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Everything posted by lalate

  1. NMN - if you need any advice about gmats, hit me back. < has taken gmat and lsat.
  2. Thats why I luv the gym (and it shows). 10 minutes of stretching and a super strong shower does a million dollars on the body.
  3. It was an amazing night. First off, the crowd outside was perhaps the biggest crowd we've seen outside a midsize venue in ages. I admit - I was sent an invite to go see Van Buuren. So I show up at the door at this girl starts hitting on me and telling me that you were spinning. I had no clue. So I walk in at 10 am with the first five or ten people with line passes and I hear music and think - oh cool, someone is opening for Markus. Then I walk up and see it's you and from 10 am to 2 am only once leave my spot. The entire first three rows of people did not move for 4 hours. Only a true performer can capture someone's attention like that. At one part of the evening I thought I have to get a drink. For those of us who risked getting a drink and loosing our place, it was that intense. That's how badly people wanted to hear and see everything up front. It was wonderful. The total show was so amazing to see as a fan. There were some parts that we don't know how they happened but just enjoyed them. For example, it was brilliant how they started with the color beamed lights early on to get everyone in the mood. Then, they dropped the lights and brought in the lasers. And the lasers right above your head with your hands up through the lasers was an amazing sight. There was something so perfect about the light show. Later in the evening there were points in the night where the track slowed and gave a dramatic pause or softening and the crowd knew that was the place to clap. As the crowd clappped that's when the house lights came up a bit almost perfectly. And when we were done, the lights went back down and the lasers got back to business. There were also moments when you joined the crowd in their praise and the lasers increased to accentuate the celebration. The sound was good. A bit too loud on the perimeter. I knew I was going to be there for hours so I did it old school (considering I left my ear plugs at home) -- I took my business card and torn it up and stuff my ears with it and I was good to go. No ear damage that night for me. The only thing that was missing for the night was an ethnic diversity which this crowd was not. This crowd was very ethnicity undiverse which suggests sadly that the artform is not penetrating into certain cultures in LA as much as it should. Overall, I have always had a perfect ear at predicting music. You are definitely going top 3 in the next two years. You are that good. Keep it up. Your music and even moreso your performance is amazing. LALate
  4. I recently .... whore ... this outfit for Halloween that had dollar bills stuck in me .... all night long the girls were trying to steal the money off of me lol
  5. Find ... start threads on sex "where has lalate been with his wild stories" and then when I invited you back you ignore me j/k lol
  6. As a side note, I dont know how it is where you are, but here you can pick up tons of thosand dollar antique tables for about your price ... and then you can modify them. That might be better too. Also - you may wanta consider the "two person test" lol. I like to see if the table always supports my weight and the weight of another girl before I buy it. (And you thought I had all this knowledge of how to make smooth wood surfaces for nothing. lol)
  7. Home Depot usually has some precut round pieces that are already finished which may come in cheaper overall. Some woods are closer untreated to the color you want. Therefoer you will have to do less work (and less materials) to get them to approach the color you want for your finished product. When you go, speak to the person in wood and tell them the purpose of the wood. They will probably tell you to stay away from soft woods and go for harder woods overall. I think you can do it under 300 actually.
