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Everything posted by promojunkie

  1. I thought the same thing when i passed that place.. But then i went inside just to check it out..The place has a huge main room where they do weddings and shit.. and the owner put soo much money into the lights and the sound system..it even has an elevated dj booth and a booth just for the light guy.. if u can just find a place for people to park the place has incredible potential and can hold a sick amount of people..i guess you'd hafta see it to believe it..As far as using Nero goes..he wont be going on til about 1230-1..i have a commercial dj to open for him..the owner of topaz is very good friends with the riddler from ktu and said he would get him to come in as much as possible also..sorry im jumping the gun on these parties before they even start but i just get excited thinking about the clubs and what they can do
  2. I think it did less than 50 (like 33)...But we haven't started the party yet...I was there last week for the 1st time just to look at the place and talk to the owner..We are bringing in a fraternity and a sorrority to host if we take it..But its a toss up between the Wistla in Garfield (which is even bigger and has some incredible features) or there...Besides the fact of the emptiness though...Would you agree it could be a hot party if it got packed?
  3. There are alot of amazing clubs in Jersey that no one has even seen yet...We are planning on starting parties up in some of these spots very soon..There is a club in Waliington, NJ called Topaz that nobody has been to only because they have done nothing but gay parties there since it opened...This is probly nicest club I've ever seen in NJ..I was just approved to do a Tuesday night STRAIGHT party there which will probably start April 9th..It has 2 rooms... Anthony Nero from Exit is doing the main room..I'm lookin for the best hip hop dj I can get for the other room... There is also a place called The Cave right next to Stiletttos across from Giants Stadium that can hold a massive amount of people and is a nice looking venue. We are hosting a Thursday party there for now..So check out these places before you place your bets on the best club in NJ..You wont be disappointed
  4. Anthony Nero (Exit² resident dj)...email me if you're interested
  5. Hey i have a section at Exit on Saturday that you can throw your friends party in...cantact me at royalpromos@aol.com and ill hook you up with whatever you need.
  6. Hey..I'm one of the Saturday promoters at Exit...I was outside till 1:30 and watched them let every single girl in for free right up until 12:00 on the dot...There is no question about it..I was there..We are gonna turn the Exit party around so that everyone can enjoy the amazing venue...Come by and check it out for yourself...Let the people control the party
  7. Ok lets think this over shall we. The question was: Who do you think the best DJ in New York is RIGHT NOW...That has nothing to do with experience or where you played before...Its about who you like NOW...What are the clubs known for bringing in the best DJs. My opinion its Twilo and Exit (besides the whole Draper mistake). Twilo had been bringing in the best international DJs. Now Exit is. Twilo had Junior. Now Exit has Junior. Who is the resident at Exit Saturdays RIGHT NOW. Anthony Nero is. You don't get the Saturday spot before Vasquez by being a shitty DJ. Nero has payed dues just like everyone else. Sure his name hasn't been mentioned as much but he's been spinning for a while and he's getting his break just like everyone else got. He doesn't compare himself to these four DJs either. But from the looks of it he seems to be getting support from a hell of a lot of people. Myself included. So lets let the people speak and not the past. This is NOW. And right now Nero's got my vote as the best damn DJ in NYC. Everyone that agrees just keep on dancing to Nero's beats and have great time.
  8. I said it before and I'll say it again. EXIT IS BACK!!! Nero is rippin shit night after night.. Crowd is great. Energy is there. Its only gonna get better..Get your ass there...email me for info royalpromonyc@aol.com
  9. Let's get ready to rumble! Exit is gonna be off the hook tonight...Use Rich DiFeo's list and come into our section...Nero is gonna rip shit tonight!!!
  10. I like that idea...You should bring that up at a meeting..You have my vote
  11. Bobby I love you...You are a genious!!! See everyone at Exit Saturday...Email me for more info
  12. I'd rather have a mother than 2 fathers and a hole in the wall
  13. Ya i'd hafta agree I wasn't feeling Derb at all that night
  14. Nero is sooo right...No matter how much shit that is talked about Exit...Its still one of the nicest and well layed out clubs in the world...Just because a bunch of scumbag promoters and shitty staff ruined the Friday party doesn't mean Staurdays hafta be the same...Just get in there and pack the place with our people and it will be our party...Nero took the Exit² job for you guys..So that you can hear good music in a good club..Come support him!!!
