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Everything posted by obby

  1. I would dearly love to respect the opinions of those anitwar folks who's opinions should have two sides to them, a reason for the approval/disapproval and an alternative solution.. to date, I have not heard any noteworthy reasons or alternatives. The rote response from all those I listed seems to be.. "give the inspectors more time" for what reason might I ask!!! They have inspected without results for the past 12 years, Saddam has ignored resolution after resolution for the past 12 years and he continues to do his dirty work unrestrained. If September 11th taught us anything, I certainly hope it taught us to be very wary of despots with big smiles and hidden caches of WMD. What do you suggest we had done instead of going to war with this dictator??? and please don't say "give the inspectors more time" unless you define how much time and why and what you would expect to accomplish in that time and how..when the marchers etal come up with these reasons and alternatives they will have my full attention and respect.. maybe not my agreement but at least respect for their opinion because at that point they would actually have one.. I do think it is un-American to rabidly criticize your elected officials on the world stage in war time.. unless of course you have provided some workable solution and been ignored.. it is easy to criticize and flaunt your partial opinions but organizing huge marches with the backing of known anti-American groups goes beyond the pale to me.. what is their opinion?? "no war".. what else?? what do they suggest as a solution?? Think about it. By the way, I didn't ridicule everyone with an opposing view, I reserved my critique for some groups, for the reasons I named, I have many friends who oppose this war but admit they don't have a realistic alternative and certainly don't join marches organized by communists. My own cousin is probably the most anti war person I know and defies reason on the subject, she just babbles endlessly about how the money could be put to better use.. You know as well as I do that you can't take a popular vote for every issue that comes up, that is why we elect people to represent us and make these decisions. Sometimes the Democrats are happy because their guy is in making the decisions and sometimes (as now) the republicans get to decide..we all have to try to back those in at any given time.. I can think of numerous times I was miserable when Clinton was in, avoiding decisions that should have been made to keep scrutiny from himself, however, I just resolved to work hard to have a new group represent me in the next election rather than cause a disturbance about the administration that had been elected by the majority.. however slim that majority might be.. That is where you should have your say, at the polls. We have been sharing information with all the countries you named and to some degree they have been co-operating with the war on terrorism.. of course it behooves them to do so, terrorism is an international industry and terrorists don't have any love for any of those nations either. The issue comes in when they pick and choose which terrorists they will turn in and which ones they will support aka those with oil contracts.. anyway, God bless America and our Troops.. Take care.
  2. I certainly can see where you question this war as being the only solution but must add that there were no other solutions put on the table that made any sense at all. Giving inspectors more time was so generic it was laughable, the inspectors had 12 years and had done nothing to correct this situation. To give more time was only providing Saddam with what he needed to complete his goal of having nuclear weapons in addition to the chemicals he already has in his arsenal. This man had to be stopped before he became as big a threat as he would like to be. Unfortunately, the countries that were against this endeavor provided no reasonable alternative ( in addition to having dubious motives) Also, someone at some time had to actually back the consequences threatened in resolution after resolution, year after year.. this man thought he was home free, he was invincible because his trading partners would always save him from those consequences.. well, resolution 1441 was his final resolution and he is now paying the consequence of ignoring it.. it is truly sad that his super ego wouldn't allow his people to avoid this action because in the end the result will be the same, his end as a dictator. Actually, Gary Hart is about the last person I would ask for a fair appraisal of anything if I wanted an answer that meant something but I honestly don't believe we are there to stop this dictator abusing his people, I think it is all about what he could and probably would do to us either directly or by supplying other unsavory characters with the means to inflict great pain and suffering.. aiding the people of Iraq is a nice by-product for political and humanitarian reasons.. Our history absolutely shows us to be liberators not invaders so I trust our motives in that respect.. As far as the Pope condemning this war, that is his job, the Pope always condemns every war as all good religious leaders should. Like you, I hope that we can get this job done with minimal loss of innocent life (and that includes our soldiers as well as the regular conscripts in the Iraqi forces) I also hope this will give pause to others who would wish to harm us and finally I wish peace and prosperity for the Iraqi people, they certainly deserve a break after being in this mans clutches for so long..