  8. So back to the thread topic please. lol. Lets hear those cool outfits youve done folks
  9. Ive done tons of wood work. Explain what you want the finished product to look like and what the wood is currently? You basically want to 1. Prep the wood. Here the sanding process depends on what you are dealing with currently. Example - are you removing existing stain, paint, or residue. For example, if your starting with wood that is unfinished but marked up, you want to start with a hand belt sander (about $25) and use about 60 to 80 grit to take off a full layer. Here is the important part. You need to know, or at least tell me, what condition the wood is in. The higher the grit, the more the surface will be removed. You dont want to start higher than you need because they will be left with marks that you didnt want. 2. Clean and repeat Here, dust the service clean. Now finish (if need be) again with a low grit to clean up slight imperfections. 3. Clean Clean the surface with a soft slightly (very slightly) damp cloth to remove all dust. It's imperative to remove all dust. If you dont, you will be setting granules of dust into table when you stain which you dont want. 4. Stain Staining is an extremely delicate step because simply certain woods respond differently to diff types of stains. The softer the wood, the more aborbent it will be to the stain. If possible, get a sample of your wood and test a spot with the stain you hope for. Let it see and dry. See if you like it. Stain is not like paint. When you open a can of paint, thats the color you are getting when you apply it to the wall. With stain, diff types of woods respond diff to diff types of stain. Of note - if your wood IS the color you want it to be without the stain, forego stain and just put the next step. I personally like to forgeo stain whenver possible. Before the next step, use a soft sandpaper and sand any mistakes and reapply the stain appropriately. 5. Polyutheraine (sp) Finally finish with a polyutheraine. Choose one that is none-yellowing, prerfably water based. If you wrongly choose a yellowing one, it will change the color of the wood towards a yellow. Even the non-yellowing poly gives some yellow effect. When done, light sand mistakes. And repeat. If water and such is going to be on the table, put 3-6 coats of poly. In the long run, you will not regret it. Attention: Deepsell - Is this the longest post ever or what? lol j/k
  10. Someone wants you to put a cap on it ? .... A least put a baseball cap on it.
  11. What's the gutsiest (sp) outfit you've pulled off for any past Halloween?
  12. I like the sig. The sig rocks.
  13. I think the way it works is youre suppose to wait first for Koky to start a thread about "where is ..." j/k Good to have you back. Generally enjoy your posts ... and your taste in women too
  14. Didnt ur thread on sex u say u aint too much for ur birthday paesan? Or was that last week?
  15. Hey watch it Mr. Exclamation point lol !!!!! !!! !!!!! !!!! lol
  16. Tell him that when he switched off from to Van Buuren, at least the first 1/4 of the crowd was basically saying "we like you too Van Buuren, dont feel sad Armin that we like Markus soooo much more." That crowd, at least everyone in the first 1/4 of the crowd everywhere, said and showed that they basically came for Markus foremost. (And if he didnt see the crowd outside, (which thank god I had line passes and didnt have to wait in) the crowd was around the corner and down the block, on both sides.) I was the dude with the brown hair dead center, 2nd row, waving "youre number 1 markus" all night. . ... I dont know who the hell his press agent is but this dude has to go to #1 worldwide. He's too good. Ive been involved with Tiesto before. All I have to say is ... Markus could take #1 easily.
  17. How was your weekend? What did you do? I went to Markus Schulz at Henry Fonda here in Los Angeles. I actually went because Van Buuren was playing and when I showed up some hotties told me Schulz was starting. Have to say - Schulz gave the best dj set Ive ever seen in my life. And one of the best over music performances I've seen in a decade. I was in the second row of the sea of people like an 18 year old kid bouncing up and down and shouting. If you ever get the opportunity to see him at Henry Fonda in LA again - go. It's worth ever dollar. (Thank God lalate had line passes, the line was around the block and down the corner ... didnt have to wait more than 5 minutes.) :rock
  18. thanks. And to add ... he passed notes and signed items with fans all nights while spinning, enjoying everyone's praises. He really treats his fans wonderfully.
  19. As we are about to approach the last days of summer, last Saturday we attended what was by far the finest party of the Summer of 04 in Los Angeles. First - if you havent been to the new Godskitchen @ Henry Fonda please go. It's a great venue with the most mindblowing light show, awesome rooftop patio, and overall best music venue vibe we've seen in a while. But turning to the night - two words. Markus Schulz. He gave the finest set we have ever seen from a dj and one of the best overall music performances we have seen in over a decade. While Van Buuren was the headliner, Schultz stole the night, literally. He signed autographs and passed notes all night to the crowd. Finally, as a side note, there was one gogo dancer who took the cake as perhaps the hottest gogodancer we've seen this year, so hot, that crowds of guys were giving her money all night. With LALate line pases we were into the venue from walking up to the door within 5 minutes. We passed two lines that literally spanned around the corner and back.
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