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Everything posted by sunnyhost

  1. Lucky!....10 days over here
  2. sunnyhost

    hey Saleen!

    LOLOLOLOL!!!! :laugh:
  3. sunnyhost


    :laugh: Aw man...it's that all you can do is laugh at this point....
  4. The drive actually isnt all that bad...atfirst it may seem that it is, but then you get used to it and it's a piece of cake =o) 4 Sure:D
  5. sunnyhost


    Oh man...does this mean that you actually know him:confused: Please tell us he's nicer than what he comes off on on this board....give us some hope!
  6. Hey Naomi ) Well, I'm graduating with a degree in Special Education. I'm not really all that sure about the pre-law program, but Barry itself is a great school. The small teacher to student ratio is great, the facutly and students get pretty close and they are really there to help you through everything ) Where are you going to be taking your classes? Main campus? N-E-Ways, if you need anything else just let me know girlie =o) Take it easy! P.S: I believe some graduation celebrations are in store! I know as far as for me...the partying starts next Wed. after my LAST final, but hey...I'll be willing to party b4 that too. lol;)
  7. lolol...I don't know either...take it as whatever you want I guess:tongue:
  8. Planning on atleast starting off there......
  9. Not from Miami Dade, but Barry on the 11th...is urs this Sat? If so...early congratulations girlie-girl!!! Enjoy!!! :D
  10. OMG! lololol:laugh: I thought only my lil thug kids in an all emotionally handicapped school said that! lol....what a trip! I'm glad to hear it somewher else....I think.....lol:confused:
  11. Your constant negativity is truly starting too make me sick:puke:
  12. Sheesh...I really can't stand this kid (Saleen)!
  13. sunnyhost

    Pop ups

    They sure are! I can't staaaand them either!
  14. My original post? What about it? Are you talking about the fact the I put the word "please" by mistake twice in one sentence?? Sorry man, we all make mistakes sometimes.
  15. Sobeton, Please don't take this the wrong way, but please practice your grammar. Sorry, it's just the teacher in me coming out =o/ Hope you take it as constructive critisism and nothing else......
  16. holy cow man....thats sick! there are some fawked up people out there man..... ok...question time....bc i havent seen the reports yet: did the guy survive the stabbing? and is the girl still MIA? where were the abducted from anyways?? oh yeah, and did they catch the mothr fawkers that did it??
  17. sunnyhost

    under 21

    hate to let u down...but under 21= outta gas pretty much:( unless u have a really good fake id and actually look/play the part.....good luck though!~
  18. :laugh: oh man...thats too funny......
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