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Everything posted by shook

  1. thats not vip eiether and its pretty ugly in ther too that sf girl i know toke me back ther i was like hhmmmmm these post are wack i'm going back to 3rd floor where u can acttly see wut people acctly look like lol lol find girls on any other floor is wack u cant' see them well the main part of 4th u can see but still its ugly
  2. i hear sexigurl is anoyen lol i said too much al ready but yeah i chilled with body builders it was crazy and the 4th floor your talken bout the cabort room how ever u spell sh1ts not vip lol i stoped in ther to peep this girl once in a while but the 4th floor is deff the worse looken floor in sf
  3. the kid who posted the link is mad cool and on the real he did warn people and he didnt' do it in a bad way all he did was post some thing that is already on the internet and on the real i'm happy he posted it cause other wise i would of never knew wut the fuk happend and it deff made me and i am sure a lot more open ther eyes a lil
  4. i deff agree with u ther the 2nd floor was nasty sat nite but the 4th floor was even more ug;y the 3rd floor was decent tho but it had less juciers and and less cute females then normal every 1 is sayen but fuk it that sh1t made me feel bigger lol i spent the whole nite on the 3rd floor and when ever i left it sf just looked ugly but wut can u do i guess if u dont' like it just get druged out or drunk and then every things looks pretty
  5. like i know if yall met or if she just seen u or wut ever happend all i just know is monday monring i got a email sayen i wasn't a bull shiter and wut i said bout the sf board was the truth i mean on the real i was done with it and i even said sup to yall at sf in my mind it was deff over with and still is over with but the emails were too funny to hide and i never said i agreed with the emails cause if u go to page 1 i some wut defend yall people and say your good people in my response to her i mean i look at life now as every 1 is cool in ther own ways and if i dont' like some 1i just avoid them and keep my mouth shut which i have been doing but the mails was some 1 else sayen sh1t that u and u always thought only i thought sh1t and in reality u relaze a lot of people think like her and like i used to think it too and on the real if u wanna beleave every 1 is friendly cool but u now relaze thers a lot of us out ther who dont' think like u and alot of people who think like me or her lol i could care less thinken is too hard i just wanna get built and look in the mirror lol and maybe mess with a few girlys befor i death lol and maybe to pop a few more pics and all those are the only things worth thinken bout i mean even yesterday i was chaten with thsi girl who knwos yall and she was like sayen soem thing and i was like uh huh any ways and then said some 1 else thought it too and i was like uh huh okay lol on the real i am over it with yall i see u i say sup i put on a smile i ask how life i go on my way wut others think fuk'em wut ever makes u happy live with and be happy with george is in that peaceful look in the mirror stage and damn sf needs more mirrors thats bout the only thing i hate bout sf
  6. lol look people made a topic bout me on the ever so popular sf board lol and she soem wut releazes i didn't make the email up LoL i'm done with being mean to yall people i got better sh1t to do but i posted those mails cause its funny and i know alot of people on this board agree with it and hate sf so those mails were funny and just made sense to alot of people probley plus it killed time and thsi topic ended up being funny as fuk and deff has gotten a few laughs even if it's on the dL from some people look i am popular LoL i got a topic bout me on the sf board
  7. lol stop tryen to say u didn't look normal we all get it damn but its funny cause she was talken bout last sat and she said that at the sf theme party and she said all that so i guess wut is nomral ????????????
