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Everything posted by lostin310

  1. Oh, I'll be there... I'll just be on crutches wishing I could dance!
  2. Yeah, but why be bored to Digweed when you can be dancing your ass off to a banging Tiesto set in San Diego! Oh man, what am I talking about... Last night I broke my foot in two places & disclocated some joint that's going to require a screw to fix... This thread is actually a bit depressing! Sander Kleinenberg! Timo Mass! And I'll be sitting!!! Ahhh, but I'll be sitting on a perscription of vicodin, guess it's not all bad
  3. That's what's cool about LA too... We have all kinds of of awsome get away's right near by. I can go hiking down in Orange County and not see another soul all day. Plus, I live on like 1.3 acres so going to my backyard to get away is an option too
  4. That show is like a car accident... You just can't help but watch it!
  5. Yuck! And then they go put their nasty hands on the equipment! Though I'm one too talk, my general policy is to only wash my hands when I actually need to due to some miscalculation..... Errrm, like peeing on my hands.
  6. Sheesh, we never have PJ parties here! My roommate and I have been talking about throwing one at our house for awhile. Though after the last party we threw where 250 of our closest friends, friends, friends, showed up and drank the $1,600 in alcohol we bought (then complained when the bartender ran out of vodka - free vodka - Kettle One), puked on our newly installed carpet, stole needles from one of the DJ's, stole needles off my decks, stole someones wallet from my closet, etc - we're having second thoughts.
  7. the family thing... The county fair was this weekend and it brought people from all around. ONE, yes, ONE attractive person all weekend (that I wasn't related too anyway). Being from LA that's a bit of a shock.
  8. I thought they were awsome... Lots of energy, trance, but good trance that wasn't boring like trance can be.
  9. Okay, it's been added to my list of favorite quotes.
  10. Orofino, Idaho.. Population 3,247 I was there all weekend and believe me, nothing going on in any of the four bars in town...
  11. Yep... It's house. Nice mix though.
  12. Okay, as a follow up... I just listened to every mix of I Feel Loved I could find on the internet and none of them were even close. Looks like it was a Deepsky mix.
  13. This is when they were playing, not spinning... It looked to me like this was their remix - unless they had some CD going and were doing a damn good job at banging their keyboards, drum pad & cymbals in time. When I asked, they said it was a bootleg. Does that mean they remixed it without permission or that they got it elsewhere?
  14. Only 1-800-DENTIST is qualified to recommend a dentist in your area! Don't you watch daytime TV! Seriouslly though, I'm going to let you all in on a little secret that my father taught me, and his father before him... The Phillips Sonicare toothbrush... Okay, Okay, I'll admit, when I opened a present and said "Uhhh... You bought me a toothbrush for my birthday" I was skeptical too. But now I'm such a believer that I even got my hands on the travel case because I can't leave home without it. But these are just WORDS! To really understand, one must experience the joy of Sonicare!
  15. Yep, that'd be me... Always bouncing off the walls! I'm assuming Gemerald and Weyes will be at Corsten? Since the DJ booth at that venue is this sick little enclosure about 8 inches off the ground with glass for a back wall, one of us should be able to get some decent pictures...
  16. "back to the middle and round again im gonna be there til the end 100% pure love" ... Ahhh, back to the days of teen clubs when the girls didn't say "let's go back to your place", but instead they'd give you their number and say not to call past 9:00 or she'd get grounded... I haven't had a girl tell me that for at least a couple months!
  17. Oh, I'll be there... Hopefully the airline won't lose his records like they did AvB's
  18. Good 'ole Spain... Shipped a bunch back home when I was there last month. We earned it though, literally spent the *entire* day making it happen, and barely made it for our train down to Valencia (which would have sucked because we would have missed PvD & Tiesto in Ibiza! )
  19. Your friend was right to be stoked! Deepsky was pretty damn sick, I had a blast! They dropped this remix of Depeche Mode "I Feel Loved" that blew me away (I'm a bit of a dmode nut). Usually the end of a set is a bit anticlimactic, but in this case, the Korg Triton hitting the stage followed by a rather heavy QSC amp, brought things to a rather amusing halt. I was standing up front and they asked a few of us to help him pick things up, but alas... The keyboard stand was broke and nothing would turn on, so the show was over. After the little mishap, Shawn Parker came on and basically tore the place up. After that, Deepsky hit the decks and I left shortly thereafter. I would have stayed til they kicked me out if Parker stayed on...
  20. Turns out Absinthe and Red Bull is a good combo for clubbing! I guess I was pretty amped...
  21. Yeah, I'm really talking out of my ass bagging on Mexico. I've only been there once, and that was just driving down to Encenda, which sucked so bad we turned around and went to San Diego for the weekend. If I wanted to hang out with drunk american children I'd go to a high-school party And while on the subject, my ideal woman? Shakira ... Yummy
  22. Right on, thanks for the info. I'm just now getting into the house, progressive & breaks scene after listening to trance forever, so except for the really big names I'm totally at a loss. That's actually what made me join this board and it seems to be paying off Thanks again!
  23. *YAWN* I must be getting old... Out of there by 3:00 and still didn't finally get to work until 12:30! I don't dole out praise to DJ's lightly, especially when they have big names, because my expectations are so high. I must say though, AvB is pretty fucking good. His mixes weren't on the same level as PvD (who is the worlds best trance DJ IMNSHO), but he did a very respectable job of keeping the intensity up when he intended too and not letting tracks run to long, which drives me insane (I bore easily). He dropped a few more anthems and vocal tracks then I like to hear... But that didn't matter, I didn't even really get a chance to chill with Weyes because I couldn't stop dancing! Okay, let me preface this by saying I'm straight, but AvB is hot. Also, unlike the Sasha and Digweeds of the world he has a really good energy and really connected with the crowd. I love DJ's that bounce around and throw their hands in their air like Tiesto. There are only a handful of DJ's that I'd go out of my way to see, but avb has just been added to that list.
  24. Thanks! So no to Deepsky, yes to Ferry (mentioning Gouryella reminded me that Ferry was System F and Out of the Blue was one of the sickest tracks to drop the year it came out), big no to seb http://www.spundae.com
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