  3. Among a trove of evidence found inside Ansar compounds were passports and identity papers of Ansar activists indicating that up to 150 of them were foreigners, including Yemenis, Turks, Palestinians, Pakistanis, Algerians and Iranians. Coalition forces also found a phone book containing numbers of alleged Islamic activists based in the United States and Europe as well as the number of a Kuwaiti cleric and a letter from Yemen's minister of religion. The names and numbers were not released. "What we've discovered in Biyare is a very sophisticated operation," said Barham Salih, prime minister of the Kurdish regional government. Seized computer disks contained evidence showing meetings between Ansar and al-Qaida activists, according to Mahdi Saeed Ali, a military commander. It was unclear how strong Ansar remains. Officials from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of two parties that share control of an autonomous Kurdish enclave in northern Iraq, say they killed 250 Ansar members during two days of intense fighting and aerial bombardments. ENTIRE ARTICLE: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20030331_1922.html
  4. whoa! talk about twisted logic??? lets take this one, point by point,,,,um kay??? 1- where are WMD's: EXACTLY!!! I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF. we know he has them (according to the UN inspectors reports back in the early 90's. So,,where the hell are they??? Iraq says they destroyed all of them. If so, PROVE IT! They have not,,,,,, 2- 9/11 terrorist were not from Iraq!: True, 14 of these 9/11 terrorist were from Saudi Arabia. That is extremely disturbing, but again, Saudi Arabia is not hiding WMD's. There is intel that indicates Mohamed Atta met w/ high ranking Iraqi officials prior to 9/11. Al-Qaida terrorist have been linked to another terrorist group in northern Iraq w/ strong links to the Saddam regime. That, combined w/ the terrorist training camps including one w/ a large passenger jet used to train terrorist to hijack airplanes, all located in Iraq w/ satellite pictures to prove it. As for the other nations with links to terrorism, like I've said before, 1 at a time. Each does not need to be resolved w/ WAR. Each problem is unique and will require unique methods/tactics to be resolved. Will it be easy, of course not. If it would have been easy, the Clinton admin would have addressed it. 3- Why we have not abused pwr and refuse to allow others to gain the same power?: HUH? spreading democracy is to our favor. We do not conquer, get that out of your head. America has no problems w/ other democracies. It does, however, have a problem w/ dictators, especially those who have WMD's. WAKE UP! We will always be the big kid on the block, like it or not. The only thing than can challenge that is a united Europe, and you can forget about that! Those people have been around & fighting each other forever. They have never been able to clean up their own backyards and have historically needed America to help tilt the scale in defeating oppression(example: USSR,NAZI's,Yugoslavia-Milosevic) 4- Is it alright for us to have WMD's and no one else?: Silly Rabbit, trix are for kidz! of course others can have WMD's. So long as they prove, as America has, that they are civilized and will use them as a deterrent. That is the sole reason America has it's WMD's. America does not hide the fact that it does have WMD's, Iraq does and that's the problem! Combine that w/ the 12,000 Iraqi's in the north who Saddam gassed and guess what?? You've got a massive threat on your hands. Which reminds me, if he "does not" have the WMD's you so desperately require hard proof of, how were all these Iraqi's killed? OSMOSIS??? In closing, I'd hate to be the one to have to remind you of this but here goes nothing. There has been a secret war waged against America for some time. Why it took 9/11 for us to WAKE UP, baffles me. The World Trade Center was bombed in 1993, 2 African embassy's and the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, both in the late 90's, to name a few. Yet for some, they prefer to blame America first and are against America doing all it can do defend itself. America did not jump into war, it tried to resolve the Iraq issue diplomatically for well over 1 year (not including the 12 yrs Saddam has been toying w/ the U.N.). War is always the last option, but should never be excluded as an option for the sole reason that PEACE has always and will always be governed by the use/threat of force. Terrorism is a new kind of war that will require "out of the box" thinking/tactics/logic. We cannot take on terrorism using conventional tactics. If so, we fail! No one said this war on terror would be easy, on the contrary, it is and will be the most difficult problem the world has faced. I know I have not changed your mind, but maybe you now better understand where it is I'm coming from. We can nit pick and try to micro manage this war on terror from our comfy lazyboy chairs and air-conditioned homes, but at the end of the day, it's the soldier who has always and will always be the primary factor which allows us to live free and be the "arm chair generals". It's not our job to make foreign and domestic policy, but our elected leaders job. Bush won a controversial election in 2000. It was a close race and he won, regardless the spin and conspiracy theories spewed by bitter democrats who get kooky whenever they are out of power. Between NYC AND L.A. there was an entire country which voted for Bush. In 2002, 2/3 of the congressional seats up for grabs where lost by Democrats to Republicans. Like it or not, America is shifting to the right. We must have faith in our elected leaders to protect us and do what's best for America, FIRST!!!!