  8. hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm yeah i just thought it was funny and she did see pics those family pics they were on the board last month LoL i knwo cause i was gonan photoshop them but they cleaned the site the other day so ther lost till some 1 postes new ones but any ways she makes sense some wut and i never met her but she emailed me so in my book she's good people even tho she's ghetto lol
  9. most of the people on the board have had u hhhhmmmmmmmmm interesting but weren't u suposed to be maken fun of me i mean if so y are u sayen u have been had by many of people on this and many of other boards ??????? and ps i am sure your boyfriend is very proud of you being had
  10. lol your dumb if you think i am maken it up and if that was so y are u stressen it cause on the real alot of people say stuff lol not only that email i was talken to a girl last nite who said some thing it was funny and she said some other person said some thing lol was even more funny but fuk it the emails are funny gotta love em
  11. thank u babe i love being and looken like a ass but i just gotta say 1 thing aren't u tired with haven your legs open so much
  12. lol true but its no biggy as long as thers a few juicers to talk to and a few cute females bouncen around i'm happy
  13. lol heres a hint u gotat find it tho Ok, the stuff you said about the message board people only sounded bad until I actually saw those people at SF yesterday. GROSS! I mean, _____ & ___ are cool, and I met ___-, _____, and _____ - they seemed great, but after that I got the hell away from that corner. See, ________- posts a normal looking picture of herself on the board, so it sounds like you're calling normal looking girls fat & ugly - that's why people get upset - cuz on her photo she looks normal. But she's like 200 pounds!! I was like, what the fuck? I didn't even know people like that went to SF - that message board does NOT represent Sound Factory. So I don't think I'll be posting much on there anymore. Well if I run into you at CPIs or SF I'll be sure to say whazzup. See ya! -Monica >From: BoReDoM973@aol.com >To: _lea_ure_un_ie@hotmail.com >Subject: Fwd: pics thers a few so might take a bit top load pics send me a >few if u got >Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:29:40 EDT > > ><< message3.txt >>
  14. tyson kid he said it in a interview he gave and on the real if that isnt' poetery then wut is lol if i had more space i would so put in all the other sh1t he says cause all of it is amazen
  15. let me reply to this LoL i never met her and i called her atire thrashy when she described it lol and neagtivety and judgements is wut this board is all about and i am funny lol i crack my self up by the life i live and every time i get to look back upon it i am like wow i'm a crack head just look at the convo me and her had if thats not funny then wut is funny and wut does haven a job have to do with any thing ?????? and i feel with the pics commet thers not enough pics ther should be more so i think i will post a few more later out of boredom and cause of your request
  16. i know babe i thought the same sh1t as i read it now wow how the fuk do people under stand me lol but u gotta go up to the second email and read wut i say at the bottom lol i even amazed my self i said some sh1t like yeah i'm 20 i go to clubs to get fuked and some times i meet some 1 and they turn out to be cute lol wow i'm a amazen animal i must say
  17. quoth if u get bored kid u put my face on to rambo that sh1t would be hot
  18. and the last email exchanged lol i added in the parts i wrote in her fowarden lol if u people real yall will laugh i am a carck head i know just look how i talk to the girlys LOL!! George that couldn't have been me...Spanish...Ghetto? I'm cracking up over here. Don't strain your brain - I'll run into you sometime. Especially with the amount of pictures you've sent me, I've got to be able to recognize you. See ya! >From: BoReDoM973@aol.com >To: ------------@hotmail.com >Subject: hhhhmmmmmmmm my photogenric memory >Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 22:44:08 EDT > >remebers soem thing lol i hater it i remembers too much the brown bandana >girl while siting on cocuh at 1 point asked me for a lite and then ther was >a >lighten next to me and aksed me if it was mine and i was liek na do u or >soem thing lol i wonder if it was u i mean brown bandana girl ther wasn';t >to >many of them lol i was only 1 rock a balck bandana that wasn';t geeky it >seemed lol well get back to me maybe we kidna met u know heres more pics > >[unable to display image][unable to display image][unable to display image]
  19. i'm not defenden noting i just thought it was funny how some 1 agreed with me on my oppions on the sf board and after they met the people had that to say bout them and i figured it was good readen sh1t for all of u bored people out ther cause i know when i got it i just laughed and was like damn i'm not the only ass hole out in this world and damn a female ass hole i should try to get with that
