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Everything posted by obby

  1. You don't even want to know the pictures and films that I have been shown or should I say I came accross. Very sad.
  2. LOL Two tours actually. A Gulf War brother and two cousins in Iraq now.
  3. This is one to certainly please the trance heads such as myself. Master of the melodic in my books. Yunus Guvenen does it again. Straight off the back of his outstanding Invasion artist EP for Bedrock, Yunus provides an epic, driving reinterpretation of the first ever release on Bedrock, Heaven Scent Yunus has chunked the track out with a wicked breaks feel that grooves along nicely A crossover track that should see a lot of attention from the house and breaks world alike. SAMPLE HERE Enjoy, OBBY www.SoundsOfTheUnderground.com
  4. As tough as that may sound it's the truth. I wish everything could be hunky dory and like pleasant ville but..........reality kicks in.
  5. NO!!!!! I'm an American and it doesn't take much to think logically. I took off the horse blinders a while ago. History has proven to us that..... PEACE WILL ALWAYS BE GOVERNED BY FORCE. Like it or not. It is what it is. It's not easy being the big kids on the block and if there is one Country that can manage that responsibility...it's the USA.....soon to be other Countries as well. We are not going to carry this responsibility alone anymore. Did we want this title????NO!!!!!but we have come to accept that we are best fit to carry this responsibility.
  6. obby

    Opium or Crobar?

    Your alright. I'll hit it!!!!!!!!! and smile.
  7. obby

    Zabiela for President!

    Yours!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummmmmmmmm
  8. What if we want to open for someone else????? No need to answer this one.
  9. obby

    Zabiela for President!

    I'll vote for BUSH!!!!!!!!!!
  10. With all due respect to everyone. I read the first post again and found it absurd and pathetic. Too much emotion has been invested by the Bush-haters and war critics to concede they might have been wrong all along. This logic is depressingly misguided. Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen. Those who dwell on such misguided and illogical theories are destined to be governed by them. The media led us to believe that Saddam had a sophisticated underground labyrinth of caves and bunkers. They led us to believe that we would lose 5-10 thousand troops trying to take Baghdad. I could go on, but why? Contrary to what the press believes to be a majority public opinion, Americans (in general) do not believe our enemies are stronger than us or that we are incapable of liberating a nation. If any nation can do it, it's America. Repeating illogical theories on a virtual loop does not make them reality. This myth of Saddam has been exposed for what it really was. Granted, those who clung to the false myths instilled by Saddam and his regime now find themselves betrayed. They (the haters) were wrong, AGAIN! Rather than address why and where they(the haters) went wrong, they choose to invest all their time and emotion is trying to justify their failed logic. It's time they looked themselves in the mirror and address their issues objectively. Or, they can just maintain the status quo of hating Bush, doom & gloom, etc.. With all do respect, we've all seen where that strategy has got them. They lost the election in 2000, they lost congress while Republicans kept winning. They lost a record # of governorships(most recently California and New York). They can deny it until their blue in the face, but it is what it is. In my humble opinion, this is much more than petty politrix. Bush would be just as happy working on his farm in Texas. He obviously does not need the job he's chosen for himself. The motives of his critics clearly revolves around reacquiring power at any cost! The recent leaking of the memos from the Intel Committee are proof of that. The very people who want to oust Bush and run this country have been proven to have politicized America's security for the purpose of their attempt to reacquire the presidency. That alone is repugnant enough to disqualify any of those like minded. Granted, those people would rather focus on how the memos were obtained rather than it's content. This president has been labeled, from the beginning as a dunce. Let's recap, shall we? While campaigning in 1999 and 2000 he warned of a sagging economy and possible recession which not only came true, but has been proven to have been hidden by "cooking of books" by the previous administration. Then there's the corporate scandals which broke under Bush's watch. These scandals ALL occurred during the late 90's. 9/11, Anthrax attacks & the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. This prez. refuses to concede to terrorist and takes the battle to them. He attacks the recession w/ swift accountability for those responsible for the corporate scandals and w/ multiple tax cuts to tax payers and even those who don't pay taxes. He creates a new dept. called HOMELAND SECURITY. He gets a record breaking education bill passed which was almost solely written by his adversary, Ted Kennedy. He gets a Medicare bill passed. He puts Usama on the run and drives the taliban out of Afghanistan. He topples the Saddam regime in lightning speed and w/ minimal casualties. He now has Saddam captured alive to face the Iraq people. Etc...etc...etc..etc..... There is soooo much more to elaborate on but why? I know your mind is not going to change. So be it. I just thought I'd remind you you were wrong and tell you why and how! In reality, the greatest winner is the Iraqi people and democracy! Bush has from the beginning warned us of this difficult war which will require patience, resolve and determination. Slowly but surely he's being proven right. This brings me to my final thought which is this: Maybe, just maybe, the reason there is so much hatred from the minority on the left is because this prez has not only accomplished more in less than 4 yrs. than the previous admin could in 8, but w/ every success America has, it exposes how truly inadequate and irrelevant the previous leader was. Being that so much emotion has been invested in not only hating Bush, but trying to compare him to Clinton it's obvious which legacy will be remembered and which one will try to be forgotten. I realize this is not music to the ears of the nay Sayers, but like I said before, IT IS WHAT IT IS. How could such a "dunce" run circles around his opponents? What does that say about those elitist who insisted he was this so called "dunce"? This capture has been a great accomplishment for America, Iraq and the world and should be seen as such. If the political implications prove promising to this prez. and his admin, SO BE IT, but let's not get confused. This is only 1 victory in this new war known as terrorism. It's no surprise there has not been an attack on this soil since 9/11. Logic says it's because rather than sit and wait for the next attack, the war was taken directly to the enemy. Unfortunately, the outspoken minority has positioned themselves so that good news for America becomes bad news for democrats. Sad as it may sound, IT IS WHAT IT IS! Amen!!!!!!!!!!! PS: Yes this is a touchy subject for me. Peace, OBBY
  11. Sasha - Live Mix From Club Firestone, Orlando, Florida 1994
  12. What a fucking joke. Ask yourself this. How would you look if you where 65 years old, in hiding for over six months due to the Worlds most advanced military hunting you down, having a price tag on your head of 25 million dollars DEAD or ALIVE. All your close body guards and friends look at you funny considering that the price on your head is 25 million, all your close friends and evil two sons have either been killed or captured. Your family leaves you and deflects to Iran, your have to migrate every six hours from hide out to hide out just to avoid the US Military. All this trauma must be tough at that age. Think about it. Having to hide in whole such as the one that he was found in just goes to show what type of evil people we are dealing with. I don't know about you but me being 27 years old would look just as bad as that old evil fucker if not even worst. Conspiracy???? What a joke!!!!!!!! Usama U Mama....Your next!!!!!!!!!
  13. obby

