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Everything posted by promojunkie

  1. Oh could you please shut up. I like Metro also. Its called marketing. And yes, I do think the Thursday party at Metro is played out, and that's my opinion. Suck it up and deal with it. I'm sure Metro will "survive". I doubt anyone is going to invade it or blow it up. You don't need to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I can handle my own decisions. Besides, your very next sentence was a complete contradiction. But I'm not going to support drama with someone because they're insecure about a club. And its only reflecting the on what you're supporting. I'm glad you still enjoy Metro. But we didn't ask for your uneducated brain farts...
  2. Vibe is gonna be hot. Check it out. Riddler is a great DJ, the place is really nice, and the bar is huge, drinks are cheap, admission is cheap, Metro is played out. I can sit here all day and list more reasons, but I have a life. And if Ramapo College is still anything like it is when I visited there. I'm sure you'll all be dying to go there. We saved your college life. No need to thank us. Just go and enjoy...
  3. Can't wait for this Friday. Haven't been to Exit in mad long. But there was a time when I was addicted to Exit and I couldn't go anywhere else. I'm sure a lot of people had the same addiction. The place is just amazing looking no matter what anyone says about it being a shithole and all that. Just go in there and take a look around at the place. It has everything you can ask for. I know I left because the crowd got shitty and was over run with scumbags. But there are new promoters in there that bring an all new crowd. I feel that I owe it to myself to check it out again because I have so many great memories there. No matter how much people hate on it. Exit is the best looking venue in NYC. Nothing really compares. But it is all about the crowd. And I trust the Bobby will restore the enjoyment that Exit once produced because he has a huge heart that's like a marshmallow and he cares about what the people want and responds to their needs. Good luck to all the DJ's and lets get this shit rollin again. Be sure to stay for after hours Nero is gonna rip shit up like always.
  4. And as far as the midnight room goes. I think it's a great idea having a party inside the party because a lot of ppl dont like those huge crowds. I've been trying to do that with the White Room but no one seems to want to pay attention to the idea and they just let whoever they want run free in the club. So good luck with that. It should turn out well.
  5. Dom Capello spins pretty hard house. Why is he opening in the 1st place? I understand he'll spin for a bag of peanuts. But couldn't they get a different DJ to open the night. It's cool spinning on the main floor and all, but that's not what it's all about. I predict that the crowd will not be pleased when he starts banging out hard tracks way before peak hours in an attempt to steal the main floor residency. My opinion is that Dom should stay in the red room where everyone enjoyed his music and take charge up there. He shouldn't set foot in the main booth. Especially not to open. And this is not saying that Dom is a bad DJ. Its just that he is being placed in the wrong genre and it will have a negative effect on the vibe of the club. Which is what the promoters should be focused on instead of just throwing DJs together. I'm not saying I'm a club genious. But I really wish I had some say at that placec because it could really be a premeire venue if run properly.
  6. Looks like everyone is gonna have a merry christmas early this year. I haven't been out in a while but I think I'm gonna hafta attend this one. I'm definately due for a large dose of Nero...
  7. Only a fucking idiot would drop 2,500 flyers and have no one show up. Shoprite was just an example. My point was that only certain places attract certain crowds. If I put flyers for Tempts in every gym, tanning salon and D & G store, I would get a huge turnout. Get my drift?
  8. Its not always how many flyers you give out. Its where you put them and who you give them to. You can put 2,500 flyers at Shoprite and you'll get next to no turnout. It's all about experience and the willingness to travel to clubs and distribute in their parking lots on their big nights
  9. No prob. Hey. if you're looking for Nero just contact me because I know he said you've tried to contact him and I'm handling his bookings right now. He's kinda hard to get in touch with because of his phone service but I'll set everything up with him for you. Lata
  10. Hey Greg. Sorry bout the venue. I was gonna come down with Karen from Max talent but I couldn't make it because of some very important reasons. Get in touch with me and we'll talk about promotions. I think you've got a great idea going and you seem very determined to do well. My team and I would love to help you out in any way possible. Once again, sorry your guys let you down. Let me know if we can help. Thanks
  11. Here's the info on this underground party. The place is called 219 Flamingo and is located in the east village on 2nd ave and 13th st. The party is called Generic. It is a "be yourself" type of party and is all about the music and letting yourself be free to have a great time. We will be fully covering the promotions for this event along with Kurfew entertainment and I think 1 or 2 other teams. This is a straight party with no dress code and cheap admission. It will only be $10 if you say you're with Royal Promotions. Nero will be spinning on the top floor (which is the main floor). It will be a great place to drop by after a Jersey venue closes. Or just if you want to unwind to the underground vibe. Email me for additional info. PS: ATTN Greg White... Please contact me about promotions for your venue.. We love your after hours idea and would like to participate in any way possible.. I am also well tied with Karen from Max Talent and we will soon be teaming up with their promotinal branch. Thanks a lot
  12. My away message is on because I'm away. My mobile communicator was stolen so i can't be available 24/7 anymore.
  13. The dates I put are all on Tuesdays. So they are all at TOPAZ. Thanks for mentioning it though. That was a good point.
  14. Yes, there will be a continuation of the Manage Gras party that was held at Tribecca. That party was absolutely insane and NEEDS an encore. The dates aren't set in stone yet, but here are some of the events to come very soon. 4-23: Grand Opening continues - More give aways including Topaz VIP cards 4-30: Naughty Gras - Our rendition of Mardi Gras with a twist of naughtiness. Large cash prize to the girl who earns the most beads. They won't be easy to get!! 5-7: Max Talent Night - Max Talent Angeny will be present with all of there models and actors. They will be giving away 2 guest spots on HBO's Sex In The City 5-14: Battle of the DJs - 4 DJs in each room will get an hour each to prove their worth in the music industry. Prepare for an incredible night of music 5-21: Pajama Party - we all know how this goes. Everyone in their nightwear. Much more to come....
