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Everything posted by shook

  1. since u posted i need to remind u to look in the mirror cause your ugly
  2. sexxyh makes sense i mean u geeks need to learn to make fun of people cause u throw out sh1t that isn't even offensive i mean i am surprised yall aren't talken bout my mother LoL cause all i read is some 1 sayen i fuk sheeps and i do not see how that is funny i mean the funny part is watchen a geek tryen to make fun of me lol and usen his geek lyrics i mean if u wanna think i fuk sheep and call me a cum bucket good for u i mean it really is pretty stupid and u should work on your bashen kid
  3. thers no need to go off on your pic u posted it people who are like me are laughen and people like u are laughen thinken u did good or some thing so thers really no reason to waste my time upon maken fun of u the pic says it all
  4. i didn't ignore it i just think it's stupid but hey if u wanan suk my dik wait in line fagget
  6. hhhhmmm yall people are herbs but any ways true u posted a pic and your pretty fuken geeky looken so u deff fit in with joe g but wuts the point i got better sh1t to do then to pick on your look so on the real get a life people
  7. LoL okay and ????????????????
  8. and just to drop it off a lil some of yall have to remember i grew up in San Diego 17 years then i went to college in Georgia i mean not cause i was smart it was for football but still i got into a pretty nice college and o tho i might of droped out and moved to NJ by gran parents I'm not as bad as yall think and I'm 20 thats the main thing yall gotta remember and truthfully this message board thing is a joke to me and maybe if ther were better females to impress and less trash i would act different upon it but for the time being i don't' see any models and I'm sure as hell ain't a model or God yet but damn in life u gotta work on being the best and damn fuken right i am worken on becomen God and truthfully if i was seeing goddesses on this i would act totaly diffrnet cause i would need to impress but i dont' see noting worth impressen so i act like a prick cause its funny to watch u people react to it
  9. LoL a thread dedacted to myself cuteness and yes i have met people from this . And most turned out to be mad cool and na the wigger thing is a bad online habit in person i've grown out of it i mean if i wanted to be black i would of stayed skinny and dressed in baggy ness but lol i go for the shirtless prep thing of late and for those who said i was normal good look people cause i really been worken on it and deff once your out in public u can't let loose and wild out as much as u can on this and really it's pretty funny acten like u want on this and haven people think it's real, cause on the real i remember the first time i ever met some 1 off a board it happend to be the sf board i met this girl and she was like o my fuken god your normal and yoru so quiet and proper u deff don't act like u do online and didn't beleave i even was the same person who was online she thought i had a brother and most people say some wut of the same sh1t its flattern on how much u can amaze people in person and shock people i mean cause i would never judge a person online cause u really cant' express your self on this just cause i type fuked up or wut not or might have a ebonicle flavor really doesn't mean i am that and a lot of people just judge a book upon a few pages with out ever readen threw it and truthfully all u people see are a few pages and wut the rest beholds few will ever know
  10. a few friends i know love it lol and swear its good i went once and really pretty much hated it i mean tehrs alot of cute 16 year olds if your into 16 year olds i guess but over all its really a waste of time and i'm happy i didnt' let friends influence me tonite bout it
  11. fuk yall haters and damn are ther nay cute females out in this cp world with pics to prove it if so boredom973 lets trade females now if that was charming then wut is chearming LoL
  12. here boy friend was ugly and deserved to get beat up it would of been funny if pete just came out and was like u aint' fuken me for that dweeb and bitch smacked that gook looken fuker he dont' deserve a tender white peiace of ass like that a real male deserves it
  13. it tastes like ass i rather take a lil 5 grams of creatine 3 to 4 times a day then 2 big scoops of that nasty tasten sh1t nitro tech is a good protein tho but its expensive as fuk so i suggest get the cheapest creatine and cheapest protein and just pretty much od on it lol well take it ill u can't take it any more and if u lift enough u shall see results but no mircales on that stuff alone it will take a good year or 2 to pack on the pounds
  14. my boys father marrid this hot fake titty fake nosed former ms virgina LoL and we watched it together and she was all into it i mean it was crazy shes also my sf girl damn rollen into sf with a former ms virgina on your arms deff get's atteion LoL i only wish i could get it tho but i try LoL
  15. weLL put kid and george deff agree's with it all
  16. yeah i know but it seems to be new to alot of people since it's all they ever bring up u know its the drama of the baord my lack of typen and spellen skillz and when ever i go and call some 1 ugly or wut not they always bash on my type like it hasn't been done befor and act as if they did some thing no 1 has done befor lol cause u know peopel throwen it up in face makes me look like a ass alot of people think yet they do not relaze every ass hole even those who just read can see it and when i crack out and call them ugly or wut not them sayen can't type back really can't hurt
  17. i try babe but i only state the truth as i see it and if people wanna go and get offended so be it i'm not liven ther lifes and on the real i know thers a few people out ther that beleave this is a joek as well and laugh when they see me sayen sh1t even if it is misspelled and mis typed a lot
  18. i know on the sf baord they would make a topic and set a time and tell any 1 who wnats to cum along to hit up the spot its weird like that tho cause all nite u have weirdos sayen hi to u i mean i dont' even post on sf any more and i was walken around iwth my girl in sf and like 3 lil skinny geeky kids grab me and are liek do u post on sf i was like na they was like u sure i seen your pic befor lol i was like yeah i get banned alot ight be goods kidz was anoyen lol i gotta stop posten pics cause its suposed to be for the chicks but all i ever bump into is dik it seems i've had atleast 20 gusy walk up to me and be like wait u post here u post ther i know u and only like 7 girls hhmmmmmmm damn thinken bout that is maken me rethink my sig
  19. LoL kid i already had the erge to say happy birth day skinny lil fagget loven troll girl but i figured let her b day sh1t live with out my wordz i seen her pics on fly guy last nite and i think shes geting uglyer and damn her man looks like a stick figure i mean damn i wouldnt' post pics of my gf and u ask y its cause she will make me look bad lol playen love ya girl but any ways her fly guy pics are deff laughable and had my wondering who was the bitch and the man of the group cause she looks like she looks like she wears the pants
  20. i'm with u kid i never like went into sh1t intending on meeten people but posten pics does some times get people meeting u so i have met a few i guess if haven them say sup to me yo your that kid on cp counts LoL which is flatern but i deff think meet ups are geeky if it happens it happens like i'm going to roxy on the 7th and i'm not gonna hit up any meet up spot but if yall wanna say hi feel free george doesn't bite
  21. LoL i am sure he wil lact like he doesn't but then again i am sure he been called ugly befor so no biggy
  22. if thats your pic in that icon i can tell your a loser and u got no life dweeb boy
  23. when they have the next tough enough i am so gonna go and interview i interviewed last week for a few beach house shows and got like 10 passes for the beach hosue in novemeber and they said thers a good chnace i can get on a show but tough enough would be hot i mean i don't even watch the sport or give a fuk bout it but all i know is thers a few cute chicks on it and i'm bigger then that jake guy and deff got a crazy personality so i think i got a chance lol woooohooooooooo i can picture my self being in the ww wut ever the fuk it is LoL
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