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Everything posted by obby

  1. Chris Lake is just 20 years of age. In an industry where DJ’s and Producers are getting older, it is refreshing to see a young man churning out quality productions and tearing up dancefloors on a regular basis. And at such a young age, it would be no exaggeration to say that it’s only early days for this bright talent. Master of the rework, Chris has put his own interpretations in the studio to tunes such as Leftfield’s “Phat Planetâ€, Eurythmics “Sweet Dreams†and Prodigy’s “Climbatizeâ€. His rewards have not only come in the form of remixes, with “Santiago De Cuba†receiving much praise recently for it’s big room appeal. Well now his is back and has brought us break beat fans a new reason to stick to the breaks. Here is Chris Lakes Remix of "Ictus - The Look" Enjoy http://www.htfr.com/mp3/MR102505.mp3
  2. Nice mix Greg. I already have like 17 people from around the world grabing your mix from my PC using a file sharing software that I have. <------ needs a T1 instead of DSL he he
  3. obby

    Sandstorms in Iraq

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Ditto on every single word you just wrote. Sayonara
  4. obby

    Sandstorms in Iraq

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Ditto on every single word you just wrote. Sayonara
  5. obby

    Sandstorms in Iraq

    funketeer georgeacasta2 sobeton Okay,, You are right,,,but not completely and here's why: OF COURSE, no true religion of peace would claim God would condone a war. War is Hell. People die. The message I took from that post was that after learning over 1 million Muslims were killed as a result of the Saddam regime and their tyrannical rule, it's refreshing to see that GOOD does, can and should always conquer EVIL. America did not target civilians. America does not do that, regardless whatever conspiracy theories you hear or read from the likes of Al-Jazeera or Neil Rogers. It was Saddam and his regime who chose to hide in masques, hospitals, schools and residential neighborhoods. There has never, in the history of war been a more precise and accurate bombing campaign than what we witnessed for 3 weeks in Iraq. There was a plethora of leaflets and radio broadcasts into Iraq pleading that the Iraqi civilians do their best to stay out of harms way. Many civilians had their homes taken over by Iraqi soldiers and supporters for the sole reason of maximizing civilian casualties. There were civilians who were murdered and dragged through the streets for all to see as a deterrent. Iraqi soldiers fired at mobs of Iraqi civilians to keep them in check. The "market bombing" has been found to have been result of a car bombing, not a rogue coalition missile as initially reported. And so on, and so on and so on. I agree, the loss of innocent life is tragic, but during war, always inevitable. Even so, that is still no reason to not fight for what is right. For what is good. For freedom!!!!! To leave Saddam alone would have been the greater tragedy which history would not have judged us kindly for. The rhetoric about not finishing the job the first time is proof of how America was judged for not expanding Desert Storm into a mission of both expelling Saddam from Kuwait and regime change. The pattern I read from those who've been opposed to this from the get-go does bother me a little bit. The focus seems to be on blaming Bush and America first, completely ignoring the atrocities the Iraqi people have had to endure for decades. I feel some here are a little misguided and void of logic or reason. Anyone who truly understand war and it's history knows it's terrible, but as history has proven, sometimes extremely necessary. We are all human beings. Humans have been fighting and killing each other since the beginning of time. More humans have perished over differences of religion than for any other reason. War, although terrible, are part of humanity. Always have been and probably, sadly, always will be. If not for WARS, blacks would still be enslaved. Nazi's and Communist would rule the world today! So, for all those who refuse to accept WAR as being an integral part of humanity, I don't know what else I could say. As an American, I consider this war on terrorism to be a true battle between good and evil. I don't see how some could actually classify America as the evil and terrorism as good? So, when I posted what I did about God, I meant God must have been on the side of GOOD, not EVIL. The long, dragged out war which so many wrongly predicted never happened. That makes me feel as if the horrible things that come w/ WAR were minimized. I'd like to believe that it was for a reason. Where you might wrongly assume America is out kill Iraqi civilians, I beg to differ and must remind you we were fighting the Saddam Regime, not the Iraqi civilians!!!! To only cite examples of civilian deaths, which for the most part are the result of Saddam's "tactics", while glossing over the magnanimous effort put forth by the coalition to avoid such tragic events indicates either a lack of complete comprehension, misguided logic and possibly a morally bankrupt leftist agenda. That, to me is TRAGIC! Did I mean God was sitting on the bleachers in heaven, sipping on a coke while munchin' on peanuts cheering for America to "kill all the Iraqi civilians"??? Of course not,,,c'mon now,,,,get that crap out of your head. Lets try thinking w/ our heads and not our hearts. Like I said before, America was never attacked because we were perceive as being STRONG,,,,we were attacked because we were perceived as being a "PAPER TIGER", weak and unable to stomach the realities of war. I blame our recent foreign policy failures like Somalia, 1993 WTC bombing, USS Cole, Hollywood celebs, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton fanning the flames of American hatred both abroad and here @ home prior, during and now after this issue w/ Iraq. America threatened to bring those guilty to justice but never did. To say you mean something and to show you mean it are 2 completely different animals. For a decade, we have been all talk, no action. NOT ANY MORE! THANK GOD!
  6. obby