  20. lol i called her ghetto from her atire and never met her and all she did was said i made sense so i figured it was funny and posted it dont 'go geten offended i left out the names so no body would knwo who was who but on the real i read the emails and i was like wow this girl is more fuked up then me lol but any ways its flatern i had some 1 email me after all tha tsh1t and sayen i wasn't wrong so i had to post it up cause i neer met her or imed her or noting and she left me a mail spiting that
  21. your crazy maken up mails i left out names out of respect a few people seen the mails with the names left in and on the real i read them and was like wow lol heres another Yeah that's exactly where I was for about 2 or 3 hours - standing by that wall & in that corner. Was it the lady passed out on the couch wearing black? A dress I think? I was sitting right next to her - but I was messing around with one of the guys in that corner at the time so that probably makes me a girl you would look right past. I was wearing lace up jeans and a low cut black tank top w/a beige bandana and big silver hoop earrings. Posting on a board = good occasional distraction from work when you have a job where you sit in front of a computer all day. Kinda like email only you get an instant response. I'm sure they're super people if I met them in real life, i.e. sober but when I'm at SF anything that's not visually appealing is a buzzkill & I have to get away. Not being snobby but that's just the way things are for me when I'm at SF. >From: BoReDoM973@aol.com >To: --------@hotmail.com >Subject: Re: WOW - new perspective >Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 16:31:47 EDT > >yeah i was in the corner when u walk in u crack a right by the wall to teh >left were all the body builders i was ther alot and if u walked passed them >and walked stright ther was a passed out female body builder lol i happen >to >be with her so i had to walk back up to that spot alot to keep and eye on >her >and the 3rd floor was wack besides the body buidlers i was wearen all balck >with a black bandana with that glowy shit on my arms from the water fall >lol >it was decent buts its sf its kinda played i just went cause i was at the >body builden contest and after we hit up ohm for the after party and like >i >was talken to a few of the gusy and we all hit up sf after word tha twas >all >that was fun and the baord people they deff don't rep the word hot but some >of them are good people and even the oens i talked sh1t bout and talked >sh1t >back i seen and i was ncie to for a second or 2 lol i deff never hung out >iwth them and didnt' go to do that and damn y do u post on a baord lol i >post >cause i'm a 20 year old wanna be body builder and i got no life besidees >liften and cluben and u only do thsoe once in a blue lol plus its easy to >find new hook ups lol some times the girls end up cute
  22. hhhhhhmmmmmm shut up i didn't say i agreed with her i mean i talked to a few of yall sat nite and deff met a cutie from it and i just thought it was funny how some 1 wrote me sayen i made sense after she met people lol no biggy every 1 has ther own oppions and on the real i dont 'even stress it any more every 1 is eqaul or wut ever lol i just figured the emails will make people laugh and prove i do make sense lol some times
  23. lol i woke up and i seen that email and i was like wow shes more fuked up then me, i think i'm in love LoL and she said i make sense wow i gotta marry that girl lol playen but damn of late i have a lot of people agreeing with me its weird lol
  24. another email You were there? We definitely probably saw each other & didn't even realize it. I was on the 3rd floor most of the night, too - that floor is the best. Didn't have the quite same vibe though that it usually does - did you notice that? Usually it has sort of a hardcore intimidating vibe - I love that, but it wasn't that way yesterday. Less juicehead guys and more really young guys & dorks. Well hopefully that's just temporary. I'm really bad with recognizing people when I'm at SF so I don't know if I would ever recognize you. So did you find any hot chicks last night? When I told my friends about the board corner they were like, well yeah, I don't know why you would post on a message board in the first place - what did you expect? That just even sounds nerdy. LOL Well I'll definitely be at SF next Saturday after CPIs. See ya... >From: BoReDoM973@aol.com >To: -------@hotmail.com >Subject: Re: WOW - new perspective >Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 16:05:47 EDT > >lol damn u were ther and i didn't meet u wut the fuk i'm pissed i was up >stairs 3 floor most of the nite and only made my way down to pick up chciks >lol and ther not bad they just think ther the club and they dont' represent >the club no bigggy tho bbut hhmmmmmm i am still pissed we didnt 'meet i >always have mad girlys graben me from the pics i post and your mean u know >that u were suposed to stay in touch yet u just ignored me
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