progress among the many many other things I do for Space. I'm one of the only remaining promos since 2001 (if not the only one, I don't know.. The promo title gets thrown around very easily @ Space). Guess that tells you something. Since day one, I have received a salary at space. wanna call LP & ask him yourself?? While your at it, you can also ask him what kind of employee I am...

  3. Originally posted by andrewthomas

    i think we support enough to bitch atleast once in a while...

    I think you prob mean we "support" you...

    Unless you consider getting in free @ anytime of the night & havin' access to vip & the dj booth @ no cost, your version of "support". Hell we make it easy for you to "support" us. As I understand this, I think it means we support you. We give you comp this & that & all the comfort you need anytime. How's that for support. How many other clubbers out there & close personal friends of mine wouldn't kill to be in your shoes. The best part is, we never ask you or anyone else for anything in return.. ;)

    ps. I'm workin' on the hat & sneakers thing for you too...

  4. Originally posted by sobeton

    how bizarre. how does someone’s observations, and comments about an evening. become a metaphor for respect, or have anything to do with trance ?? I would think a post like Pete’s. would open the floor, to some interesting dialogue, which would perhaps expand more upon his original comments. but then again it’s CP miami, so I should have known better. :laugh:

    Your right dude, let me just keep my trap shut then... there's nothing wrong with anyone or anything on CP. Overall it doesn't lack gratitude & most of us here aren't spoiled.. :rolleyes:

    Things would be a whole lot different for our scene here if it weren't for clubs like Space & Crobar, etc. As much as certain peepz love to hate them, they are the front runners & a big reason why guys like Mauro & other superstars visit Miami. Be grateful these places are the gates to the many superstars that come here on a regular basis. But what do I know?? There's just soo much gratitude & respect in this forum... :rolleyes:

    I guess guys like pete are right. Roland, Oscar & some of our other guys are grunts & don't have fun like Mauro & Chris, so therefore pete won't come back till they do. Now the poor guy is totally fucked & won't be visting Space for a while. What a shame. :rolleyes:

    Not like many on here care, but I guess I'll begin my CP hold out. Not comin' back till I feel the warmth, luv & respect for our Crobars & Spaces, etc on this board... :laugh:

    I think the above says why I haven't been posting as much as I used to.

  5. Originally posted by guyman1966

    Hey BIZ - I'll have respect for you when you get a hair cut and throw away all those trucker hats lol :laugh:

    hey man, not everyone can grow a nice shinny, healthy mullet like mine buddy!! :laugh:

    With this mullet I could pass for a jersey guido at a Bon Jovi charity concert... :laugh:

    Mullets Rock!!

  6. Originally posted by djdekan

    Two Tickets on Biz's List for Space Wars PLease.

    Hey no prob Pete.. Just bring your crobar flyers to the Space door & we'll comp you as industry. ;)

    I'm @ crobar every friday & you never hear a negative peep out of me cuz I have respect for them & the industry. Why?? because I know what it feels like to be a part of it...

    Same goes for all of the clubs I visit...

  7. Originally posted by djdekan

    SO I was There last Friday to See a Dj Known as Chris Liebing and ohh yes Maurro Picotto. AND I am now totally fucked, it felt like the old space, it sounded fucking incredible, the dj's were having the time of there life, etc........

    And Now

    I wont Go back till I know That will happen again......