    Sandstorms in Iraq

    What an awesome showing of God's power and protection. Read on... I am sure that all of you heard about the sandstorm in Iraq during the second week (the worst in 100 years some say) and the drenching rain that followed the next day. Our troops were bogged down and couldn't move effectively. The media was already wondering if the troops were in a "quagmire" and dire predictions of gloom and doom came from the left wing media. What they didn't report was that, after the weather had cleared, the Marine group that was mired the worst looked out at the plain they were just about to cross. What did they see? Hundreds if not thousands of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines had been uncovered by the wind and then washed off by the rain. If they had proceeded as planned, many lives would have undoubtedly been lost. As it was, they simply drove around them and let the demolition teams destroy them. Praises be to His mighty name! Thank you God, for protecting our young men and women! One person once asked George Washington if he thought God was on his side. His reply is reported to be, "It is not that God should be on our side, but that we be on His." P.S. In God we trust
  7. obby

    M E D I A ...

    That's pretty funny. Very original.
  8. obby

    Media Failure

    LOL,,,JOKES ON YOU KID! NEWS FLASH!!! FoxNews was actually the only network that had this war PEGGED,,,,from the get-go! Call me crazeeeeeee,,,,,but all the other networks were too busy trying to find a reason why the war had failed(which we all know,,,it didn't). Looks like it's them and all those who took their bait,,,hook, line and sinker! doom/gloom,,,yeah,,remember that,,,,NEVER HAPPENED! WWIII, Terrorist attacks @ home and abroad,,,yep,,,,another one,,,NEVER HAPPENED!!! Chemical/Biological attacks,,,,,again,,,NEVER HAPPENED! Attacks on Israel,,,,,,uh huh!!! NEVER HAPPENED! Environmental disaster w/ all the burning oil wells,,,,,also,,,uh uh!! DID NOT FRIGIN' HAPPEN!!! THANK YOU SPECIAL FORCES! So,,,call me crazy,,,,assuming you're part of the crowd that predicted this massive DOOM/GLOOM scenario,,,,,,,guess what,,,you were WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU GET AN "F"! Looks like our admin had this thing right from the beginning,,,,,,,,now that the major fighting is over, Iraq is free,,,the Saddam regime is non-existent,,,, the anti-war, granola chompin', tree huggn', birkenstock wearing, misguided crew of "blame America first" bunch is trying to focus on somthing,,,anything,,,,that looks, smells or seems negative. That's the problem w/ that bunch,,,,THEY ARE JUST NEVER HAPPY! EVER! That is,,unless a democrat is in office. I'll stick w/ what has been proven to be correct,,,,,by recent current events and history, of course! Try focusing on the tremendous good that has come from freeing the Iraqi people after 35 yrs of sin and carnage! There's just too much good out there to focus strictly on the negative. It's counter productive and not very constructive,,,,,ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT VIEW POINT HAS BEEN RECENTLY PROVEN WRONG! PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!!!!!!!! FYI,,,,I don't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers,,,but this cool cat (who's back from the alley) is just a little abrasive when he writes! Don't take it personal,,,really!!! you guys are still great people in my eyes,,,I truly enjoy the debate,,,it exercises my brain,,,,,and God knows,,,I need it!!! Peace OBBY
  9. obby

