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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Way to add to the conversation! I do agree though, the drug terrorism connection is most probably a fallicy. Damn Bible Beating thugs, always trying to piss on the parade.
  2. Shut the fuck up Jarhead. And to address you Xpander: Being fat is one of the worst curses out there, and for good reason. If a person can't be at least mildly in shape, then they don't deserve to exist.
  3. It DOES have quite the displacement factor. She wouldn't fit in the kiddie pool.
  4. Now that I look at it, she does have an abnormally large skull.
  5. She's by no means ugly. I'll tell you that. Give it up cocksucker, you aren't going to win.
  6. You two crack me the fuck up. Why don't you just tell this guy to go fuck himself like you want to? Oh, wait, could it be that you both want to fuck him? Take the abuse and LIKE it. I love chicks.
  7. Yeah, in a funny way I do. I'd have to see her in real life though. You know, it's hilarious how badly your wager fell out of the money. You were expecting me to tear into her so you had some kind of ammunition that you could use because your vagina toting ass got denied VIP at Vinyl. Try again.
  8. She's got quite the nose, but I find her face oddly appealing.
  9. Because he exists, and is a waste of all of our time. Not to mention he's morbidly obese.
  10. Hey, if you can do better, than DO IT! I'll say to you what I, in effect, said to Expander: Take a fucking shot of your own.
  11. I'll say to you what I, in effect, said to Expander: Take a fucking shot of your own.
  12. Then why don't you take a shot. It's easy enough, he obviously isn't going to defend himself. And plus he deserves it. Remember, what I asked above. EVERYONE is welcome to join in the bashing.
  13. You're all so special. The short bus is just overflowing these days isn't it.
  14. See, that's where you're missing the point. I don't want to be funny, I want to be cruel and to the point. And I think I'm doing a good job, no?
  15. I'd hope so, Nothing worse than a fatass in a wheelchair. They should take them out to pasture and shoot them. They're such a waste of life.
  16. I'm telling you man, It's these damn fat people. Everythings gotta be simple and slow with them. Can't keep up.
  17. You make an excellent point DJjohn. Excellent indeed. All these overblown assbags like "Phunk" and "joeg" need to either start writing stuff of substance, or shut the fuck up. Then again, I am built around hate, but hate is a substance in its own right, and ALOT more interesting than hearing about two ho's going to the beach.
  18. Unless you have something to bash "phunk" about, do me a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
  19. Bad Rash!!? That's new. But no, like Cancer I'm gonna keep eating at that kids soul until he cries like the little fucking baby he is. Where is he? He's not responding. Hmm. I can out wait you Fatass! You better believe it.
  20. If I had a penis (and maybe I do ) , I'd spooge on her face.
  21. HA. You're just like him, but I do think you have the benefit of being younger if I remember correctly. Do yourself a favor, save yourself before it's too late.
  22. Roha: Aww, isn't that so cute. Flabby: It does make me feel good. I like ridiculing you just for the simple fact that all that I say you KNOW is true. Let's examine, shall we: 1) You're a fatass with no self-esteem (pathetic). I say this because it reflects in your posts. 2) Being a fatass, but having a half-way decent personality (for a pig. I would dare say Arnold has nothing on you pal) probably, I would speculate, puts you in the "friend" zone with chicks, right? So that means you never get laid, but hear it all. That's quite pathetic, but fitting nonetheless. 3) You're a junkie on top of that. Love eating those pills do you? Now why is that? Could it be that you can't get over your innate fear of people making fun of you all the time (which they are. . ). LOL, you're the poster boy for Shook's rants. A FATASS cockroach as you'd term it. I think I can end the list there. What'cha gonna say about it?
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