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Everything posted by technodefechto

  1. yeah i loved waking up at 445am this morning to watch my team get beat by...well..my other team! ahh portugal..what happened..what happened....
  2. embodied may be showing signs of non-hater in here but in the other post about usa beating portugal he sure is showing his true colors. The jig is up!!
  3. Alright time for someone portuguese to speak. first off whoever cant understand how portugal is #5 in the world should actually learn a thing or two about soccer outside of the US first before they open their mouths. just so you know there are more games played other than those involving the world cup which factor in on rankings. ask the average american 'who plays on the world cup team' and no one will know. maybe one or two people will say coby jones but thats it. dont get me wrong, im not the biggest soccer fan in the world, but atleast if im gonna talk crap about something im gonna atleast know something about it first. yeah i was really dissapointed with todays game. i couldnt see how a team like portugal with world-class players like Luis Figo (#1 in the world), Nuno Gomes, and Vitor Baia could lose to the usa team. but hey, when you play like crap, thats what happens and thats how portugal played. granted, i am happy that it was usa that beat portugal and not some turd country like senegal (poor France), but, i was very dissapointed with the way portugal played. too many egos if you ask me. thats the major difference youll see between the european teams and the US team. but all i gotta say is that its been just one game. this could be usa's only win, ya never know. they dont exactly have a good track record as far as the world cup goes. but who knows. im still rooting for both portugal and usa, my two homes.
  4. they got a song on that Cream: Anthems cd that just came out. i dont know the name of it tho...im useless
  5. Bloating - thats the side effect that occurs when they have to drive their bimmers instead of daddies' mercedes.
  6. sometimes id rather hear the AC than the people. it's one thing to have plenty of people walking around and talking n stuff. but its another when THEY HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO TALK ABOUT! everyones like old in this office. i think im like the youngest (22) and i cant talk to them about cars cause all they do is go 'whats an is300?" and of course i cant talk to them about music cause all these people know is barry manilow. (hey...is it just me or did that just rhyme?) anyhoo...back to making crappy websites...lata
  7. wow..thats almost believeable....and that grade-school level photoshop job they did on those images is just wonderful! and no, im not a manson fan. well, not marylin manson anyway.
  8. cpi's was hot, well, for the hour and a half i was in there anyways. just wanna say that vic latino is a worthless human being, a waste of flesh, and should be shot with a hundred poison-tipped chrome dildos. thanks for promising my friends entrance into cpi's and then dicking them over, forcing them to stay outside and then me having to leave with them because i was their ride! you are nothing, you suck, you shouldnt be involved in music in any form. you go to hell, you go to hell and you die!
  9. i have just one friend thats say whaa whaa...it's the 'cool' way of saying like 'ok, whatever', 'i dont think so' and 'yeah right'. well..atleast thats basically what he uses whaa whaa in place of. jeez i still use far-out and outa-sight lol
  10. ok..ill keep this painless..first off im 22 and ive only been goin to exit since i turned 21 sep '00. ive never had any problems at all with anyone 18-20. if exit is gettin rid of 18+ saturdays it wont hurt them at all. ive been goin most saturdays since it switched and it has been slow and from people i talk to its because everyone who used to go all the time and are 21+ dont want to go because of the 18 yr olds gettin in. so guess what, they decide to kill off the 18+ saturdays and you get back the old crowd that used to be there every saturday. hell, in a way it wont matter cause the 18+ people are still gonna get in anyways. and the people at exit wont care cause theyre still getting your money so why is everyone so worried about exit and their business standpoint? why am i even talking about it? why am i not home gettin a bj from my neighbors daughter? AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (((KKAABBBOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM)))
  11. well atleast the punchline wasn't "Phew, thought it was another ethiopian." sorry...just read through the topic of ethiopian jokes and they get boring after the first one.
  12. oh man..sad to say..but..im actually laughing like crazy over here lol...im just sittin at my desk on lunch break and i come up on this joke...now ive read some good ones on here before..but...this one is actually makin me laugh the hardest........know a good number for a shrink?
  13. if i posted a topic saying "Led Zeppelin: Residents at ExiT" then the same person who did this would mostly reply 'i heard that!' jeez.
  14. hahahah...oh man...well..sounds like a good idea to keep in mind for th efuture people
  15. That's a good one. It traveled around th eemails here at work. There's also another one out there of what looks like a still video shot from a messed up apartment and a ghost moves rapidly towards you. no sound..just eerily quiet. oh wait, now if you see it you'll know what it is. damnit i spoiled the surprise....
  16. That's kool to know...I'm looking forward to the Madison Square Garden show on 6.23.02.....I can't friggin' wait! it's been too long since I've been to a concert. Too many glowsticks to the head can make ya get a little annoyed at the clubscene.
  18. About the only time I really get bothered by this kind of thing is when people do it in the bar or the hallways. There's barely enough room to walk around as it is, and they wanna fling around their sticks and clock you in the head. Now don't get me wrong. I like seeing this kind of thing when it's done really well. But c'mon now, show some common sense and keep it in the circus..i mean..dance floor....freaks!
  19. i was at exit this passed saturday, in the white room, where my friend got his first spot djing, Dj Foz, and all i could see on the main floor was people knocking eachother over with sticks...yeah it was empty enough where i could see that happen. funny stuff.
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