    Got Saddam

    Did I hook up with the "Cover Girl"????? NO!!!!!!! Dude, although she was full of interesting information....I do have morals and I am picky. I like them cute and fine just like you!!!! Do I believe everything that our TV stations state??? NO!!!!!!! I am not dumb just like I am not closed minded. Some people see it as the glass being half empty while I see it to be half full. I have two cousins stationed in Iraq right now and a brother who is a Gulf War vet who all feel as if we have indeed captured that fuck face. You should be hoping that it is indeed him instead of focusing on the minimal fact that it may not be him. I do not believe our military would allow this fuck face to be tried in public and with full Iraqi press present if they where in doubt. Again, DNA does not lie. http://www.iraqinews.com/home.shtml http://www.iraqdaily.com/ PS: It was cool hanging with you too bro. Must do it again soon. I actually took of to Mynt to meet up with my crew. Peace, OBBY
  14. obby

    Got Saddam

    DNA test have already been done and DNA does not lie. Only in OJ's case. It's him. Be happy. Although we may be gullible. Our US Military isn't. PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST
  15. Our President asked the same question which led to DNA testing. It's official. It's him. FOOD FOR THOUGHT ___________________________________ USSR Fell - Thank Ragan ® Berlin Wall Fell - Thank Ragan ® Grenada Was Liberated - Thank Regan ® Noriega Fell - Thank Regan ® Iraqi Army Expelled From Kuwait - Thank Bush ® Conquering Of Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Thank Bush Jr. ®
  16. I can just picture all the Democrats faces when the news was broken to them. The celebrations are not even at it's peaks. Wait until the news spreads throughout the World. Message From So Damn Insane To The Free World
  17. obby

