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Everything posted by shook

  1. well i don't wanna go into to many but this memorail day week end on friday after bamboo i got a ticket for walken naked and drunk on the board walk well not really naked or that drunk my boys were on out aztec bacony so i was yellen gook at them LoL its the in word and ther were mad girls who were like u are showen alot but show it all so i toke off my shorts and walked the board walk naked with a bottle of brandy LoL got like a 600 $ fine got court on the 22 nd
  2. quite the troll hhmm i'm a 6 foot troll i guess
  3. yeah my ass is white lol i can't help it tho i do have some impresive back muscles in thsoe pics and i didn't even lift back then
  4. nice responses and yes yes i was anoyed lol it cool tho i mean just cause i';m online doesn't mean i like to im i mean i even hate it when my sis or friends im me so dont 'feel bad i got pissed and told u off cause u would need to be a pretty hot peice of ass to bug me and not get told off but atleast i said wut i thought and u can never blame some 1 for sayen it like it is even if the truth was mean
  5. pm it i'm lazy and i checked page 1 and noting so pm
  6. no i can do better but this is a public message board it's just the facts that a lot of people who do this are ugly or fat or both i mean even i don't like my self that much so i stride to be better and ocne thsi cums upon i shall never post again cause this is pityful
  7. i bet u are eiether over weight or ugly or worse off both
  8. the scar on my right cheek u edited lol its not that big and damn i did look ripped lol i cant' wait to devolpoe these 40 pics i made this girl take of me on the beach duren memorail day week end lol so mid week people yall gonna peep some new pics
  9. your new to board too lol i wonder who is maken new names and talken sh1t like they know me lol kiddy games people damn yall serious gotta learn lol i mean best of u shoudl of asked some 1 for a old name so u could of looked like u posted her befor and then it would have more a meanen but any ways joeg and his peopel are still dogz i gotat say that lol atleats clearsil and a good tan fixed my problem but damn ther problems takes more then 5 bucks and a few mins on the beach to fix LoL and any ways if the pcis were good enough that u spoted me not bad then Lol so i guess i look enough like the pics then
  10. lol shes talken brave i met her she imed me the next day like 5 times i called her ugly and to stop anoyen me lol then i called her a troll or some thing i mean the bitch was anoyen buggen me for stupid signs on her web page and then iming me for the hell of it to say hi lol i'm not sure but i'm not to friendly with nice ims if u got sh1t to say im me other wise leave me alone lol but atleast i called u ugly u stupid tramp while u was still being nice lol and u know it shocked u and then u wnet and said your ugly after word like every typical girl lol i even made a post bout this the otehr day u was 1 of the stupid tramps i called ugly and then had to go and run mouth LoL;)
  11. lol u people are deff amazed i know but sh1t not every 1 can live a boren square life if u knew half of the dumb sh1t i've done yall would die laughen and be amazed i am deff a exotic animal if i must say
  12. lol yall should all make a family yall ugly fuks LoL and i posted to make my self laugh cause callen yall ugly made me smile
  13. i think hoke seems like a fagget who would blend in with u ugly bitchs
  14. lol wut u talken bout now i duplacate the pics crack head lol and hoke u might not be but ugly we will never know but ypur friends your sticken up for sure are fuken ugly
  15. lol u ask y babe its the simple fact that most of the guys are losers and really are perverts i mean the typical male is all bout cars and girls and its the biggest weakness of males and it makes us other guys who really dont 'care wut a car has or how fast it is and really aint' desprite enough to sweat or post a porn pic liek wow shes hot look like sh1t i mean the typical male is a loser and on the real it gives the whole gender a bad rep
  16. a typical punk answer lol taken the easy way out by just not showen who u are but serious u defend rejects who should be defenden them selfs and u talk bout me speaken sh1t when all u do is kick sh1t back at me lol grow up kid and pratice wut u prech and if u get brave lets see wut u look like and see if u blend in with your friends or if your just being a good person and tryen to stick up for them cause i feel as if u just relaze your probley ugly and if i knew u i would say sh1t to u too so your haten for the fact u know u will be rejected like your people
  17. High blood pressure and heart disease Liver damage and cancers Stroke and blood clots Urinary and bowel problems, such as diarrhea Headaches, aching joints, and muscle cramps Nausea and vomiting Sleep problems Increased risk of ligament and tendon injuries Severe acne, especially on face and back -->Baldness<--- now to respond to wut mugz wrote not every side effect every 1 has and thers a few more u missed out on but u gotta relaze diffrent people handle it diffrent and any ways i never jucied so next subject i wanna jucie thers a diffrence i'm 5'11 200 if i juiced i would be around 250 i mean i might be that soon but as of now yall gonna have to find some thing else to make fun of me with but on teh real i think yall best chance at tryen to get even with me is to just keep sayen i can't type or spell cause it is probley my biggest weakness at this point in life plus its your geeks biggest strength so yall mys well show off your talents while i show off mine
  18. lol true u can see a scar on my right cheek in that pic from this brawl i had over the week end lol so yall can dis on that but yes i do have hair i'm sorry to say and no i'm not a midget i'm bout 6 ft even lol and yes i am kinda conceited and think i'm better then people and yep yep that fat fuk joe g started this when he dised on my grammer a while back so he brought it upon him self so any more questions just ask and they will be answerd and hoke your talken pretty brave kid atleast i seen that fat fuk joe in person but u i dont' even know who u are so on the real show your face and lets see if your worth even bothern with
  19. seasides pretty weak went down thursday had a room at the aztec 227 lol i was yellen it at every girl i seen hit up merge temps bamboo a few times none of them really were nice enough to dedacated a whole nite too was drunk like 4 days stright got areested for being drunk and nude on the baord walk ended up just with a big ticket and got into a few fights and got a bangen ass tan so over all was decent i guess
  20. i'm gonna drop it liek this some of u people need a life and if i wanna spend my time maken fun of fat kids or ugly girls cool but don't u really think yall doing the same bout me kinda makes u look like your controdicten your self and in reality u are being just as fuked up as i am ???????????????? but any ways that bald sh1t is kinda kiddy i mean soon yall gonna make fun of my mom lol i'm 20 i might be bald by the time i'm 30 but fro now every 2 weeks i am in the haircut shop geting a brooklyn LoL being bald would be easyer and cheaper but lol yall can say any thing else yall want now u know i'm not bald, i'm still dumb tho and yall think i'm a jucie head lol so go and make fun of those or some thing lol and i'll say wut i want bout who i want
  21. the nerd look is hot and i looked mad wasted 4 days drunk in a roll fuks u upp lol but yawn still not bad comapred to wut most of yall look like i mean at 5'10 200 and with the age of 20 yall do gotta agree pretty inpresive lol even if yall wanna hate it cool i mean u haten just means u ugly and y would i wanna be cool with ugly fuks
  22. lol heres the clark kent nerd look LoL i mean part your hair to the wings and damn u look like a jacked nerd and u can pick up some pretty mature females
  23. lol aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww yall tryen to hurt me now by sayen i'm bald lol unfort i do have hair and most of yall have seen it but it was a nice diss try cause if i was bald i might of been offended
  24. lol can't spell i'll admit but i bet your a ugly fuk so say wut u will and defend a fat fuk cause u are who u chill with and if your chillen with fat ugly fuks then u are that LoL so on the real look in the mirror boy
  25. ugly trash probley tralor trash and yes yes u pretty much got it u will never be wit ha ncie penis so u hate on them but any ways this dik is out so be goodz
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