  5. So you are comparing Americans to Nazi's? NICE!!!!!! I am not out to change anyone's mind. You have to want to understand what's going on. So as long as you refuse to acknowledge the threat that terrorism poses to America, our economy and the WORLD, there will be no convincing you. I think your dead wrong in the way that you see this war. Wherever terrorism rears it's ugly head we (AMERICA) will have to go out and eliminate that threat. Right now it's Iraq and who knows what the future holds (you already named the other threats). Each is a unique circumstance that may require different methods to resolve. Terrorism (repeat this word because this is what it's ALL about). If the liberation of the Iraqi people come as a result of our determination to deal with terrorism before terrorism deals with us. Then good for the Iraqi's. To help put things into perspective, ask yourself. Where you this passionate during Somali, Kosovo, Haiti, The 98 bombing of Iraq and Gulf War 1? If not, what has changed? For me it's very simple, terrorism.....9/11 Fool me once...... shame on you. Fool me twice......... shame on me. NEVER AGAIN You wrote: "The reason I love this country is because i'm able to debate people like you. That is a freedom I don't think I could live with out". The Iraqi's will soon have the same Freedom my friend. Thanks to our Troops and our President.
  6. WRONG! nice try though,,,you and people like minded equal approx 20% of the country (America, that is). your pipedream of "the majority" is severely skewed. if 20% is a majority in your world, then so be it, but we are on earth now, your welcome to return. What small minded people fail to acknowledge is the sad, but true FACT that PEACE AND FREEDOM have ALWAYS been governed by the use/threat of force. You don't have to like that point, but it's REALITY,,,,SUCK IT UP! No nation, in history and acquired more power and abused it less than America. Are we perfect, of course not. Are we right in going after terrorism before it strikes us again,,,OF COURSE!! if 4 planes took down the twin towers and part of the pentagon & caused our economy to come to a grinding halt, I cannot imagine what a WMD might do. To bend over and claim we will only "piss off" the enemy by taking the war to them before they bring more terror to us borders on being FRENCH! America is not known for being a pussy! Again,,,PEACE HAS ALWAYS AND WILL ALWAYS BE GOVERNED BY THE THREAT/USE OF FORCE! keep repeating that until it sinks in. IT'S REALITY! BUSH, MONEY, OIL, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah,,,,,,ALL INSIGINFIGANT,,,,,,,what good is a job if your dead??? Yes, there is plenty that America needs, domestically speaking,,,of course,,,but when prioritising,,,,,I think BEING ALIVE is right at the top. The same "freedom" that you love and the "you can't live without" is the same "freedom" that Iraq will soon have thanks to the United States Of America, Our Troops and our President. I take it you do not want other Countries to have the same "freedom" that you have and enjoy?
  7. If you think OUR Country is so malicious then why are you living here? Move to Iraq. Fight agains your own (Americans).
