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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shook

  1. damn i was wondering wut happend to him i was looken for his ass at roxy and he hasn't posted so i was wondern wut was up with him
  2. the sf board is pretty wack i will say i met a lot of people from it and hhmmm i'll keep mouth shut about that 1 but over all most message baords are nerdy and geeky and represent the uglyness about clubs
  3. my gym is called basement LoL or ballys in clifton
  4. after looken at pics threw a real camra all i gotta say is first pic i need a chest in so i gotta work on that and in the second pic i look fat lol fuken life hate it gotta do a lot of liften tonite befor sf and damn i should of shaved cause i look grimey but fuk it i guess not bad for like cluben around smoke and sweaty ness after a few hours and the people with me in the pics lol trecend your catchen up kid i'm gonna make u go to sf 1 of these days and u aint' gonna be able to say no i'm gonna make u walk around shirtless too so u better get ready and rachel lol u good people girl we'll ontill our next fight LoL ther i fixed it for u moon shine i am sure your still to simple minded to under stand it since it is a run on sentice but hey i'm gonan drop it easy for u if u can't read wut i write ignore it and don't bother readen any thing else i write and that goes for any of u others out ther i mean yall bring it upon your selfs to state i dont' use spell check and no fuken sh1t thats been stated a billion fuken times and is geting old and on the real i don't care if i look stupid i just type for speed not to look like a fuken genus like some of u faggets so if any of yall DON'T LIKE OR CAN'T READ WUT I WRITE DO YOUR SELFS A FAVOR AND AVOID WUT I SAY AND TYPE CAUSE IT IS THE EASYEST WAY TO NOT STRESS BOUT IT BUT I UNDER STAND SOME OF YALL DONT' HAVE LIFES AND STATEN I CAN'T SPELL OR TYPE IS THE NUMBER 1 TO DO THING ON YOUR LIST IN WHICH I AM FLATTERD BUT ON THE REAL IF U DON'T LIKE ME,OR CAN'T READ WUT I TYPE DO YOUR SELFS AND MY SELF A FAVOR AND AVOID IT and just ignore every thing i type say or do okay now be goodz people
  5. ofcourse boredom 973 and yall better invite me too or i will be pissed
  6. yeah true befor i forget i need a vip card too kid so then i can spend lal the money on booze and swedish fish LoL
  7. me eiether kid i was smirken in the mall which is a form of a smile and damn i hate smilen gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  8. its normal kid of late i have been haven dreams of fuken chinse and older women LoL i wouldnt' call it in sane but hhmmm its deff odd
  9. and the last thing i hate is u can see that red sh1t they put on my hand sayen i and unreasonable how ever u spell cause i'm under age lol i was pissed my fake id didnt' work but taleats i didn't need to roclk a band so pluses
  10. after looken at pics threw a real camra all i gotat sat is first pit i need a chest gotta work on that and in the second pic i look fat lol fuken life hate it gotta do a lot of liften tonite befor sf and damn i should of shaved cause i look grimeybut fuk it i guess not bad for like cluben around smoke and sweaty ness after a few hours and the people with me in the pics lol trecend your catchen up kid i'm gonna make u go to sf 1 of these days and u aint' gonna be able to say no i'm gonna make u walk around shirtless too so u better get ready and rachel lol u good people girl on till or next fight
  11. i bumped into trecend all nite and he was tellen me bout some restrant sh1t too bad i didn't make it
  12. yeah i wasn't really in the mood skiny wasshity but i made it out and yeah pics with rachel lol i think we have a under standen now that the board and real life are diffrent i mean i try not to act up and act as sain and as proper as i can in life no matter how hard it is
  13. george espected it to be louder but over all it wasn't bad so i stode till like 5 30 and it wasn't as much torture as i espected it to be so all in all good i guess
  14. true true good meeten both of yall and roxy deff was decent a bunch of 16 year old girls it seemed tho but thats pretty normal i guess and the sound deff wasn't loud enough i espected it to be more but hhmmmm who knows i'm pretty deff any ways but any ways good meeten some of yall people and all
  15. true true world cup wooohooo
  16. hhmmmmmmm roxy tonite not sure 50/50 so far after i wake up i'll know for sure so if peopel see me say sup ight
  17. true kid i deff will make sure i cum back strong i mean this work sh1t has even cut into my lift hours and i lost 10 pounds and inchs so damn me bout to quit and just dedacate my life to liften and boards again LoL
  18. girls with arm hair is nasty well if its dark its nasty any kinda brown or dark hair should be shaved
  19. and i didn't give up kid i just been busy with work and sh1t and i haven't posted of late when work dies down i'll make sure i spend my time bashen yall again but as of now i ain't in the mood to play the child sh1t i mean yall never really offended me u called me 1st grader dises i mean if u want me to get offended atleast cum off and talk bout real life not fuken sheeps lol
  20. hhmmm wut u talken bout kid i had a geek post his pic and say here look at me and i had some crack head call me stupid 1st grader names lol gang up on me please yall are below me and yall keep wasten your time with me lol thats the funny part
  21. it's not amusen cause it's pity game i mean i dont 'care wut u look like and u posted a pic i give u props thers no reason to talk sh1t bout u i mean alot of people wouldn't of posted sh1t so u get props and this thread is wack cause i'm not going along with the kiddy games and tryen to fight with yall cause i really haven't been offended 1 person called me a idiot which is normal and another called me a sheep fuken cum guzzer who fuks fat pigs i mean none of that is really offensive LoL maybe later after i wake up i'll make a funny topic and will show yall how it's done i mean if u wanna make people laugh it's pretty simple u gotta act like a dumby and just wild out no thinken involved
  22. lol did u try to offend me ther i mean callen me a pig fuken whore is just sayen i get laid and damn if yall wanna think i fuk fat girls so be it i'l ladmit i fuked many of ugly ones but only 1 fat 1 LoL but callen me a whore isn't offensive i'm acctly pretty flaterd u think i fuk so much that i'm a whore so thanks kid
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