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Everything posted by mikeydny

  1. rather then wasting my time posting about bullshit I never said or had anything to do with, ill just laugh...... i wont waste none of ya time no more, bye.......
  2. :laugh: hystercial if only the miami people who made more then 1 name got banned like dajew did....
  3. Wow thanks for the important news update.
  4. One of the players must of dropped there stash.
  5. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Ok change the subject, because what you said originally made no sense, and you just can't admit that, so we'll let it slide. 18 Unanswered points, and we got our asses beat, no one is sitting here saying the Jets are the best team in the league, we should of won yesterday just like the Dolphins should of won last week against the Bills. I already lost sleep over it, its Monday, I'll worry about the Chargers now.
  6. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Ok this is becoming fun. Lets take it one more step foward "Thats what happens to Mikey when the Jets are not tight or restrained" Still looking to find out what happens to me. And how did they become not tight or restrained to the Browns.
  7. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Ok after reading that 10 times, I still got no clue what your saying, maybe im retarted. Your saying, thats what happens to me when the Jets loose! To the Browns....... Ok still lost, what happens to me, and the Jets lost, they didn't loose. So explain to me please.
  8. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Oh man, dave sees this negativity towards "brothas", your banned my friend.
  9. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    What happens my manager steals cameras so no pictures get out of me, p.s. the jets lost to the browns, they didn't loose.
  10. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Im not serious, btw. But Saleen said nigga, you said brotha, im sure they weren't white brotha's, and people made a big stink over that, watch out the politically correct police of the miami board are gonna now.
  11. mikeydny

    Attn: MrMatas

    Now by brothas you mean black guys. Just like Nigga. This is a racial Comment. Dave, oh Admin.Dave, hes breaking Rule under guideline 50.39 in sub guideline 3001.0, ban him.
  12. You take him down mang, you take me down mang. Amazing how he didn't say shit and got banned, meanwhile 100 times worse shit gets done on these boards, I wonder how many Pm's Tool (dave) received from the Law Abiding Politically Correct Miami board about "Saleen & Friends" whining like school children. So David Mr Administrator of the year, Please Delete me. Thanks a Bunch Davey. Anyone else who would like to be banned, lol, let DAVID know.
  13. How you gonna go and ban a reveron, uncalled for.
  14. you know you loveeeeeee that shit homeslice
  15. .....cuz baby im a thug wheres al sharpton......
  16. mikeydny

    attn: sobeton

    pickup your phone......trust me.
  17. beanpole guido? racial slur, your banned, dave you twat, ban em........... yes and the person u agreed with has 5000 posts you schmuck...........NIGGGGGGGA please.
  18. PLUR? yeah ok maybe if your a lil raver with a fuckin pacifer in your mouth are you kidding me, i dont love the dirtbag next to me tripping out on 7 pills playing with there glowlights......plur my dick
  19. you got 7 posts u second nothing all tonys buddys coming to the rescue, the we love cp crew, fucking momo's.
  20. blah blah blah blah tonythefudgepacker
  21. it wasnt a thread, saleen said nigga, cuz the south beach scene, and the miami cp police went crazy... tony your a fuckin moron.... im glad to see many people from the ny board are coming over to tell the people of miami to shut the fuck up\
  22. so i see u hate jews huh, ohhh man ur fucking banned.... t0nythegayfuck clown.....
  23. All of the sudden the fucking immigrant miami board decides to fucking be politically correct with this racism bullshit. how about this, FUCK YOU. Bunch of fucking winners on this board, 30 yr old mothers and a fathers who should be home taking care of their kids, instead there out worrying what DJ they wanna take pictures of. Bunch of 30 yr old pill poppers with glow lights at space who drop ripped fuels (yeah since when is ecstasy called ripped fuels) ALL FUCKING LOSERS.... P.s. - TonytheGuy go fuck yaself Kunta.... BAN ME
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