  8. She's mine so hands off. All the good comments are welcomed but she is still all mine. J/K He he Hi Camila You looked soooooo cute on Saturday. I am sure the rest of the week was the same. xoxoxoxoxox Obby
  9. SOLD Disregard I tend to land doubles allot so I shall post the next one for those of you who are interested.
  10. ESTAHROX@aol.com wrote: The word is "Nazi". And your math is fuzzy. You're not God. You can't justify killing people. ____________________________________________________ djobby@bellsouth.net responded: Good eye Sorry about the typo. Sorry it offends you so much. Tends to happen when you write allot and don't use spell check. There is only one God and he is not I. He happens to be the same God that watched over my father when he fought (two tours) in Vietnam and the same God that also watched over my brother who fought in Desert Storm and is the same God that will be watching over our troops while they risked their lives to liberate the Iraqi's from their brutal and evil dictatorship they are currently under (not much longer though). I value life as much as you may but TODAY we need to think more with our heads and not with our hearts. Once we liberate Iraq we can then go back to thinking with our hearts (until another Saddam Hussein, Hitler ect ect ect comes along). Whether it sounds snobby to you. We (USA, You, I) are a "super power" and it is up to us to help stop the evil that faces not only us but the World around us. Read up http://www.krg.org/reference/halabja/us-state-dept-info.asp http://www.krg.org/docs/articles/gosden-halabja.asp Are you say we should just shit back and do nothing? Like I said, FOR NOW, think with your head more and not your heart. Respectfully, Obby
  11. I personally enjoyed Sasha's set at ULTRA Almost made me cry with joy he he
  12. Every once in a while my vinyl orders seem to get duplicated in error and I seem to receive duplicate copies of a certain vinyl. This time it happened to be the Break Beat Mix of Jan Johnston's - "Freefall" or also known as "Skydive". Side A has a wicked Trance mix which sounds nothing like the mixes found under the Renaissance label. Well wicked. Sample it here http://www.groovetech.com/PhoenixData/SilverStream/Pages/srvltRecMed?RecordedMediaID=13239 Side B holds the bad ass Break Beat Mix which is the reason I had this vinyl hunted down in the first place. Sample it here http://www.groovetech.com/PhoenixData/SilverStream/Pages/srvltRecMed?RecordedMediaID=13240 This vinyl (mint condition) is VERY hard to find and a must for anyone who appreciates Jan Johnston's beautiful voice and loves both Trance and Breaks. Anyone interested in landing this extra copy that I have, feel free to e-mail me. djobby@bellsouth.net
  13. Happy Birthday POD Have we met?
  14. I think you are forgetting someone on your line up.
  15. For everyone who thinks that we are conquerors and not liberators. Excellent Quote from Secretary of State Colin Powell When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush. He answered by saying, "Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return." It became very quiet in the room.
  16. If my facts are wrong then please prove me otherwise. It's a matter of right and wrong and it's not by accident that 2/3 of the Congressional Seats up for grabs in 2002 where lost by Democrats to Republicans. Like I said before. Different times call for different measures. At one point in time we where allies with both Usama who was bighting the Russians during the Cold War era and Saddam who attacked Iran. Both are dogs who turned and bit the hands that fed them. It's time for us to think with our heads and not with our hearts. To put it into perspective, politics are like sausages. If you can see how sausages are made, you would never eat one.
  17. No disrespect but the facts beg to differ. There is no such thing as a Liberal to the right. Maybe Liberal to the middle which is known as "Moderate" but not to the right. Check your facts because our Government does send funding approved by Congress to both NPR and PBS. Look it up. I agree with SOBETON that somebody needs to study there history more wisely. Most Democratic administrations are known for their domestic policies and not their foreign policies which on the other hand, Republicans are know for their strong foreign policies and weaker domestic policies (historically speaking of course). PS: I also do not hate and did not mean that in the manner that you took it.
