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Everything posted by sunnyhost

  1. still can't get it to work u think maybe u can copy it down with out the http:// so that it doesnt get hyper linked? Maybe that way we can get to the site if we just add it back? will that even work?
  2. couldnt get it working???? bugaloo...can it be super sized?
  3. um..where?..when?
  4. LMAO!!! :laugh: How on earth did you find this?!?!?......
  5. :laugh: maybe if the cat would open his mouth!...lol:tongue:
  6. where u from??? that pic just doesnt look like miami or "miami guys" in the least bit......
  7. wow...just a few wee details left out huh? thanks for the 1st half though...now we'd just like the 2nd!...oh yeah.."please"...
  8. sunnyhost

    Yo Jimmy!

    have to agree 100% with Lalo on that one Jimmy! Thanks a TON! and as far as reviews...I loooove it...love the tracks you put together and how u put them together especially! I've been meaning to email you, but I was outta town and its been hectic since I got back....your cd in my car has helped me through the stress though!!! Thanks again! I'll be seeing ya soon :-)
  9. sunnyhost

    Another one

    oh wow! where is this joint @??? sure can't wait to eat there! :laugh:
  10. hey festivalcre8or...not because of anything...but man...u need to relieve some stress man. go get it on or something. I think your taking all of this al lil tooo seriously.....don't waste you time arguing with people that don't agree with u....they r'nt going to change their ways 4 u =o/ Just put your two cents in and take the rest with a grain of salt man.....
  11. stinker...gas...lol....sweeeet:laugh:
  12. sunnyhost

    Vision Exam

    tomcats? sorry mrmatas...cant say ive seen it =o/
  13. sunnyhost

    Vision Exam

    "daddy do you want some sausage?....daddy do you want some sausages......!?!?" (from freddy got fingered..lolol)
  14. sunnyhost

    Vision Exam

    no wonder..........
  15. I love the patio! Yeah people r really scary loking in that state and in the daylight especially (atleast in side u cant really see 'em! lol), but man..its just great to be out there as the sun rises and the music intensifies ) It feels like u r not even in miami IMO! ugh...great...now I need to go back...soon!
  16. icup! i-c-u-p! lolol....I hadn't seen that since elementary school! :laugh:
  17. sunnyhost


    hey jfar! welcome aboard..good 2 see ur posting finally:D
  18. sunnyhost

    The Osbournes

    man..that show is hilarious!!!You think ur family is strange?? yeah right..not when compared to this one I'm sure! At first, when I saw the first episode...it took me agood 5-10 minutes to even understand the words that were coming out of their mouths! But once u get used to their accents..it's a trip to watch! The best has to have been last weeks when they got into a fight with the neighbors and started throwing food over the fense at them and stuff! lolol.......if u haven't caught an episode yet and need a good laugh...I definitely reccomend the show! p,s: djducvhovony...ur posts 2day have been super funny!@ keep it up;)
  19. sunnyhost

    miami scene?

    :laugh: quite literally!!!! :laugh:
  20. sunnyhost


    OMG! LMAO!!! :laugh:
  21. uuummm......i guess....lol. Now i'm going to be curious! I just hope it isn't what I'm thinking.....like the tube sock part of american pie.....
  22. uuuuhhhh.....I don't know....sounds kinda gross:blank: lol. do i dare ask how they even got sticky?!?!?
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