  15. hahaz..I garauntee this guy is a virgin PS: There are no females in this thread. but imsure you already knew that
  16. hahaha...The clubs raised the pay to sucker promoters into bringing people...That's why they cut everyones list...Your still getting $5 a head instead of $10 because they're just cutting half your list or not paying you at all...I promoted Exit when it was $5 a head and you needed 20 to get paid..I was part of a team of 5 people and we did 150+ every week...And the party was good...Your just bringin in scumbags off the street and letting them get in free...That's how the crowd gets destroyed...A crowd is people who are willing to pay to have a good time...Not people who just show up because its free and have nothing better to do...Exit Friday was the hottest shit out until people like you brought in a bunch of degenerates just to say you have more promoters than everyone else...Now theres 1,500 freeloaders who don't give a shit about the club or the vibe...Plus you wouldn't be desparately emailing so many people to promote if you were making money...Your still not remebering you also are only a sub...Start doin numbers and talk to me about getting paid
  17. I bet your subs overthrow or leave you very soon...You're no different from them just because you label yourself a leader...Anyone can become a leader if you haven't noticed...All subs are for is distribution? What are they dogs? My promoters respect me because I include them in the team and I do everything they do plus build and organize my team...I'm out there in the cold wit them handing out flyers every night...That's a part of promoting...If your not out there with your people doing the dirty work from time to time they'll figure out how easy it is to make their own team just like you did...And then they'll sit on their asses and do nothing and so on...Then no one will be at the party...But there will be 1,000 team leaders whose teams do nothing...That's why promoting has gone so downhill...But I'll just let my teams numbers speak for themselves...All I'm saying is don't disgrace promoting by saying you get to sit there and give out promoter cards...While the promoters bring in the people...We're all promoters...You're not special...Maybe if you called your friends to come you would have some numbers
  18. Thanx for understanding..This is true..I was a sub of a sub of a sub for a long time and it killed me watching myself bust my ass and bringing in more people than my head and getting no credit...But its about paying your dues...You dont just grab a bunch of people that want to get in free and do nothing for it, and call yourself the boss...4 people doing 150 looks much better than 150 people doing 4...It also makes me wanna work harder when one of my promoters does more heads then me...Cause if you sit around long enough and collect off them and do nothing, they'll be sitting in that big chair you thought was yours
  19. So far of all the clubs I've been to La Boom in Cancun takes the cake...I was there that night Peters was spinning (March 13th) and it was absolutely insane...I'm hoping to find something better of course but Peters in La Boom will be hard to top...Can someone tell me why there is an English phone booth in there though? We'll, I got some in it so I guess that would be my 1st guess...Anyways its a fawkin sik club
  20. Let him have all the promoters because his team did about 4 at Exit...Stop using promoters like baseball cards and bring some fawkin people to tha parties yourself 1st...You guys are ruining promoters reps..as if they weren't bad enough already...Do some numbers and then start bitching...Not hatin on anyone but we're trying to make the party good..Not collect promoters like fawkin barbie dolls...You should be out on the streets distributing instead of sitting on CP with your thumbs up your asses pretending your entrepreneurs of some big company
  21. Dj Raz did not spin at all Saturday night...He was the kid standing next to Nero in the booth watching him spin...He didn't touch a record the entire night
  22. Well...There is no saving Friday nights at Exit..The crowd makes me wanna vomit...But they just started a new Saturday party with Nero and Vasquez (great combo)...All it needs is the right crowd in there and its not too late for that...This night has not yet been discovered and therefore has the potential to be whatever the people wanna make of it...Empty out all of the staff and people at Exit in your mind and just look around...It is the most remarkable looking place in NYC...You can't even kid yourself about it no matter how much you wanna hate it...If everyone that thought Exit was great and got shitty shows up on Saturdays its just like starting over again...But this time the people hafta take control of the party
  23. Vicious is not spinning this Friday...But 8 other djs are..It should be a good night anyway
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