  18. vipnerd PBS and NPR are both Government funded and notoriously liberal. Liberalism is to the left and Conservatism is to the right. The problem with Liberalism is that they are all heart and no brains. Their intensions might be noble but their politics and tactics are illogical. Facts are rarely on the side of a Liberals argument (historically speaking of course). Don't hate me for being factually correct. The cluster fuck of Vietnam is a result of failed Democratic policies (President Johnson). Terrorism came to light during the Carter administration and his failed micromanaging of our hostages who all died in Iran. During the Clinton administration, we lost over 100 Marines, Two US Embassies in Africa, Somalia, USS Cole in Yemen and 911 in New York city where pilots/terrorist trained two years prior to the actual event. All these incident occurred during Democratic administrations. To put it into perspective, under Reagan, Communism fell, the Berlin Wall came down, Noriega was extracted from Panama and Grenada was liberated from gorillas. Under Bush 1, Iraq was pushed out of Kuwait and now under Bush 2, Iraq will be liberated. You do the math, NUFF SAID
  19. mrmatas2277 Agent Orange wasn't used as a weapon, it was used to clear foliage in the jungle...and the effects are seen in some of our Vietnam veterans and their offspring...my dad was deep in the shit You are 100% correct. It was used to clear the jungle and NOT as a weapon like some may think. My Dad was also knee deep in it and he is somewhat being affected by it now. Little did we know that it was going to harm our own troops.
  20. If we want to use your logic and do nothing because we have done wrong ourselves in the past then I assume you want us to be like the French and bend over and take it right up the ass just like they did when they allowed the Nat zees to invade their Country forcing France to beg for America to rescue them. I thank God people who think your way are not running this Country. With all due respect, Obby
  22. A clear and present danger: Last night we provided facts to back up our assertion that France, Russia and Germany have sold the United States out on Iraq. Those countries are making billions doing business with Saddam and they want that money. Tonight more evidence that many countries will simply never come to grips with worldwide terrorism. Nineteen people, including one American, are dead in the Philippines after a group linked to al Qaeda detonated a bomb in an airport there. This comes just days after the Philippine government turned down the help of American troops to fight the terrorists. In Turkey that government may fall because of the chaos that now grips the country. Its stock market has imploded and international confidence is shot because the Turks will not help the USA against Saddam. All over the world there is chaos and confusion over how to deal with rogue states and terrorism in general. The USA cannot allow that chaos to deter it. The fact that a load of weapons grade plutonium has disappeared from Nigeria should send a signal to all Americans that a nuclear device could be planted here. It is possible. And those with the mindset to do that have to be confronted. You are failing to understand that we have entered into the most dangerous period of American history ever. The terrorists will kill you and your family. The nations like Iraq and North Korea have the ability to provide those terrorists with doomsday weapons. You are failing to recognize true evil. In the 1930's millions didn't want to confront Adolf Hitler and many Jews in Europe could not conceive of an evil that would attempt to wipe out an entire race of people. Thus, millions of Jews were caught by surprise when rounded up by the Nazis and the world did not join to fight Hitler until it was far too late. Today's terrorists are Nazis. They will slaughter you and your family, but unlike the Nazis, they have no fear of death. Americans need to wake up and fast. We are in crisis period where mass murder is an every day possibility. If every country in the world would confront the evil of terrorism it could not exist on this planets but every country will not do that. They do not see the evil, they do not care if Americans die. The Nazis are back and this time their Panzers are plutonium and anthrax. God help us.
  23. OK, I'm not done According to the United Nations, Saddam has refused to account for 8,500 liters of anthrax, as well as 31,000 other chemical munitions. Again, that's according to the U.N. Faced with that fact, it is dangerous to allow an evil dictator to remain in power. Now if you want to chance that Saddam would never use those deadly weapons that is your right in a free society, and I respect that right, but I don't want to chance that. In the wake of 9/11 and after the United Nations has demanded 18 times that Saddam give up his weapons, again, I don't want to take the chance. And international law is on my side.
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