  15. i totally forgot about that. We'll have that fixed also. Although I didn't really mind coed bathrooms haha. But there are 2 separate bathrooms in each room. PS: The saturday parties will be posted along with the flyers as soon as all the info is complete.
  16. Hey, thanks a lot for the support. You'll never get a good party by praising it. You hafta rip it apart so you can fix the problems. A lot of promoters think that if you cover up all the bad things that they will go away. That's just not the case. Were gonna focus on the bad things so we can make them better. Hope to see you Tuesday.
  17. Nero will be spinning every Tuesday. A lot of people still haven't realized that this isn't a gay night. It's gonna take a week or 2 for the word to get out. The whole club is actually turning straight if Tuesday stays going well. In the beginning it looked like a lesbian fest because there were so many girls in there. I never thought I'd say this but, we need more guys. The girls will always be there because they are sponsoring the party. PS: We had a thong contests in both rooms that were off the hook.
  18. I wanna thank everyone that came out last night and made the party a success. Overall I would hafta rate the party a 7. It was a great opening night, however there is room for improvement. We now have a perspective on the good and bad points and will have everything fixed for next week. Here is my review. Overall occupancy: Crowded with plenty of room to move. We underestimated how many people we could actually fit in there. But there was a large amout of people. Girl to guy ratio: 3 girls to every guy all night. (no joke). All the sorrorities showed up early so there was about 80 gilrz and 7 guys until 10:30. I'm sure it will even out after the word gets out about the ratio. Music: Nero and Swivle ripped shit as always. Music will never be an issue at Topaz. It will always be near perfect. Drinks: Drinks were cheaper than even I expected last night. $1 shots, $2 domestic bottles, $3 mixed drinks. I heard a couple people mention that some drinks were weak so we took care of that for next week. Others couldn't believe they got a shot that was half a cup for $1. Everyone looked pretty drunk though haha. Crowd: The crowd was excellent. Mainly made up of the people from all the other Jersey parties. Good looking and alot of fun and energy. There was no dress code and still no one looked bad. There was not even the slightest problem inside. There was also no security inside which was amazing how controlled it was. Something other clubs should think about. Very friendly and non-paranoid atmosphere. Things to be fixed: 1. We apologize for how hot it was in the hip hop room. We had the doors opening constanly and it made the room really hot. We are gonna put the AC on earlier in the day and let the place get colder next week. 2. As everyone noticed the lighting at Topaz iz amazing. However we had a couple complaints that the place resembled The Tunnel because of how dark we made the dance floor. We are gonna brighten up the floor a little bit more and use the strobe lights less. We will also use the bubble machines and the toilet paper blower more often. 3. Directions from route 17 south: Get off at Hoboken rd. (Meadowlands Diner). Topaz is about a mile up on the right. (next to Tommy's Diner). Simple directions!!! Our complaint: There will be NO comps given out anymore. We comped more than half the party and almost didn't make enough to continue it. It's only $5 to get in all night and we feel the party is worth much more than that. If you come to a club with less than $5 in your pocket we don't feel you are worthy of our venue. There will be VIP cards given out this week that will comp people. If we feel you are assisting our party in any way you will recieve 1. We were and still are also giving out Roxy permanent VIP cards at the door for free. We feel that, in itself, is worth the admission fee. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to post them on this thread. Thank you and I hope to see you all next Tuesday.
  19. The drinks were: $2 shots $2 domestics $3 mixed drinks (well brand) $4 mixed drinks (call brand) we also had $1 cosmo shots for an hour. I'm glad you had a good time though. It was great seeing you there and meetin you finally. I met your partner later in the night also and we talked a little. We'll talk more later on def.
  20. hahahaha i hear ya... this is a one night special events its worth crossing the river then goin to vinyl or sf after
  21. I think I've talked to you about this before. You're the one that knows Nero right? You're his age?
  22. I can almost garuntee you're talkin about Dimi's only because its really the only place in Garfield thats promoted as a nightclub. Even though it's just a bar with the features of a nightclub. I run a Wednesday night there with a sorrority from Willy P. Fridays and Sats are decent but with a younger crowd. And yes, I know a lot of people from Rutherford.
  23. Hey Matt, I know you. Me and Floyd drove you home from Exit when your boy's car got robbed. Last time I saw you I pulled up next to you on the highway haha. I know mostly everyone from Wallington. I've been friends with your sister Monica since I was 11. Don't stress the chinese kid and the other kids they can't do shit. I bitched all of them out at the same time by myself one time. Plus the chinese kid just got off house arrest for putting coke in a steriod needle and bringing it to his probation officer. Long story.... Anyways if I see you at Topaz you'll know me right away. Barb said she'll definately be there also. Just get the word out to everyone around town that it's not gay. See you there
  24. Ya I chilled at epic back in the day when I was like 16. That's how I knew about the place. Only problem was the promoters who ran the party ran it into the ground. After that, the owner tried a gay night there and it was packed to the walls so he made it gay and only open Fidays and Saturdays. But since I knew the owner fram back then he agreed to do a straight night again and if Tuesday goes well the entire club will be converted to straight and the name will be changed. I'm almost 100% positive I've met you also. Ive chilled in Wallington most of my life.
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