    Got Saddam

    Like Tony Blair hailed: "Where his rule meant terror and division and brutality, let his capture bring about unity, reconciliation and peace between all the people of Iraq."
  18. The Iraqi people will not have to fear Saddam Hussein EVER again. Congradulations to them. "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," L. Paul Bremer (search), the U.S. administrator in Iraq, announced. "The tyrant is a prisoner," Bremer said. The former Iraqi dictator was captured Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in a cellar in the town of Adwar, 10 miles from Tikrit (search), ending one of the most intense manhunts in history. Officials showed a videotape of Saddam, the most-wanted figure by the U.S.-led coalition, as he was being inspected following his capture. He had a long black-and-gray beard and unkempt black hair. Journalists were then shown a video of Saddam after he was shaved. Iraqi journalists in the audience stood, pointed and shouted "Death to Saddam!" and "Down with Saddam!" In the capital, radio stations played celebratory music, residents fired small arms in the air in celebration, and others drove through the streets, shouting, "They got Saddam! They got Saddam!" President Bush learned Saturday afternoon that Saddam might have been seized, and he got the news early Sunday that the military had confirmed that the ex-dictator was in custody. Bush had issued no comment early Sunday morning. British Prime Minister Tony Blair hailed the capture, saying Saddam "has gone from power, he won't be coming back." "Where his rule meant terror and division and brutality, let his capture bring about unity, reconciliation and peace between all the people of Iraq," Blair told reporters at his 10 Downing St. office. About 600 U.S. troops took part in Operation Red Dawn (search), said Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top American general in Iraq. Two other Iraqis were captured along with Saddam, who was found with $750,000 in U.S. currency, Sanchez said. The operation began after the military received tips from local residents as well as unspecified intelligence, Sanchez said. About 90 minutes after receiving the intelligence, the military launched the raid. Troops with Task Force 2, the special forces unit set up to go after Saddam, surrounded a farmhouse and looked for the ex-dictator in two specific locations -- dubbed Wolverine One and Wolverine Two -- but initially did not locate him. The search of the home continued and troops discovered a small hole in the ground. They found Saddam in the hole, which dropped about 6 feet into the ground. An exhaust fan had been installed, indicating the so-called spider hole was an emergency hiding spot. Sanchez said he had no idea how long Saddam had been at the home in Adwar and could not say if anyone had stepped forward to claim the multi-million dollar reward for his capture. "Today is a great day for Iraq and the Iraqi people," Sanchez said. Asked about Saddam's state at the time of his capture, Sanchez said: "He was a tired man, also a man resigned to his fate." Saddam is talkative and is being cooperative, the general said. He is being held at an undisclosed location. A delegation of the Iraqi Governing Council hopes to visit Saddam in captivity later Sunday, a spokesman for the council said. "With the arrest of Saddam, the source financing terrorists has been destroyed and terrorist attacks will come to an end. Now we can establish a durable stability and security in Iraq," said council member Jalal Talabani. In Baghdad, residents fired small arms in the air in celebration, and gunfire echoed in neighborhoods across the city. Earlier in the day, rumors of the capture sent people streaming into the streets of Kirkuk, a northern Iraqi city, firing guns in the air in celebration. "We are celebrating like it's a wedding," said Kirkuk resident Mustapha Sheriff. "We are finally rid of that criminal." "This is the joy of a lifetime," said Ali Al-Bashiri, another resident. "I am speaking on behalf of all the people that suffered under his rule."
  19. They are both scanks. JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! Adriana Lima looks really nice. and Claudia Molina looks a little cross eyed in that pic.
  20. obby


    It was his Cuban half that landed that fewl. It's called having that extra spice in life and knowing how to roll your "R's". It's a latin thing. You wouldn't know about that. I'M OFF TO CROBAR!!!!!!!!!
  21. obby


    Are you calling me a pussy? Ask yourself this: What does Cuba have that can actually benifit the United States????
  22. You my friend have full access to all my vinyls. Feel free to ask. OBBY
  23. SOTU Records has now been updated with new tracks for your audio enjoyment. Enjoy the the sounds!!!!!!!!! Wait until you hear the new Yaz - Don't Go (2004 Remix) and do not confused this mix for the recent one which was pressed on the rr1000 label (Lemon 8/Jay Tripwire) . This is a limited 1000 copy remix by Metafakt and is well wicked. NOT TO BE MISSED. Happy sampling!!!! OBBY
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