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Everything posted by obby

  1. It's called "future sounds" Give it like another two years or hopefully even less. You along with all the other clueless faces that you saw on that dance floor will evolve eventually. I myself am glad that he decided to make Miami his new home. Respectfully, OBBY
  2. obby

    Attn: Obby

    Silly me. I didn'teven know I had those folders. Anyway, they have been cleaned. Talk to me!!!!!
  3. obby

    Attn: Obby

    I emptied my mailbox in full when Mimi asked me to. Don't know what to tell you guys. It should be working. obby@soturecords.com <------------- My only suggestion for now
  4. No need to let me know. You've been placed in the black book.
  5. obby

    Attn: Obby

    Done!!!!!!!! TaTa.................Fierra
  6. Laliux, You guys have my sounds if needed. Let me know, OBBY www.SoundsOfTheUnderground.com
  7. obby

    Duran Duran

    Are you telling me you want the accapella???????
  8. obby

    Duran Duran

    That was actually an accapella that Taucher had access to and he layered it over one of his bad ass vinyls. He did the same at Shadow Lounge with an accapella of the "Police - Roxanne". I myself have the Roxanne - Accapella Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Don't doubt SOTU!!!!!!!!!!! Have I let you down yet?????
  9. Bobby Brant, the old owner of Shadow Lounge owns a chill lounge in the grove called "Flavour". Very cool pre-drinking place and I must say the upstairs which has not been opened yet has great potential. The sounds need some help but Bobby is soooooo down that I can actually put up with them. I myself will be there tomorrow for my bro's birthday. You guys should check it out. OBBY
  10. obby

    Duran Duran

    Finally, a music related topic. This is big. Call Guinness!!!!! I myself own the remix of "Save A Prayer". It's white on white so info is limited. PM me if interested. Sample Here You will need RealPlayer to sample this track. Enjoy, OBBY
  11. I never new I was for sale.
  12. I once found this board to be full of music related topics. What a shame:confused:
  13. Guess not. Here is the answer. Artist: Gyrate Titile: Breath Release #: 008 _____________________________________ FRAGRANT RELEASES FRA 001 Doran and Paul Grogan Manhattan Project - Doran mix FRA 002 Deepsky Heaven's Gate FRA 003 Deepsky Stargazer FRA 004 Pure Nova Awakening FRA 005 Grain Does Jesus Have Buddha Nature? FRA 006 Trinity Sight 3 Mile Highland FRA 007 Sandra Collins Ode to Our FRA 008 Gyrate Breathe FRA 009 Pure Nova / Christopher Lawrence Awakening - Christopher Lawrence Mix FRA 010 Auratone Falling FRA 011 Joshua Ryan Pistolwhip FRA 012 Deepsky Cosmic Dancer FRA 013 Jimmy Johnson Fear of Flying FRA 015 Deepsky Stargazer - X-Cabs Mix FRA 016 Deepsky Stargazer - Meat Beat Manifesto Mix FRA 017 Joshua Ryan Thunderclap FRA 018 Thomas Michael What is Love? FRA 019 Red Shift Feelin' it - Joshua Ryan Mix FRA 020 Jolen Essex Spiritual Science - Doran & Dream Traveler Mixes FRA 021 Sandra Collins Ode to Our - Jolen Essex & Steve Porter Mixes FRA 022 Hibernate Mane Sonitus / Pain of Desire FRA 023 Miika Kuisma Ambush
  14. obby

    Breaks at Space

    Should have stuck around at the BBQ. Breaks where indeed thrown. Breaks are ALWAYS thrown!!!!!!
  15. For a second there I thought I was about to read and interesting article about "Greyarea - One For The Road"
  16. obby

    Breaks at Space

  17. obby

    Breaks at Space

    You said it. Classic Old What Used To Be It sounds to me like it is more of "Jacks House" than it is "Our House". For if it was "Our House" we would be more opened minded these days.
  18. obby

    Breaks at Space

  19. obby

    I Am In Love With

    LOL Sad but true.
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