    Let The Hold out Begin.


    good attitude, considering you are a newcomer to the business side of the industry... :rolleyes:

  8. you are absolutely right Andrew. I stand down. I've never been anywhere outside of Kendall. I got it all there. I occasionally go to Space but I'm scared to venture too far out into the woods. :rolleyes:


    where do you get off sayin' I fucked over Roland?? He's one of my best bud's & I help manage him you idiot. Before Roly takes a fall, I take a fall for him. That's the way its always been. So please, save the smack talk for some idiot who actually buys into your club gossip crap. :rolleyes:

  9. Originally posted by andrewthomas

    YEA I WAS HANGIN WITH LIEBING ALL NIGHT one my favorite guys in the industry

    i hate to blow up spots like this but BIZ told me liebing sucked that he was just an opener and he will never be anything else, so i told him to go to ARC tonight cause picotto will be opening for liebing tonight in NY and he said NYC sux and noone goes there that they dont have a clue about music:confused:

    well anyway for all you who do not know

    liebing has just won the german dj compitition over sven vath and pvd and everyone else who entered..

    liebing is by far one the best djs technicly ever,i never seen a dj use effects like he does , simply unreal

    let's go over this again.. You mentioned Chris was better than Mauro & I dissagreed...

    **I didn't say Chris "sucked" I said he couldn't hold a candle to Mauro.

    **I also said, this is why Mauro is the Headliner & Chris is the opener (as I pointed at the masses on the dancefloor).

    **Also, that Mauro can put together a 4hour set & rock it. Not just rock it for 30 Minutes.

    **the last thing- I said NY doesn't hold a candle vs Miami.

    All these are my opinions, you don't have to like them. What pisses me off is you come on here misquoting me on the board & braggin' that you hung out with Chris. Would you like a cookie?? This makes me realize what a drama queen you are. keep your thoughts & opinions to yourself around me kid. I have nothing else to say to you... :rolleyes:

    ps. 1500 peepz were there to see Mauro. In case you haven't figured that out yet...

  10. Originally posted by saleen351

    ok i'm dropping the hammer....

    Well, my sources have spoken... I had someone on the inside of the 93.1 tiesto event.. I put a secretary on the payroll...

    and guess what...............

    Space is makin' soo much money that they can afford to bring back 93.1.........

    Space is great & I'm lookin' to take Marcus to dinner sometime this week so we can re-structure my Space legend contract once again..........

    People that go to Space put up their arms up for the DJs, so now, they got to bring in more djs and too many are confirming ivano is half sweedish, half italian...

    Nerve thing bombed, after OG & Roland tore the place up droppin' bomb after bomb on the dance floor, so tiesto can't play there every week when Space has such great residents like OG & Roland....

    it's official, you heard it here first. The Saleen is looking to be a Space Legend again!

    AND BIZ NV (the club) SHOULD start small & do parties AT PEOPLES HOUSE WHO HAVE SLEEPING DISORDERS....:D did you see my roland plug on CJ?

    Spoken like a tru Jedi. Good to see u finally learned to use the force!! :laugh:

  11. Originally posted by pod

    I'm glad you liked the layout! Some hack shot the front cover though. :laugh:

    would that be the same "hack" that seemed he had a bit too much fun this past Saturday?? :laugh:

    Pod "Party boy" Vidal

    Kick Ass job on the pics dude.. Specially the cover shot!! :aright:

  12. Originally posted by digital7


    Matthew Dekay, Ad Finem, Steve Bug and Chris Cargo

    wicked mix .. big up's to the LUNAR SESSIONS and I wish them contiunued success on their endeavors

    u hit it on the $$ with the Matthew Dekay "Passion", Ad Finem (1/2 Stryke) & Steve Bug...

    U forgot Rock "I can see u" << That's a sick track (it's the one everyone has been tryin' to id & trainspot on the GU board 4 sometime)!! :)

  13. BIG Thanks to all those who picked up the CD. I'm glad to see it get such positive reviews. It's got some kick ass tunes & if you appreciate Roland on a weekly basis, then you'll more than like this CD!!

    btw, the CD art & pics aren't soo bad either.. Who are those designers/photogs??

    Big ups to the Lunar supporters!! ;)

  14. well, if you missed the cd release party & didn't get a chance to pick up the cd, you can pop into ANY Virgin, Specs & other record stores around the country & pick it up this Tuesday. That's right I said TUESDAY, JULY 8TH!! ;)

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