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Everything posted by shook

  1. good response kid but u do relaze wut i am talken bout cause a lot of peopel stress this sh1t a lil too much and its pityful
  2. woooohoooooooooo i was called guido LoL and i only lived in nj bout a year and change so i'm a southern cali guido babe at most but thanks for the complement
  3. Look listen boy every 1 who read this already knwos i can't type or spell and i'm a prick so on the real who are u proven it too lol but u maken me look bad please i make my self look bad by not spell checken and spacen right, but now does george give a fuk no u know y george doesn't care cause he can probley get your girl friend to suk his dik and u ask y would she LoL he replys cause all she did was look at me and toke a look at u LoL lifes sick now ain't it but nay ways off too the gym losers mauh mauh be safes kidz and ps ghost LoL i hyjacked noting people are stupid a guy cums on a board postes model pics and knwos bout every nerd on this i mean who the fuk acttly thought he was real LoL i'm no genus but i knew it was just 1 of yall people with alot of free time and built in anger at people
  4. we talken bout looks thers noting more too it a fat sloppy hoe would think i'm god a normal chick would think i was better then noraml a hot chick would think i was tralor trash lol thats how looks go and alot of u mother fukers ain't normal and yall might be able to type all proper and might have the sweetest minds but u know wut no girls wants a nerd who can't defend her or that she can't be iwth and be like look over ther thats my man now yall can say wut u will but every head turns when u see a hot or jacked male or female even if u happen to be holden the hand of a normal person and midns lol fukem who need'em i know i don't still haven't used it and i get sh1t thrown at me like i'm the king
  5. but u know wuts really funny is at first ther were like 10 people replyen to this spiten sh1t bout rizzo and now since i'm speaken up thers only 3 standen up for the cause LoL your loser friends are scared lil faggets but i do give big pop and asian a lil prop for still runnen ther mouths while all ther lil friends quit
  6. lol prove it his grammer has been proven but u gotta remember cuteness is in the eyes of the beholder and fat peopel think are fat peopel are hot fat people always think skinny peopel are hot and so on and so on i mean his looks have not be proven and any 1 can say he's a fuken gQ model but ontill it has been proven he's just another rizzo with out the funny ness
  7. boy u better talk less educated when your talken to me lol i ain't in no mood to think listen up if u wanna go and bring up rizzos sh1t so be it but honestly i think its kinda of pityful to concern your self with childish message board sh1t i mean look how many people i offend and try to fight with me lol when thats all i wanted to begin with yall people are looken for friends i am killen time i think yall are below me i think my arms are bigger then most of yall brains and i'm happy knowen that and i get off on haven lil faggets stress me just like i'm sure who ever rizzo was is doing the same its just a message board its funny yall cum on here looken for friends being all peaceful when i cum on here and say fuk peace wheres the fuken war
  8. see onlike u people i have lived the good life the last girl i had sex with i knew for a hour and we didnt' even talk the girl befor her i knew for 15 mins still no talken LoL the last girl i chilled iwth more then a few days would take me by the hand and drag me places call me her man and never even knew my last name and i've never been asked any kinda question by any girl ever i've hooked up with girls that haven't knew my name i have seen girls who didn't know my name i have had girls tell me to keep my mouth shut in public cause i waas prettyer like that LoL see u herb ass fagget need your wits and sh1t and your money to fuk i've never used money nor my mind ever to fuk now sure u feel pretty dirty after word cause its like wow that girl fuked me and she didn't even know my name and she doesn't even care wut my name is but serious at the age of 20 wut more can u ask for i'll wait on love till i decide to be a nicer person then i'll use some of this mind
  9. LoL i fitness train too and belave me all i see is fat fuks like u fagget message board people all fuken day asken me for advice 5'10 207 at the age of 20 wa wa LoL with out any roidz yet yet is the key word tho and bigpoplefagget or wut ever your name is lol the answer to your question was answerd in this response kid i could fuk more bitchs with my body alone then most of yall could fuk with your mind and looks put together lifes is based up looks its as simple as that u eiether got the cuteness or u need the jacked ness i never said i was a model lol but i have modeled sporten sh1t i mean u wont' see me walken down no fagget run way but u could catch me in lil sporten mags so wa wa
  10. good come back fagget post a pic ugly boy and prove your ugly ness so people like me and rizzo can get a laugh
  11. i think asianvixen should be conciderd message board queen cause she is still showen her lack of a life by taken this stupid sh1t serious her and joe G should mate and make a babe so my kids can pick on it and beat it up threw out life till the day it gets brave enough to kill it self LoL but atleast the day after ther kid will atleast be the talk of the town and will make the front page head liners and with that it was already more popular then they could ever be
  12. was that suposed to offend me cause seriously all u gotta do is post a pic and i'll die laughen and pretty much would of offended your self and that goes for any of yall low life white trash mother fukers life is based upon looks and eiether u have them or your on a message board tryen to make up for them and on the real people like u are the reason people like me get locked up
  13. LoL your laugen at them i'm laughen by how obese u looked in those pics rizzo posted with u on top of the car in the burger king parken lot or u and your fuked up teeth boy looken like faggets in your back yard touchen each other now that was some funny sh1t u fuken losers rizzo might of been fake but serious y would a model post on a board any ways it was common sense to think it was 1 of your people gone bad and just maken fun of yall but long live rizzo and who ever he might of been cause while it was going on it was funny and for thsoe faggets who acttly thought it was real yall are some really dumb losers cause serious it was pretty easy and all it toke was common sense to know wut was up
  14. so wut i pretend to be this kid george who is wiggerd out LoL in real life any 1 who has met me relazes wut is typed and is messaged boarded isn't wut is real life and if any 1 wants to pretend to be some 1 i see no problem with it i mean if u wanna be some kinda super hero defenden people who are to scared to stand up for them selfs so be it but people gotta relaze this is a message board this isn't real life and for those who feel as if this does represent life all yall can suk my white dik yall no life liven mother fukers LoL cause i can be who ever i want on this bosrd and any other baord if if i presented my self as i do on here in real life i would of been in jail or killed a long time ago so wisen up fukers
  15. you people act like yall dissen on him or wut not but in reality all u have showen was your lack of lifes lol and your immature ness cause u let a message board bother u so much that u went and wasted your own time tryen to prove a point LoL u people are jokes and most of yall need a life
  16. that cute big titty white chick and jake should of won i mean jakes hair alone was amazen but he need to be bigger he was cut but he had no bulk but i'm happy that jaki won and did any 1 see her ugly chinse looken bf LoL she should of just fuked that pete guy she was better off
  17. aLL yaLL can suk my dik and stop stressen rizzo Let him Live and yaLL people get a Life
  18. i think yall think too much and every thing he says is still funny:laugh:
  19. lol she's still stressen me lol i dont' even waste my time with u any more so y do u keep showen your lack of a life by carryen on your grudge lol
  20. i under stode it lol
  21. smart boy my arms are way too much this is y i just lift chest and i'm letten the arms chill a bit on'till they even out
  22. another hot seaside story from the week end was i was walken around the hotel naked and the room next store was a few girls and guys so i was chaten with this girl and she was like take off your towell so i did and her man cums runnen in sayen y did i show his girl my dik lol so my boy cums out of the room and is like my boy can show his dik to any hoe he wants and they start fighten LoL my dik got me in mad troble it seems this week end
  23. lol i'm not that big yet i'm only 40 pounds more then when u met me i would need to be like 280 to be a ogar but hey i wanna end up like 270 so maybe soon
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