    Media Failure

    21 Days Definitely going down in the history books.
  10. obby


    test 2
  11. obby

    Media Failure

    Shroomy GREAT ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!AND!!!!!!!!!!WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!! Food for thought The Iraq's have been "protesting" in these days whether the US should be in charge of reforming their Government or not (which they will need help in). This is big news in my eyes considering that this is the first time that Iraq's have an opportunity to express themselves AND NOT GET SHOT OR GASSED OR RAPPED OR TORTURED. Sure signs of FREEDOM Keep an eye out on all the protesting because that is huge sign of FREEDOM. After all, we have our daily protesters in front of our White House protesting about this and that and this and that. The Iraq's now have that same FREEDOM to do the same thanks to the US and it's Coalitions.
  12. obby

    Nickle Bag Of Obby

    FYI I shall be spinning at the Nickel Bag Of Phunk event http://groovemiami.com/nickelbag2/ which is being held this year on April 19, 2003 at the Radisson Convention Center unlike last year which was at the Ice Palace. I have not been given to many details yet but as soon as I have them I shall post them. What time do I get on? DON'T KNOW Which room will I be spinning in? DON'T KNOW What do I know? THAT I HAVE SOME EAR CANDY FOR YOU!
  13. This is so funny. Ninja Power http://www.realultimatepower.net/
  14. Trip Out Go to www.johndigweed.com and click on the pop-up box that states that MMIII is available now. Trip out on that tease.
  15. Thought you guys might find this interesting and worth while. John Digweed has done a new mix following on from MMII and it's going to be available for download (MMIII) from both bedrock.org.uk and johndigweed.com from Friday for £5.00. This is the only way you'll be able to get hold of this and it replaces a traditional CD mix that John would probably have released around this time. Check out the sick and wicked remixes/dub to some of these old tracks. Track listing: Luzon- The Bagio Track (Bedrock's 2003 Ambient Mix) Rabbit in the Moon- Hedonistic Heart System Online- Fading Age ( Quagmire Breaks Mix) Execute- Timeline 3000 The Annihalator- Pockets of Resistance Obsessional Rhythmn- The Burning Man Synaesthetic- Frame of Reverence Jonathan Lisle- M Theory (Hostile Panacea Mix) Direckt- One For the Diary Star Stream- Enter the Void Aya Huasca- Requiem for a Nightmare Solitude- Magnified (Pacemaker Dub) Twisted Scenes- Forgotten Hero (Slacker's Artificial Intelligence Mix) Sasha- The Chronicles
  16. Super Greg??? That's hilarious. Besides that, I have always wondered if I could spin while being filmed.
  17. VIPNERD Good points and I must say, the most well thought one's thus far. kudos! Unfortunately, the points made, although noble, are far from realistic. I don't even know where to start w/ this one but I'll give it shot. here goes: The pipe dream of having everyone, everywhere love us, is just that, a pipe dream! America is the lone super power left in the world. Not by winning some lottery or some good luck, but rather by struggle and determination fueled by the desire and pursuit of freedom. America has earned everything it has. Never, Ever, forget that! The U.N. was created to help stop the U.S.S.R. from taking over Europe. Since then, the U.N. has been a complete and utter failure. Just like our prez. said, it has sadly become nothing more than a debating society w/ a horrendous record, as far as achievements & accomplishments are concerned(Rowanda's ethnic cleansing, Somalia, etc..). Just like the League of Nations. Both rendered insignificant, although there is still hope for the U.N.. Since the cold war, most European countries have become weaker, not stronger. In contrast, America has continued to become even stronger. If you think Europeans are not resentful of that, think again! The weaker those nations became, the stronger their resolve for the U.N. became. Why? Simple, because alone, each of those European nations felt powerless. Especially those who at one time were the big boys on the block (France/Germany). If you don't think those countries felt threatened by the power America had aquired via Freedom and Capitalism, then there's no convincing you. Everyone hates the "BIG, rich kid on the block". It's human nature to envy and covet. This clearly explains the drastic contrast in ideology between the Americans and Europeans. Europeans feel the U.N. is the lone body through which all decisions should be made and Americans feel the U.N., although in concept may be good, in reality, is not essential when dealing w/ America's national security. Yet still, America gave the U.N. a chance to shine. It failed! The U.N. only restricts Americas freedom and that is something most Americans feel uncomfortable with. Americans feel they have earned everything they currently enjoy and I just so happen to be one of those people. Nothing America has today is due to help from Europe and most Americans know that! I hope you do too! On the contrary, most of Europe would either be speaking Russian or German if not for America and most Americans know that! I hope you do to! So, when analyzing this situation, understand where and why Europeans and American think so differently. America has learned not only from it's own mistakes in the past, but by the mistakes made by other nations throughout history. No one claims this war on terror will be easy but make no mistake, it's the right thing to do! The U.N. was given ample opportunity to prove it's worth and failed. Specifically, by the efforts made by France in vetoing resolutions before even Iraq did,,,,,THAT IS AMAZING! That is where I point the blame. France! Call me crazy???? America tried the diplomatic route, to no avail. After 12 yrs of U.N. impotence, the U.S.A. along w/ 50 other countries, including eastern Europe took a stand. How anyone can have faith in an organization like the U.N. which not only let Saddam get away w/ deceiving the world for 12 yrs, but most recently by appointing Iraq to head the weapons inspections committee and Libya to head the human rights committee, is beyond illogical & to be honest, extremely insulting to my intelligence??? If that does not offend you, then nothing will! As far as the unilateral actions "issue", I beg to differ. 50 countries is not unilateral. Again, you've lost focus. The problem @ the U.N. was not America, but France! The Russians have never really been our "close buddies", China,,well,,you can forget about them. Germany, definately is puzzling as is France, although it's apparent there has always been a problem w/ France, historically speaking, of course. What some fail to realize is that America needs to do what's best for America, FIRST! To Americans, America comes first, not Europe, or Asia or Africa, but America! America has always stood up for others around the world and will continue to do so. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT BABY!!! People are not literally dying to make it to France, or Russia or Germany or China. People are literally dying in their effort to make it to America. Whether it's as a stow-away on a ship or hiding in the landing gear compartment of airplanes only to fall 30,000 feet to their death or drowning in the Atlantic, people are dying to make it to America in the hope of being able to live a better life. People are not stuffing themselves into a camels ass to get to Iraq or Afghanistan! GET IT??? GOT IT?? GOOD!!! Do I really need to go on???? I can if you want me to, but c'mon man! give a niggah a break! lol in closing, there is no hostility from me on this. I realize I might come across as arrogant or pushy, but trust me when I tell you it's not my intention, it's just the way I write. So, if I offend you or anyone, i sincerely apologize. Not for the content of my post, but rather for the tone in which I present it. I'd like to end this w/ a few quotes from President Johh F. Kennedy :::: "In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it." "I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we too will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit" "While we shall negotiate freely, we shall not negotiate freedom." "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes"
  18. "trappings of democracy" ???? Sounds like an oxymoron to me??? Elaborate a liitle more if you can.
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